Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Satu demi satu berita mengejutkan yang mira terima sebelum 2004 berakhir. Kira makin lama makin mencabar mira hendak bertemu dengan hari yang mendatang. Terbaru, satu demi satu panggilan telefon yang mira terima dari orang HR. Rasa makin susah mira hendak resign, tak tau la ape salah mira lagi. Pagi tadi, boss minta offer letter tapi bile petang, mereka tak mau terima offer letter tu. Pelbagai alasan diterima, katenya program yang mira nak ikut ni tidak menjanjikan sebarang pekerjaan dan bermacam-macam lagi berbanding kalau mira duduk je kat kolej tu. Banyak la die, duduk sini pun tak dapat ape, benefit n bonus jauh sekali. Mira pergi buat check up pun kene potong gaji, kawan mira buat pregnancy test pun kene potong gaji. Bayangkan staff lame kerje bertahun-tahun, 5% je increment. Tu je bende yang derang pernah rase, so can you imagine that?
C'mon laa, siapa yang sanggup bayar kite rm10 ribu untuk pergi kursus, tambahan pula mira ade spirit untuk belajar benda baru dan mira rasa inilah bidang yang mira patut masuk dari dulu lagi. Dan paling utama, adakah rasional mira nak tinggalkan kursus tu semata-mata kerana kolej ni, dengan gaji yang sebanyak tu.
Tapi, jika sesuatu yang tak dijangka berlaku, mira memang tak akan sincere lagi mengajar kat kolej tu, mira tak akan loyal dan tak akan komited lagi seperti ape yang mira lakukan pade hari ini.
Hmm, esok mungkin mira nak face to face dengan orang yang paling berpengaruh di seluruh rangkaian kolej ni, kire orang yang paling tinggi. Itupun kalau die ade n die nak layan mira. i have to, kalau tak impian ni terkubur macam tu saje. Kepada yang lain, ingat lah sebelum anda menandatangani kontrak tu, berjaga-jagalah jangan jadi macam mira especially kalau company tu private company. Jangan percaya langsung dengan janji manis mereka, menipu je lebih. Mereka bukan nak kite sebab kita, tapi mereka nak kita sebab nak menggunakan kita sehabis mungkin.
i love this profession, but with this kind of situation i feel that im being used!! enough say..
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Geramnya!!! Today, i went to the government dental clinic in Pandan Dalam. it has been quite sometime i didnt visit this center. Last time, ive been here when my auntie was working as the dentist, but currently she is pursuing her master program. Actually i can just call her to set an appointment with her friends but i dont like to use the idea in using someone's name to get my own personal benefit. Plus, im big enough to settle things on my own.
Last week, i went there during lunch hour but the registration is only opened from 8am to 11am. So, early this morning, after getting permission from my boss, i arrived there around 9am but one of the lady asked me to wait because she needs to calculate the bills. Yerp, i spent my time staring at every person whom just entered to the clinic. Tak aci, sebab derang dapat nombor dulu.
so, after a while this lady called me and the first question she asked me was "Adik tinggal mana?" and i just said Taman Melawati. And.... after some explaination, i am not entitled to get the services. That lady is not someone to be blamed, she is doing her duties and i do respect that.
But somehow, why this thing happened in Malaysia because this is not the first time i received this kind of explaination. Last time, i made a phone call to lodge a report about "something" and it turned up whereby i had to go through six person in three different district.
Cant we use the advancement in technology to get a proper system? and what happened if a patient really needs the treatment? Mira nak sangat tahu kenape la mira nyer gusi ni selalu sangat bleeding, kenape ade cracking here and there, kenape ade plak yang susah sangat nak hilangkan? kenape dah umur 22 gigi bongsu tak keluar-keluar lagi. Hmm.. next week i will be very busy with my new timetable from morning class until night class. Dunno when i can get my free time then.
Gambar kawin abang kabi dengan kak Ginie, kalau nak tengok banyak gambar lagi pergi kat Mira tak pi, Dearie sorang je pergi and picture is quite blurry because our digicam is with me. :) So em had to use other camera. Actually i just want to say, its not from our camera.. hahahah. To abang kabi and kak ginie, SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU. SEMOGA BERKEKALAN KE ANAK CUCU.
