Kampung Air Batang, TiomanHuisshhh, we are in Tioman, will update more on it after this :D.. So, Teh dear, i tak de :D.. see you in KL..
Just Married
The most intimate momment after the akad nikahAlhamdulillah, semuanya selamat and now im ofiicially becoming Ms. Emran :D. Definitely a lot of stories to tell but since Dearie is beside me, so i have to make it short, simple and concise. Both of us just argued to use the computer :D
Anyway, thank you to all who has came for the wedding and not to forget each and every person who has helped me to make this occasion the most memorable momment in my life. Sorry cant put down the name here as im afraid i will miss some of the names. I promise i will update all the photos after the reception in Malacca :D.. Ok, doakan mira and Emran bahagia hingga ke anak cucu.. Sweet poem written by Teh Zawani, im really touched.. Thanks dear.. Remember tonight, for it is the beginning of always
A promise.
Like a reward for persisting through life so long alone.
The belief in each other and the possibility of love.
A decision, to ignore or simply rise above the pain of the past.
The covenant, which at once binds two souls and yet severe prior ties.
The celebration, of the chance taken, and the challenge that lies ahead.
For two will always be stronger than one.
Like a team, braced against the tempest's of the world.
And love.. will always be the guiding force in our lives
For tonight is mere formality.. only an announcement to the world for feelings long held.
Promises made long ago-in the sacred space of our hearts.
Relatives and MeRelatives are the person who will potray who we are, the roots on where we came from. Different individual has their own perception to value his or her relatives. Some may just define relatives as only fulfilling the hierarchy of the century but to me, having a relatives is refering to preference of being belonginess to each other company.
In my family, we really do value relatives, and although its already 3-4 pupu but we still called sedare. Teh Azreen and Teh Zawani its the third cousin of mine but we are quite closed to each other and during the family occasion we would rather to be with our family rather than hanging around with friends.
But above all, i do admit that Age factor plays an important part on how we value our relatives. I remembered during my grown ups i was quite a lazy-bum to follow my parents to attend any kenduri. Perhaps i was afraid to confront my cousins who are very very stylish and modern looking while i was just wearing a tudung (which sometimes did not match). Jerky right??
As im getting older and nearer to the DAY, i felt stupid for that kind of reason. Now only i know, why mama always forced me to visit relatives as they are the person who will give a helping hand to help us, calling you from now and then to ensure that we are well prepared for the DAY. And at the certain point, they become offended if we do not accept their offer and will be completely unable to comprehend why we have not invited them to take part.
For first cousin of mine, Ani, there's no doubt we are too close to each other. Oh, she is sewing my tudung for the akad nikah, and i owe you that dear and i really looking forward on your day too. :)
Aunties and uncles, thank you for letting me to voice out what i want and also getting me the stuff that i want. Hehe, i know im such a spoilt niece but what to do, since i am your first niece to be on dias. :p. Without them, i dont know how to release our burden in organizing such a big event especially when we talk about RM.
Moral of the story: Appreciate your relatives and at least SALAM them when they are visiting to your house..
Kenangan bersama arwah pah dan arwah tokwanBile kenduri makin hampir, kenangan bersama arwah pah dan tokwan datang menyinggah. Alangkah baiknya kalau arwah pah gerik, pah taiping dan tokwan berada disisi menyaksikan detik bersejarah yang bakal menjelma, atau sekurang-kurangnya menyaksikan sendiri cucu sulungnya yang pertama yang bakal melangsungkan perkahwinan.
Tiada orang tua, lain serinya, kalau mereka ada, sudah tentu rumah tidak akan dalam keadaan 30% tidak bersedia. Mesti mereka dah arahkan itu dan ini yang mesti disiapkan, mesti mereka dah arahkan ikut adat itu dan adat ini. Dahulu, sewaktu pakcik dan makcik hendak berkahwin, urusan begini diserahkan bulat-bulat kepada veteran, tetapi pabila mereka tiada, kami semua same-same belajar bende baru.
