Emir zaman muda muda duluat 4.37 amI am writing this post when the clock is ticking 438 am. Yes, everyone is sleeping, it just me alone sitting in front of the computer. Yes, I am sleepy too but the temptation to write is even deeper. Actually, Emir woke me up as he wanted his milk.
Emir is already two years old. Time flies. Now he has his own character. He started to show what he likes. One thing for sure, at his age, he is very well versed with computer. I was surprised when he knows how to use the touch pad, I mean how to click and move the cursor. Plus, he knows how to log on to the computer. One day, my dad laughed his heart out when he saw Emir woke up in the morning and straight away sitting in front of the laptop. He was imitating his father, lying in front of the notebook and his fingers touched the keyboard.
And Emir is very very loud and bising. His recent development is pretending holding the mic and gosh he sings!! - Be it a pencil, bed frame or a remote. Im not sure where he gets to know about mic cos I have never been to any karaoke before. I think it must be from his school as his school concert will be held on 8 November 2008 (Note: Baba, block your date ya). My sister has recorded his voice but unfortunately this notebook's bluetooth is not functioning anymore.
One reason I rarely watched TV is because of Emir. Guess what, all his programs schedule (Playhouse Disney and Ceria) stuck in my head. Even worst, I can memorize every songs too and it keeps playing everywhere I go. Like "Once a year, theres a very special day...", "bagaimana nak jadi anak yang baik.." "somebody comes and play today ..." "kamilah geng, geng, geng bas sekolah"..
One thing I should be proud of my son is, he really sayang Ibu and very defensive on Ibu's stuff. He will give me a hug whenever I feel miserable. I once cried in front of him, and out of sudden, he hugged me. If his papa kacau Ibu, he will"puk" his papa and will say "Puk papa". Note: Puk = pukul. If anyone touch my handbag, spec, he will quickly grab the stuff and say "Ni abu nyer". And even though I have scolded him, he will still come to me to calm him.
I agree he is manja baby. Being the only son and grandson, of course he deserves it. well, of cos we are planning to get another child. Dah lame dah, tapi tak de rezeki lagi. I once has disciplined myself to take folic acid for three months before but at the end of the day, the result was negative. I was very depressed at that time. But I do agree we are not really put much effort on it. Now I believe in one step at a time. Ape stepnya, losing my weight.. I strongly feel that my weight is the barrier.. :) So 1 November here I come..
My Best Friend Wedding

Iryani is a best friend of mine during my secondary school. I was alone when I first step into Melaw*ati as I came from Amp*ang. She was seated next to me and we were good friends till then. That time, I was still living in Amp*ang J*ya and her house became my second house.

But after Form 3, we went to separate ways, she has moved to JB n I continued my Form 4 at J*asin. And we still contacted each other, I went to Johor once to meet her (ok ok, not her, Mr. Husband, rumah dia jadi tempat tido).

And now,she is back to KL, the same house and we often meet to chitchatting. And last Sunday, was her BiG day with Farid. Am soo happy to see my closest friend end her single life with a broad broad smile. She was smiling all the way. And my oh my, I really adore her makeup, her hantaran (specially made by the mother) and the baju as well. Gosh, it seems that I like everything on her on that day.

Dengan bukan satu, bukan dua, tetapi TIGA :p kali akad, Nur Iryani Mohd Nor selamat menjadi isteri kepada Farid. Mase tu tak de camera man pun snap gambar Yani buat muke, I gelak habis ok.. Semoga bahagia ke anak cucu. More pictures dekat Emran nyer Flickr (ada high resolution) atau terus main slideshow die and Facebook Emran yer.. 