Ok yang lain tengok kat blog STAR erk.. :p
Monday, December 27, 2004
2004 hampir melabuhkan tirainya dalam masa empat hari lagi, berbagai-bagai episod suka dan duka yang mewarnai 2004. Akhir tahun ini, kita dikejutkan dengan ombak besar Tsunami yang direkodkan paling buruk pada abad ini berukuran 8.9 pada skala Richter. Bencana ini menyebabkan 28 rangkaian gegaran yang melibatkan beberapa buah negara termasuk Malaysia. Sehingga detik jari jemari Mira menaip artikel ini, 51 angka kematian dicatatkan di seluruh Malaysia dan jumlah ini paling banyak direkodkan di Pulau Pinang.
Tiada siapa menyangka Tsunami melibatkan negara kita, namun Allah lebih mengetahui segalanya, Allah tidak akan jadikan sesuatu tanpa sebab dan hikmah untuk kita ambil iktibar daripadanya. Mira di sini bukan hendak mengungkai maksud Tsunami, namun ingin mengupas dan mengajak anda semua berfikir sejenak hikmah di sebalik Tsunami.
Allah mengurniakan rezeki kepada kita tidak kira betapa jahat atau baik nya kita di muka bumi ini, begitulah betapa agungnya kasih Allah kepada kita. Tetapi kita sebagai makhluk Allah, sering terlupa dan lalai dalam mengerjakan suruhanNya. Terleka dengan mainan dunia, kita sanggup meniggalkan apa yang disuruh dan menunaikan apa yang dilarang. Islam hanya dibibir dan tidak dihati, Islam itu indah tapi kita sebagai umatnya yang menconteng kesucian agama ini.
Namun, rahmat dan nikmat yang Allah berikan tidak pernah putus-putus diterima. Nikmat berkeluarga, nikmat belajar, nikmat makanan dan nikmat kebahagiaan hanyalah sekelumit dari apa yang telah diberikan. Kita patut malu dan insaf pada diri kita sendiri kerana siapalah diri kita jika dibandingkan dengan para rasul, para sahabat dan alim ulamak. Bayangkan, golongan ini menitiskan air mata kerana bimbang ibadah mereka tidak cukup untuk berdepan dengan Allah, tetapi kita? Tepuk dada Tanya iman.
Jika sesiapa yang membeli akhbar Mingguan Malaysia semalam 26 Disember 2004, bacalah sisipan Soal Jawab Agama mengenai Kematian bersama Dr Amran Kasimin. Kita tidak tahu bagaimana kita menghadapi kematian dan kita tidak tahu bilakah giliran kita tetapi sesuatu yang pasti semua makhluk akan melaluinya. Dan sakaratulmaut teramatlah dasyat dan ibu kepada segala kesakitan.
Orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh akan didatangi oleh malaikat maut dengan rupa yang amat elok dan Allah meredainya. Roh yang kafir, musyrik, munafik dan mereka yang tidak menerima kebenaran AlQuran juga kerasulan Muhammad diambil dengan sifat bengis dan kejam. Rupanya pun sudah cukup mengerikan. (Surah Muhammad : Ayat 27)
Jadi, fikirkan jalan mana yang kita hendak pilih kerana diri kita lah yang menentukan jalan hidup kita. Ambillah iktibar dari kejadian Tsunami, mungkin kedatangan Tsunami adalah amaran dari Allah swt supaya kita kembali ke jalan yang diredhai oleh Allah swt.
Paling utama, dirikan solat kerana solat adalah tiang agama, tanpa solat runtuhlah agama kita. Sebaik manapun seseorang itu, jika tidak diiringi dengan solat lima waktu sehari semalam, maka tiada manisnya kita bercinta dengan Allah.
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Friday, December 24, 2004
More and more staffs are on leave lately, yerp because this college just allow 3 days to bring forward their leaves, if not it will automatically burned. But, i only have half day left, another half day i already applied for the briefing.
