Emir's concert
Emir's concert was held on 8 Nov 2008. Well, actually it is not a big concert, its more like mini concert. The concert itself was simple. I was excited and eager to see how my son would perform. The moment he was on stage, I couldnt believe that my son, who was last time inside my womb, kicking me hear and there, keeping me felt very uncomfortable position at night during my pregnancy, was there, standing on the stage and performed in front of the crowd.. Dah besar dah anak ibu. Ok, since I uploaded few pictures, let the pictures speak for itself ok..
Emir waiting for his Ibu. See, rambut pun kusut masai lagi.
On the way to the car.. Around 8am in the morning
Emir, waiting for his turned to perform. Papa did not dare to come nearer to him, afraid that he would cry. so ni amik gambar jauh je. Even myself, I was hiding behind a piece of paper. Tak boleh nak expect Emir ni, buat nyer dia nangis penat je practise.
On stage. The first performance in the morning.. Innocent kan.
2-3 years old kids. Singing "good morning". The video you can watch at my Facebook. Semua blur, ade yang jerit panggil mummy, ade yang nangis on stage. Emir surprisingly he was OK. I thought once, he saw me he would cry. Tu lah underestimate anak sendiri lagi. Minimal movement from the kids. Ye laa what you can expect kan for the 2 years old baby to perform. but I was pretty bangge with my son.
SEcond performance.
Tengok Emirpandang sape. We were sitting exactly in front of him. My sibling keep laughing cakap "Emir ni kat sekolah macam budak baik je,kalau kat rumah.. "
Letterland show. Yang kat depan tu according to the teacher, supposedly all for 2 years old kids, but unfortunately during the rehearsel, the 2 years old kiddies stiff and takut. Luckily Emir was still in front row. ehhe, so senang nak amik gambar..
You see, this girl is same age as Emir, but she was born in February. But im telling you,cakap macam bertih jagung, she is the only one from 2 years kid that make a solo performance. Siap nyanyi lagi ok
Vanesa.. ni lah dia.. She always greet me everytime I amik Emir.. "Emir see you tomorrow", "Emir your mummy is here". Sepatah-sepatah ok dia cakap..
and Emir should do this solo performance. Mak dia pulak yang sedih. patut lah during this boy performed, Emir sangat aktif, rupernye dia yang patut perform..
Ni paling best.. upacara mengelap hingus sendiri.. kekekeke
Waiting for E Wau Bule.. Emir had a quick glance to his parents
Comelkan..:) Honestly all the way during the concert, I keep telling my husband.. "anak kite dah besar".. cepat je mase jalan. One thing i keep thinking, macam mane laa cikgu-cikgu dia nak ngajor budak-budak tak reti bahasa ni. 2 tahun ape lah yang derang faham..
Emir berdikir barat. Kalau kat rumah, if I imitate his show, he will scream at me or sometimes dia pulak yang lebih-lebih nak ajar kite.. "ibu no, hands here" "No bu, this this" lagi teruk Emir kerjekan ibu dia.. haha
Tengok his own video sambil menjilat jilat.. hingus.. hehehe
3 of us
Emir started to cry when the teacher asked him to dance
Emir and his teacher..
On the way to go home. He was still active. Taktido pun..
Next I willpromise myself to update on Emir's Report card day
Soft Launching Chef Kecik Boulangerie Tuah 1895
3 hours ago