Emir @ 2 years 4 monthsI think it has been quite a while I ignored Emir's development in this blog. Emir, every single steps that you take, and every single word that you say, I always keep that in my mind. Sometimes, when I feel tired and depressed about certain things, I will capture your face in the air, with your warm broad cheeky smile. It just that recently, I swim into this sales blog and Ibu allocate more times on the net to do some marketing.
2 years 4 months. Cepatnyer. From small tiny little bean, now you are 12kg (as of last week). You hurt your papa's hard drive but you give smile to every faces in Kemensah Heights. Let me summarize his progress:-

1. He loves to eat, sebijik macam parents dia.. This picture was taken when he insists to eat the whole Big*Mac
2. More words, more vocabs but still catching up.. Kalau ambik barang dia "Its mine", Nampak Citra "Papa's car", Nampak Ria "Mama's Car", Kalau jatuh "Emir Aak", Kalau gatal "Nyamuk gigit", Kalau tanye Emir nak pergi sekolah tak, he will answer "No, stay with Ibu".. But he tries to speak more, then all the German language will come out heheh..

3. Makin nakal, tak boleh tinggal sikit pun. Kalau tak habis!! he is restless, but quite in action, so it even more dangeroues for us kan :) He climbs, panjat tangge sendiri naik atas, already quite a norm tu us.. jumping here and there pun same.. anyhow.. I like

4. He is now know how to socialize with his peers. Ini adalah berkat duduk nursery.
5. Bile tanye Emir nak baby? He will say "Noo" but if I asked,Emir nak friend , then he will nod his head.. So how how :0
6. He is sooooooooo into me which I am proud and geram at the same time. Nak basuh po-po pun nak ibu, nak mandi nak ibu, bangun tidor nak ibu, nak main ngan ibu, nak main komputer pun suruh ibu.. sonok laa papa dia..
7. Computer freak, several occasion Hubby and Emir bergaduh.. Im telling you, both of them are total kids especially yang paling tua tu. Dua dua keras kepala and tanak beralah.. So end up, usually the father will scream at me to pick him up (time ni selalu ibu bengang laa). Emir knows how to switch off/on the comp and pasang cabel semua ok..
8. and still a BIG fan of POCOYO!!
cukup lah kan.. I love you Emir.. dunno how my life gonna be without you
Raya AidilFitri 2008 - Part 1Two days before Syawal - Hubby's cousin, Fadzrul was killed in a road accident in Keramat
On first day Raya - Farah's broher, Ahmad Khalil passed away peacefully at Muar. More stories www.ayusolo.blogspot.com
On last Tuesday - My sort of grandma passed away..
Semoga roh mereka dicucuri Rahmat. Alfatihah..

---See sebab sakit, tudung i pun belasah je color ape :)---
My Raya.. seriously it is one of the stressed Hari Raya for me. On the first day of Hari Raya, me, hubby, Emir, my dad were down with fever but i think I was the worst. I was on the bed most of the day and even I didnt bersalam-salaman with my relatives as I was too weak to get off from the bed. Rase bersalah habis, orang datang rumah, I kurung dalam bilik.
Emir, I just leave him with my dear hubby. I remember, after the photo session, dah tak terdaya dah nak pandang kiri kanan. Not even to touch the rendang. I promised my dad for BBQ and my mum for Rendang ayam, but unfortunately, I just managed to marinade the beef and leave it to my mum's maid. Sedey sedey..

The next day, Emir was quite week, he refused to eat and rejected milk. He didn't talk and isolate himself from playing and disturbing his aunties. He vomitted few times. Called his paed but she was already on leave and we have to rely on locum.

But, on second hari raya, we went ahead to Malacca, picture will be posted later. Ku gagahi jugak beraya sakan, but i dint eat much (especially when someone snap my picture with unvolunteered post and showed it to his family). Emir, kejap ok kejap tak, luckily i have my SIL and BIL around.

Emir continued to show the discomfortness. The first meal for him is bubur ayam mcD on last Sunday. He was quiet playful only on Sunday. And last Monday, I brought him to meet his paed. Kene amik darah, Alhamdulillah no sign of dengue symptom except his blood is effected by this bacteria. Me, alhamdulillah recovering and hubby, he is still batuk-batuk..
and I guess, only ths weekend, I will know what will my Raya be..
and... seriously i dah sangat sangat bosan with my work..