To be honest, i am really excited and very determined to join this program. May be the best reason is, i can get away from all of this mess, second reason - take up a new challenge especially out of from IT lines. Dearie said, im not good in IT which definitely true!! Plus, learning is the continuos process, i guess the combination of IT and accountant suits the current business world.
Talking about the briefing, i was amazed to see the speaker especially the 34 year old woman who is now hold a General Manager position. The career prospect is what influenced me most.
As you know, to become a chartered accountant you need to undergo 3 years process which they (the speaker) defined as the most suffering years but the most valuable experience. But insyaAllah, after that the sky is our limit because most companies valued the chartered accountant.
To highlight this, why not i sacrifice my 3 years out of my 20 years of working right? Yerp, but thinking about my commitment in the future, hmm i really really not sure whether i can take this risk or not. But at the momment, i already confirmed to join the 3 or 6 months conversion course.
Monday, December 20, 2004
Last Saturday, i watched Carmen performed at Istana Budaya. It was the longest theatre ive been watching so far. How was it? emm its a bit frustrated because i couldnt read the subtitle. Yerp, most of the dialogues are in Spanish, and i dint know that. i purposedly left my specs but luckily focused on the soprano vocal -repeated the same words- so i managed to get the lines although it was a bit blurry. Luckily mama helped me to understand the scene. After watching Carmen, one thing is i do more appreciate our Malaysian product, because it represents our culture and our heritage. I couldnt bear with the ending, how come Carmen has been killed by someone whom loved her so much. If in Islam or in our Malay culture, kite percaya pada qadak dan qadar, and life goes on.Anyway, here is the synopsis taken from virtualmalaysia.
Carmen is an opera full of seduction, jealousy, love and betrayal which was first performed in Paris in 1875 and considered shockingly obscene at the time.
Don Jose, a young corporal thinks that he is in love with Micaela until a gypsy called Carmen flirtatiously throws a red flower at his feet and captivates him with her sexual allure. When Carmen is arrested after a brawl in a factory, she is put under Jose's guard but he besottedly allows her to escape, thus earning himself time in jail and loss of rank.
When Escamillo, a glamorous toreador appears in a tavern, he is attracted to Carmen but she is still intrigued by Jon Dose who has just been released from prison. After Escamillo leaves, Jose enters the tavern and he confesses to Carmen that he is infatuated with her. Carmen taunts him seductively and he ignores the trumpet recalling him to barracks. Instead, he decides to become an outlaw, joining up with Carmen and a group of smugglers.
Escamillo fights Don Jose over Carmen. She sides with Escamillo and accepts his invitation to a bullfight but Jose remains determined to win Carmen back.
Outside the bullring, crowd hail Escamillo, who is accompanied by Carmen. Her friends warn that the enraged Jose is pursuing her, but she fatalistically stays her ground. Inside the bullring, Escamillo triumphs as Jose confronts Carmen and begs for her love. When she refuses, he kills her and gives himself up to the authorities.
And yesteday, we went to Genting Highlands, its really a short trip, arrived there around 3 pm and checked out at 6pm. Nothing much, just keeping ourselves bz at the hotel while waiting for mama. I supposed to take MC today, but thinking theres a lot of work that need to be done, so i decided to go to the office. Since i was the mastermind, hehe the rest of my siblings followed my deccision and cancelled our plan to stay a night there. hehe. Anyway, this picture taken by youngest sister-Azyan. Ape macam skill die amik gambar dari tingkap..??
and this is my youngest sister, dunno where they took this pic, maybe somewhere near the lobby.. btw, i like the scenery...
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Tadi dekat kolej mira derang buat course preview, maksudnye derang brief la ape course yang di offer kat kolej ni.. dari beratus-ratus derang call and distribute brochure, 50 agreed nak datang, tapi dari 50 tu 13 orang je turned up hahaha.. memang dah buat research dah pun, kalau kite buat marketing, 25% je yang ikut feedback. so kire betul la calculation tu.