Alhamdulillah, nenek (moyang mira) masih disini dan dapat menyaksikan cicitnya bakal melangkah ke alam baru. Sekurang-kurangnya, neneklah pengubat rindu di hati. Sekurang-kurangnya ade juga orang komen, itu dan ini mahal. Sekurang-kurangnya, adelah yang sampaikan adat petua orang dulu-dulu. Mira tahu kalau nenek sihat, mesti die nak siapkan sekurang-kurangnya kuih untuk hantaran cicitnya...
Semalam, Sharmeen dan Hana singgah di rumah, seronok borak dengan derang, my 2 bridemate.. Sian derang datang-datang je terus dah kene kerah lipatkan kotak telur.. sempatlah derang habiskan 250 peket especially si Sharmeen yang betul2 dedicated tak ingat. Ohh, derang ade bagi present, punye lah tak kasik bukak, last-last lepas mak mira hilang, baru derang suruh bukak, sekali... :) hehe, hana kate kalau die kat sheffield dulu, kalau birthday sape2 je mesti derang kasik bende ni, so emmachan.. i think u can guess :D.. Anyway, a LOVELY birthday present. thanks!! meen and hana, tunggu lah pulak hadiah pade aku since aku mesti dah expert sikit :p
Anyway, love u all..
Ok, starting from today, sape-sape nak drop by dekat rumah mira, dipersilakan. banyak kerje menanti, but better malam, siang kene call dulu takut mira keluar.. Nad ape-ape ko just message aku erk.. i really appreciate it.. esok malam aku ade ajak beberape orang datang tapi tak tau derang datang ke tak...:) Thanks
Hana and Sharmeen will come on Wedenesday nite, derang nak hiaskan bilik tidur pengantin.. sape nak join derang pun boleh :D Ok, till then, bye..
Satu minggu lagiAlhamdulillah, finally i completed all my papers although 2 of the papers i considered as TOUGH. One obstacle is over, but is that satisfactory? No, especially i dint study that hard to sit for this exam. But no matter how the result looks like, Dearie always mentioned that he dint encourage me to move on in this field. Hmm, but still i did went for the job interview, who knows my rezeki is in the big four right??
A question raised by Ani was very very interesting, she asked me whether im interested or not in accounting, and to be honest, yes I am. Thinking about the future commitment on my shoulder, i dont think a career as an auditor is suitable even though the RM is very very interesting especially when a Bumiputera student taking MICPA.
People who already in accounting line might think that i just wasting my opportunity of the lifetime as others need to struggle to be in the big four, but sometimes we have to be realistic. Someone near to me do need my attention :) -- you know who i mean. Luckily, my Dearie give me a maximum of three months to work as an auditor, at least i gain some experience from the professional. If not, he would listen to my disappointment the rest of his life. hehhe. But anyway, we only can start work in the middle of July, and this will be a chance for me to experiece the housewife titile. :D
Ok, since the exam is over, now its time for me to concentrate on my BIG day..
Satu minggu lagi
My wedding card

Dearie wedding card
Alhamdulillah, finally i completed all my papers although 2 of the papers i considered as TOUGH. One obstacle is over, but is that satisfactory? No, especially i dint study that hard to sit for this exam. But no matter how the result looks like, Dearie always mentioned that he dint encourage me to move on in this field. Hmm, but still i did went for the job interview, who knows my rezeki is in the big four right??
A question raised by Ani was very very interesting, she asked me whether im interested or not in accounting, and to be honest, yes I am. Thinking about the future commitment on my shoulder, i dont think a career as an auditor is suitable even though the RM is very very interesting especially when a Bumiputera student taking MICPA.
People who already in accounting line might think that i just wasting my opportunity of the lifetime as others need to struggle to be in the big four, but sometimes we have to be realistic. Someone near to me do need my attention :) -- you know who i mean. Luckily, my Dearie give me a maximum of three months to work as an auditor, at least i gain some experience from the professional. If not, he would listen to my disappointment the rest of his life. hehhe. But anyway, we only can start work in the middle of July, and this will be a chance for me to experiece the housewife titile. :D. Ok, nothing much to write.. Daa..
