Cerita pertama
Sekarang pukul 2.33am, my two heroes dah tido. Inilah first time dalam seminggu lebih ni pegang komputer dan internet di rumah. Kalau tak jangan harap.
Cerita kedua
Sebenarnye relates dengan cerita pertama. Sebabnya, saya sudah pulang ke rumah sendiri. Well, seriously, i really miss my house.. i mean my own house. Rumah tak besar mane, tak de bende pun, but the feeling staying in your own house is totally different. Sebab dah nak dekat 5 bulan tinggal rumah, so u can imagine how dusty my house is. but I have Mr. Anti Dusty to clean up the house and he has done it excellently!! Ok cik Abang, I hope it continues at least twice a week ya.. Muah muah muah.. you can get more OK hahaha but yes, there a lot of work to do..
Cerita ketiga
We went for a short family vacation to PD and we stayed overnight at Tiara Beach Resort. At first, we planned (actually hubby planned to go to Fraser Hill from Malacca and my mind dah set nak pi cuti. But suddently, i mean suddenly "tak payah pergi lah, kalau nak pergi pun, kite pergi dengan kawan kita." Banyak songeh.. mase mule-mule orang tanye ade ape kat Fraser tu, ye laa, dia seronok la sebab banyak bende boleh amik gambar, but for Emir and I, I think we gonna get bored easily. Tapi tak kisah lah janji pi jejalan.
Mule lah carik tempat yang best dekat-dekat and terpikirlah nak pergi PD. Tapi masyaAllah, bile call semua hotel PENUH. FULLY BOOKED. Penat bodek pun still tak dapat bilik jugak. At last, my SIL suggested Tiara Beach Resort and immediately I called and we have a room!!
Yeah, jadi kami sekeluarga ke PD
The traffic was so sickening. And we only managed to arrived at TBR around 430. And the nightmare was not ended there, we have to be in a loooonggg queue just to pre-register or pre-check in or whatever they call. At least, I still can tolerate since I just walk in, but for those who has booked online, they got very annoyed to do the same procedures like us.
After pre check in, again we have to be in a looongg queue to wait for our turn just to get the key. And they have the numbering system so it wasnt that bad as pre-registration. And after more than an hour, we then managed to get into the room. So, asar cepat-cepat terus tarik Emir masuk pool, rugilakan dah pukul 6 and we have paid for it.
And picture worth a thousand words. On the first day, I teman Emir and on the second day.. Emir ditemani papa nyer.. :)
I really hope one fine day I can bring all my families there.. sebab bilik nyer sngat laa sesuai and sangat suitable for my mum yang suke memasak di mane saje sebab bilik tu ade pantry.
Cerita keempat
Singgah tengok anak Ana. Ok, kenal dari blog je tapi actually dia kawan Emran. Sebenarnye niat nak tengok rumah dia yang lebih hahahaa.. Sorry yer Ana, memang excited pun, si Emran ni suke bocor-bocor rasie. Ade ke patut dia bagi tau ape I bagi tau dia dekat U.. heheh. Anyway, bile tengok Emir suke sangat dengan baby Aisya, teringin sangat nak bagi adik dekat dia.. Dia siap cerite lagi dekat pakcik makcik dia dekat rumah.
Cerita kelima
Emir sakit mate start harini. Teruk sangat mate dia. Emir penah kene banyak tahi mate ni mase dia baby, tapi mase tu senang sebab dia tak melawan, senang nak basuh, senang nak mencuci. Ni dah besar panjang ni, dok melawan je. even mase tidur (thats the reason I tido lambat) pun boleh bangun tadi. menjerit-jerit. Tadi dah pergi doktor-dah amik ubat. Anyway, ade tak ibu-ibu yang ade tips untuk cepatkan hilang sakit ni.. Kesian pulak tengok mate dia susah nak bukak