So hari ni bukan je academic staff kat kolej mira je involved, tapi lecturer dari branch lain pun datang untuk bagi support termasuk director. So lepas habis preview tu, kiterang pun buat la sesi kaunseling, tapi sebab tak de budak datang approach us nak sesi kaunseling, so kiterang pun borak-borak. Terkejut gak sebab lecturer dari branch lain tau mira nak resign and tau mane mira nak pergi. Sume macam menggalakkan, ingatkan tadi nak jumpe director, sebab bagi jugak mira lepas contract tu, tapi tengok die dok borak2 so malas la mira nak mencelah.
Habis ofis, mira and the gang lepak japkat secret recipies, bukannya nakmakan tapi tapi nak bergosip, mane tak nyer geram mase course preview tadi, orang yang patut bagi talk main selamber je tak datang, off handphone and terpakse la kiterang yang ade ni jadik bidan terjun. tapi at last dapat la kene kan balik orang tak irresponsible tu. Mesti korang tak paham kan .. hehe tapi conclusion die, kat kolej ni memang orang suke tak buatkeje, dulu mase kat petronas tu tak penah tengok perangai orang macam ni.
Then lepas tu pi british council amik result ielts lepas seminggu lebih result keluar.. mase amik result rase panic jugak, but from the beginning mira memang dah agak tak dapat result sebaik si Ani. I know i dint do that well, tambah-tambah mase writing session sebab mase tu memang tak tahan gile nak pi toilet :p. Ok, result mira tak berape menggalakkan tapi still have a chance to apply. Mule-mule cakap kat ani nak suruh rasie, tapi bile pk balik buat ape nak rasie bende dah lepas. hehe. Ok, to sit for another ielts, NO WAY, tak dak duit sekarang, so i will be using this result although tak berape ok. Orait, nak solat zohor..
Friday, December 17, 2004
Makin lame makin jarang lak mira update blog ni, betul betul tak berkesempatan, baru-baru ni pulak internet kat ofis down about 1 week. i thought they gonna fix in next year but haha dont underestimate this college :p tak sampai seminggu everything is fine. Mira je tak de mase.
Minggu ni keje makin bertambah banyak, dengan orang ISO nak datang, so as acting LIC i had to prepare all the documents. Memang buang mase betul la keje tu sebab keje mira yang patut mira buat - marking paper - tak sudah-sudah sampai sekarang. Orang lain semua dah abis marking, mira sorang je tak habis lagi.. *sigh*
ok, talking about ISO, yerp this college applied to get the ISO certified for almost 3 years but only this year, the ISO ready to give the approval. Well, talking about ISO, for me, it is more defined as Ini Susahkan Orang rather than Ini Senangkan Orang. Basically, ISO is to certify what we want to do, i thought they will check on what we suppose to do To comply this standard we need to prepare all the paperworks from stretch. Unlucky me, by the time i joined this college, there is no LIC and a lot of things need to be done for my school and i unofficially has been in charged to manage all the works.
Really annoying when you have to answer a lot of questions that is not suppose belong to me, tapi nak buat macam mane. Ok, yesterday, orang ISO pun datang, and in short, this college has been rewarded ISO 9002. I dont want to question anything although there is thousand questions messing around in my head. How and why :???
Fine with that, the most irritated part when your immediate superior did nt appreciate your work, at least, saying thank you will make me feel better. Ni die nak name die sorang je naik, yang aku pulak bertungkus lumus siapkan bende alah tu. Oh forget to tell u, this branch has been selected to be evaluated by the ISO auditor.
Ok, kepada semua bakal-bakal boss yang kat luar tu, jangan lupe staff anda kerana kalau tak de staff bawah anda, kerje anda memang tak jalan. Ini bukan soal nak jage ego ke ape tapi soal mengappreciate dan memotivate kan staff anda.
Well anyway, im glad, i will be leaving soon!!
Eh, nampak macam mira marah sangat kan, memang pun!! Bukan tu je yang berlaku ade cite lagi best yang boleh memedihkan telinge..