Announcement: Sharmeen, Nad, Ujie, Nolee, Hana, Ani and sape2, kalau free boleth tak datang hari Selase ni kat rumah Mira... hehe
2 paper dah lepas2 paper dah lepas,law n tax.. lega rase bile law dah lepas, 3 more to go.. sooo tired, have a lot to do this week since the DAY is nearer, and im totally exhausted!! Exam makes it even worst!! Oh and guess, people keep asking, hows the preparation instead of "mira tak letih ke??" hehe..
Anyway, im getting really close to my parents, even Baba giving extra care on me, hehe.. Yesterday he was with me while i was study until 3 am. Amazing rite :) and today he said "I want you to reimburseme me, at least pay a trip to UK" hahah, i know the cost is quite burden not only for me but also to my parents!! Dont worry, once i got a stable job, even i can sponsor my parents to perform hajj.. :)
Ok, wanna have some rest. Malam ni struggle Management Accounting pulak!!
Walimatul Urus
Details, sile ke sini. Kawan-kawan dari sekolah rendah sampai PAAC, anda dijemput hadir ok. Ok, esok mira exam, doakan mira ok
Usamah Baik, Nadimah Best!!Uii kire kali ni punye post macam nak promote 2 orang ni kan, memang nak promote pun sebab due2 single and available. Hehe, anyway, derang 2 ni kawan mira since form 2 lagi, tapi same sampai form 3 je, lepas tu sampai sekarang mira pi tempat lain, tapi derang 2 tak leh dipisahkan.. kwang kwang kwang..
Sebenarnyer, nad tolong mira pujuk si Samah buat kan walimatul urus, hehe, dah siap dah first draft tapi samah nak kene ammend sikit,kalau tak de ape2 hal, mungkin esok luse dah leh tampal kat blog ni. Sian mamat ni, kene buli.. kire halal la erk. nasib ade si Nad leh godek2 si Samah.. Anyway, i miss both of u, nad ko dah balik pun aku tak jumpe lagi, mase kat rumah sue tu pun bukannyer kite borak panjang pun.
Hmm, tahu tak ade cadbury warehouse sale, so sape2 yang choc lovers, jangan lepas kan peluang ni, tapi tak sure la murah die sampai setakat mane. anyway, ni detail.. Cadbury Warehouse Sales. From 5-7 May.
Venue: Cadbury Confectionery (M) Sdn. Bhd.
Persiaran Raja Muda, Section 16, Shah AlamKire mira memang nak tengok laa, memang elok kalau sape2 nak beli untuk hantaran ke ape. Ni ade lagi satu warehouse sale, kot sape2 nak beli electronic gadgets.. Samsung Warehouse Sales. From 6-8 May. 10am - 7pm.
Venue: No. 14, Lorong Keluli 10, Kaw. Perindustrian Bukit Raja, Shah Alam, Selangor.
Im sure there will be a great discount. Tapi honestly yang ni mira kene pending dulu, sekarang tak leh nak shopping bende2 macam ni..
Hai, sesunguhnye mira risau pasal exam mira next week, sebab tak stadi habis2, kalau dulu mase interim mira rase mira lagi pulun dari nak ambil final ni. Takut!!! Nolee, AnaZam cam mane korang stadi??
Ok lah kene tido awal, esok kene bangun awal nak pi PreQualifying Test PWC.. Doakan mira, walaupun mira tak de lah sangat nak position ni. Mira sekarang ni tengah gile nak masuk PTD.. Ok.. Daa
Bile dah masuk MeiCepat je kan mase jalan, walaupun mase takde kaki tapi die punye laju nyer same macam F1. Mira dah masuk bulan Mei ni ade lah sikit gelabah, bukan dub dab dub nak jadik pengantin, (tak rase lagi), tapi dub dab dub dab tengok persiapan majlis. Risau jugak, kad tak banyak lagi yang hantar, ade lebih kurang 600 kad lagi. Tak taulaa macam mane, mira nak tulis alamat sendiri tapi mama tak bagi pulak. Tu tak masuk lagi bende-bende lain especially flow of the ceremony.
Tadi mira pi cari tempat nak buat inai, cadang nak conteng tangan macam india kawin, tapi mak aiii mahal gile, semuanyer rm200+ ke atas. Lawa memang lawa, tapi kalau nak letak rm200+ untuk inai saje, terime kasihlah banyak-banyak.
