Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Emir is 8 || Emir's Dragon Party || Part 2 - The kids

Definitely a party is incomplete without the attendance of the kids. For Emir's party, as he already reached 8 years old, I understand that he wanted his friends to be part of his memories. The reason that i invited his classmates. 

The show started as early as 10.30 am, and the guests have arrived as early as 9.30 am huhu, It was a chaos in the morning as Mr. Husband had to collect the cookies and what not in the same morning while I was so busy to finish my party props and at the same time tried to dress up the birthday boy. 

I think we arrived at the cinema around 9 am and to make things worst, the organizer didn't show up. The staff on duty on that day did not aware that i have booked a private screening, and my pre-order popcorns turned to be "post-ordered" popcorn.

And that was not im scared of. With only two adults (while waiting for my sisters to arrive), both husband and I had to juggle in managing the kids, welcoming the guests and Chill X preparations. Gosh, stress sungguh. 

If I'm not mistaken, the movie started only 30 minutes later, Alhamdulillah, my best friend Ezna arrived and helped me to capture all those moments which some of it I left out. Thank you Ezna for the pictures! Really appreciate it. Oh yes, i did not hire any professional photographer, mengharapkan Ezna saje :D

The hall has around 100 seats but we only occupied half of the hall. The boys are Emir's Standard 1 classmates. Unlike me, Hubby knows each one of them. Oh did i tell you, Mr. Hubby is the most popular dad among his friends (ok perasan hahaha)

Salute all the teachers as they can handled at least 30 students in one class. Dah lah different characters. Btw, the parents only drop off their child and didn't join the party. Dah memang style gitu.. i pun dah terikut dah.. Meaning to say, i became the screaming helpless mum bahahaha

I'm not sure whether this is a coincidence or his habit. Banyak gambar Emir tutup mata gini.

This is Iris, my cousin's daughter.

The setup of the kids table. Actually i insisted to have this set-up as I know kids especially the boys wont queue for food! They would prefer playing around with their friends.  But, at first, the staff refused to assist as they said they knew how to serve the kids. Duh.. looking at them, few young men, i bet they might not experience handling nearly to 20 boys at the same time..

So guess what, they asked me to personally request from the Chef and lucky me, the Chef (forgot the name) is very helpful, friendly and supportive. Thank you so much, else, tahulah kan i can be sometimes painful and sarcastic.. True enough, dah siap letak makanan pun, it was a hard work to ask them having their lunch. 

 This is Amani, comel lote anak kepada kawan i Ayu.. 

anak bujang Ayu lagi

Emir's friends..

oh in case you are wondering, this is not Ajiboy. pelanduk dua serupa hehehe

Emir's friends

Anak anak Ayu.. Ezna.. gambar anak u tak de pulak.. 

and this is Suzi's eldest son.. Zharfan

Before the cake cutting. Will share with you the stories in a next entry.. 

Loves to be surrounded by the kids.. cos they master in happiness!

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