Jom cerite best sikit, Jalan-jalan cari makan minggu ni, kite pergi Chop and Steak yang terletak di Kampung Baru. Sebelum ni memang JJCM pernah singgah dekat sini, Restoren yang memang menarik tak kisah lah sama ade nak belanje keluarge ataupun nak berdating. Di pintu masuk Chop and Steak ni tersergam sebuah bot yang dijadikan tempat mereka memasak dan kaunter membuat bayaran. Konsep yang menarik berjaya ditonjolkan oleh pemilik restaurant. Lantai-lantai ditutupi dengan kayu kayu seakan-akan dek kapal dan di setengah kawasan, seperti jambatan di mana ade beberape ekor ikan dapat dilihat dengan jelas. Pengunjung boleh memilih mane-mane tempat duduk yang koson :D tapi mira amik dekat dengan air terjun tipu-tipu. Makanan die pulak, awesome!! especially, air buah die. Hari tu, em order crab mix sizzling, tapi tak de so he ordered roaster chicken, mira n ina order chicken chop while nadiah ordered grilled chicken. Hargenyer memang affordable. So, sape-sape yang suke makan tu boleh lah pergi dekat Chop and Steak di Kampung Baru. Patutnye mira tayang gambar kan, tapi cable tak de pulak
Ok, good news lagi. mira dapat anak sedara baru hahaha. actually anak sedara Dearie. Congratulation to Abang Aril and Kak Ros for their forth baby Alya Dayana. 3.66kg. Putih and comel. Mmm, baru terpikir, nanti ape patut anak sedara Dearie nak panggil mira erk?? Kak Mira hahahaha..!!
Monday, December 13, 2004
Ok, yesterday I end my story after the three days, yerp I m more overjoyed to watch Apprentice rather than blogging. Plus, this is the only show I might say that I watched it with my mum. Oh, please don't tell me who won this game, I would rather wait until the season ends, haha I want that surprised. By the way, one of my uncle (my mom's second cousin) passed away today because of heart attack. AlFatihah to arwah Pak Long Tan. I was shocked to hear the breaking news, since arwah is still healthy. Allah nak tarik kite bile-bile mase pun boleh, tak kire tua atau muda, miskin atau kaye, sihat atau berpenyakit, suke atau duke, kalau Allah kate Jadi make Jadilah. Cuma adakah kite bersedia? Mmm..
Monday, 6 December 2004
My first batch of students who has to sit for the final exam. Was a topful experience, since not only I had to invigilate but it was meaningful when students raise their hands to ask question, and we become their reference. On the first day, they had to sit for Human Resource Management exam, the question is not that tough but unfortunately a few students returned the blank paper. Hmm..
Went home with a lot of works waiting, had to cook for the next day since I invited my colleagues and several of my friends for Hari Raya. Its not an open house, but it just a normal visit to my house. That night I cooked rendang ayam and chocolate cake.
Today, it was one of the interesting days of the week, I received a letter from PETRONAS requesting whether I am interested to follow the conversion program offered by KPMG. Honestly, I was not that interested to further my study in subject which is not related from my degree, but thinking this is the strongest reason to breach my contract, so I may took up the challenged. Note: You know how desperate I am to resign from this college :).
Tuesday, 7 December 2004
I woke up early in the morning with the running nose and I didn't have enough energy to walk and continue my daily routine. Demam and sejuk-sejuk, so for the first time I ever, I decided to take an MC. Called my colleague to inform them I was on leave but they thought I tried to skip to prepare all the dishes. Luckily, I have makcik to assist me. Later in the afternoon, I called my Boss to ask her whether I should come and see my students doing the exam (since I am the only lecturer teaching the subject) but she refused for me to do so. Kind of weird right? Anyway, I still have to go to Ampang Point to take the MC.
Arrived home quite late but I still have a chance to cook sambal sotong. Then one by one guest coming in and until the end of the day, most of the lauk FINISHED. Hehe, so bangge although the chocolate cake tak jadi.
Wednesday, 8 December 2004
Had lunch with my Dearie after he went for UM interview. I really really hope he managed to get the offer since I really really wants to settle down in KL : ) Had lunch in Asean Delight in Ampang Point, a pleasant place for dining in especially with your hubby. Recommended to everyone, currently there is a lunch set promotion for just RM12.90 which is affordable. Dearie and I just ordered one lunch set but ate for two person : ). Tu la sape suruh waiter tu kate, unlimited.