Last week, mira pergi PTD Assessment Centre, hmm tak tau lah prestasi mira macam mane, but i satisfied because i already did my best except for larian 2.4km. Keh keh keh, mira dapat nombor 7 dari belakang out of 70. kwang kwang kwang. :p Hari tu mira punyer topic untuk public speaking, GMO and Importance of being versatility. Macam skema kan tajuk die, tapi gasak laa, mira pun last minute je, itupun mintak tolong Dearie carikan isik. Mira dah tak larat dah, mane tak nyer pack sangat jadual die.
Mase dekat PTD ni seronok jugak, walaupun kenal 3 hari je, tapi best, paling best mira paling muda.. HEHEHE, tapi biaselah takkan ade orang yang teke betul umur Mira. Ish ish ish. Lagi satu macam-macam perangai boleh jumpe, kalau orang tu background die lawyer, asyik nak argue je, kalau orang tu IT asyik nak relate pasal IT je. Yes, i know everyone is doing their best. Tapi one obvious mistake mira buat, mase Debat Parlimen session, die suruh letak kite wakil kawasan mane, mira pulak memandai letak wakil dari Tronoh, kuang kuang kuang, lepas tu kene lah sebab mane ade ahli parlimen dari Tronoh. Tapi kire mira lagi ok lah sebab ade yang buat dari Kg. Dusun. hehehe.
Minggu lepas mira cakap kan nak naikkan walimatulurus dekat blog by last week, tapi mira kayu lah sebab tak tahu nak design. Tadi mira cakap lah kat nadimah, nak bodek-bodek Mr. Usamah :p. Suke hati aku je kan haha. Samah kalau ko bace ni sure ko terkejut, hehe, boleh tak?? Nanti aku simpankan bekas bunge telur, bunga pahar punyer bunge telur, dengan kad kawin aku 2-2 side untuk ko simpan. hehe (amik berkat :P)
3 hari lepas, Nur Iryani Md Noor, kawan baik mira dekat melawati datang. Best gile, lame betul tak gosip dengan minah ni. Die datang khas nak jumpe mira sebab die tak dapat nak pergi kenduri mira sebab ke US tengok adik die konvo. Kesian die jadi peneman mira, ke sana ke mari, hantar kad, amik bunge pahar, survey harge, kire banyak jugak la die tolong.
Paling bermakne, semalam kerete mira kene langgar, ni lah first time mira kene langgar kerete yang terpakse turun and bertekak. Orang tu kate mira langgar kerete die, tapi kalau nak ikutkan die langgar tang belakang kerete, so logically sape yang salah? Tak pasal-pasal Yani kene marah dengan kakak tu, mane lah minah ni tak bengkek, kire sejam jugak lah kiterang bertekak, tapi at last - solution die masing-masing tanggung masing-masing punyer cost. Mira memang happy and puas hati walaupun kerete mira kene ketuk lagi sekali, tapi at least tak payah nak bayar claim die. Ade ke patut die gile-gile mintak claim, surelah mira bengkek tanak kasik. Kerete die, lampu pecah dengan kemek. Yang paling tak berkenan, bile kawan die datang, cakap lebih-lebih, berapi aku mase tu. Anyway, thanks yani sebab ade mase time2 pening macam tu. Tapi korang nak tau tak, paling best bile mase kiterang bertekak tu, boleh lah pulak sorang budak ni, duduk tepi kiterang mintak sedekah.. Adoii, mase tu serabut kepala otak. Dengan nak layan kakak tu punyer temper boleh pulak budak ni menyelit. Anyway, macam mira cakap tadi, mira puas hati, tak kisah lah mira kene tanggung kos. Puas hati gile, bile tengok muke kakak tu setoye, tak dapat claim die. Betul tak yani, puas hati amat-amat kan!! Paling best, mama tak marah :D and support pulak tu!! You go MAMA!!
Ok, Kat tepi ni mira tampal mira and dearie punyer wish list, sebab ade yang suruh tampal, tapi kalau mira ape2 pun boleh, paling happy kalau korang dapat datang... ok, kene stadi ni... dah banyak sangat melagha :p