Bile dah start bulan busy ni, mulelah rase nak berhenti keje, nak cari keje baru. Tapi lepas habis compliance, perasaan tu slowly hilang. Anyway, before I proceed, I definitely feel one of my bossess is reading this blog, but yeah, dalam dunia ni takkan nak nyorok je k an. Plus, I dont think posting an entry about work is prohibited or worst still reducing points for my JPR (KPi), unless lah, if I disclose my clients' name, fee quotes and TAX paid by them kan..
Anyway, the busy month has started and the pressure is on. Lots of follow ups, clarification needs to be done and sometimes it makes me tired to do the same process over and over again. Be in a consultant company where Client is always right, will either bring me down or built my confidence. Im telling you it is not easy to talk to a client when he gets irritated with our service or whatsoever and on the other hand, its too tiring to listen to a client "who knows all". But at least I still can avoid to negotiate on fees. heheh itu memang manager level je kene answer.
This year is my 4th compliance year and this y ear seems greater challenge since I have to jugle between work and family. At least last year, towards the end baru maid I lari, yang ni from the beginning. Kadang-kadang u dalam dilema, macam hubby ajak pergi jalan-jalan but in that weekend I do have to go to the office. OR sometimes ade family gathering ke ape, but yes, I do have to go the office. Sometimes it is too hard for me to say NO, of cos Im trying to please everyone. March to April adalah 2 bulan, 2 bulan bersamaan dengan 60 hari, 60 hari tu panjang. Susah n ak cakap kengkadang sebab orang tak nampak how busy we are. You know, during my office hours, its not like I can go tea or breakfast sesuke hati, hell you know, kalau kiterang pergi pun punyer lah nyorok-nyorok. Of cos in between we do have bitching session, YM,Gtalk Facebook whatsoever, but it is not that long because we have timesheet to fill in. Timesheet is a time report where you have to justify what you have done in 8 hours in the office and this 8 hours are to be charged to the client. and my rate is RM320 per hour.
And paling stress bab2 ni, cos we couldnt charge sesuke hati. Let say if I cant meet the 8 hours, then it become non-chargeable and I can be considered as not effective. Bile tak effective, this is where people think that you dont have enough work to do, and more works comin in. Thats y sometimes, we do have to stay back to cover up the 8 hours chargeability.Bukan senang, pergi solat dah tolak setengah jam (zohor asar), borak2 (mau nyer 1 jam satu hari kan). Even worst, ade k eje yang tak boleh charge, or keje yang patut kene siap setengah jam kadang-kadang boleh tarik sampai 4 hours.
I dunno sampai bile bertahan. Kadang2 terpk, kalaulah pergi tempat baru can i get a good circle of friends. Good team environment. I really comfortable with my colleagues, kaki-kaki i kat sane, we shared the same interests (sushi, warehouse sales, gossipping), susah senang. Here, people can really teach you if you dont understand, be it if he is a manager ke ape. Partner pun boleh ajar u, and they teach you sepenuh hati (yeah, even though ade jugak kedekut ilmu kan, ape takut, it is a fact :)) I remember during my vacation trainee, sape tahu i traning kat mane dulu tau laa kan, it was so damn hard to ask permanent staff to teach us. Bz je manjang, banyak aa bz.. I remember sampai towards the end takde sape pun yang ajar. Trainee is treated like a trainee, u tak bercampur sangat dengan permanent staff but here, even new staff, tak de gap pun. You nak borak ke ape, buat lah. And yes, multiraces. Seriously, we dont have any kiasu Chinese here. Majority chinese. Semuanyer tak kisah, they are also concern for halal issue ke, nak ajar pun tak de pun nak kedekut2 (ok, tak semua) Cuti pun is not an issue at all. Cutilah bile-bile, kalau kate nak cuti petang ni, pagi tu still boleh amik cuti.
Of cos we do have some i nternal issues that I foresee it could not be changed, I wont disclose ape lah kan, but lantaklah as long as you do work, charge 8 hours and thats it. But yeah, the stress and pressure sangat teruk ok mase peak period, semua orang stress, semua orang nak marah. that is not the best part of compliance. Even I pun cepat naik angin kalau staff asyik salah jer. Just imagine, all you see are numbers and kalau tak same even 10 sen pun, u kene calculate balik. Anginla you kan, sebab you nak check bukan satu dua, beratus..
Because o f the pressure, I cried during last year compliance, and I just pray, it wont happen again this year.. Please please..
Oh kalau i nak cari keje pun, I tanak yang ade timesheet. hehehe..
Lunch di sawah padi?
30 minutes ago