Told Dearie about the course and he advised me to take the offer although he was not pressuring me. Hmm, now I was just thinking to prepare a notice.
Thurday, 9 December 2004
Before arrived to the office, had to send Saffuan to work and Mama to STAR. Mama went to Segamat to join Baba and the rest of the siblings. For the first time ever, I had to stay alone together with Makcik and nenek. I was not get used to the situation, so since I was fasting on that da, so I invited Nadiah to break the fast with me in Station Cafe, Taman Melawati.
Fetched her after Maghrib. While we were busy chit chatting, suddenly Nadiah told me "Mira, orang gile". I was bloody scared since we sat exactly in front of the exit, we just one glance, I saw a man singing happily along the road. I avoid to make an eye contact with that guy, so I just stared at Nadiah. Then Nadiah quickly told me "Mira, die pakai seluar ke tak" and I could not see him anymore. Anyway, that guy according to Nadiah, he was wearing only a Tshirt without any pants. Hmm, and she totally stopped from eating after seeing that show. Haha.
Friday, 10 December 2004
Just arrived at the office abruptly my Boss stopped me at her room, she appointed me to organize the personal files of the students. The one which I hate most. It was damn dreary process whereby it really wasting my time on the work which is supposed belonged to someone. But, before I was going being on her room, i prepared the notice with the help with my entire colleagues. They too just wait for a chance to quit. Everyone is eager about resigning from this college.
The times has come, I walked into the room with the students files in my hands. Before I sat down, I showed the white envelope to her
"Miss A, before we start work, I have something for you" me, with the biggest smile I had
"What's this? Is it true" Miss A felt uneasy
I just nodded
"Oh no, got to find another lecturer" while reading the letter
"Wah, so lucky are you, never mind, I will pass this notice to Dr. B"
"Amira, actually I want to promote you"
Haha, I was not interested at all, promote means more work and I heard they will just want to add another RM150, haha forget it.
Then our conversation is more towards the course. Actually it is not that lucky, I have to go through all the stages before confirming a place in KPMG which is still uncertain. But, I would not tell the college. Spent 3 hours in the Miss A room, chit chatted with Miss A until it becomes a favorite issue in the office.
Later in the evening, we had a meeting with Dr B and it is interesting to watch one by one issued that has been raised up especially in terms of delegation of work. But somehow, I was quite irritating towards the Dr B reaction about delegation of work. Typical top management. I was glad that I will be away from this whole mess.
Went to mantin with public transport, bus-putra-komuter and dearie pick me up at Batang Benar. You know what, when I was buying the ticket, the guy at the counter laughed at me when I mention that I wanted to go to Batang Benar. Haha. Nasib baik name tempat tu Batang Benar, kalau Batang Besar. Opss opps censored.
Dearie, brought me for a dinner at Amira Restaurant at Nilai, cute kan : ) Then we performed Maghrib prayer at one of the mosque in Nilai. SOOO big!! Right after that, we went for a quick shopping at Nilai 3. Then makan sate dekat Beranang before I stayed overnight at his friend's house. Thanks Kak Umei and Kak Jannah, I know you were reading this blog too. :).
Saturday 11 December 2004
Hari yang di tunggu-tunggu, bangun lepas Dearie telefon suruh siap by 10 am. Before we were going back to Malacca, we had to attend Dearie's colleague open house somewhere near the campus. A journey to Malacca, hmm both of us could not stop talking until I did not realize we already reached Batu Berendam.
While waiting for my parents to arrive, I assisted Dearie's mum with the lunch. Hehe, biase laa. :p When my family arrived, his mum asked us to eat first. Hehe, orang lain kalau makan dekat rumah mak mertua sopan santun, tapi mira makan penuh pinggan. That was what my siblings said and Dearie just laughed. Lapor plus ade seafood lagi la.
When they come to the serious topic, I was suspend and really really uncomfortable especially we have to confront both parents to set the date for the BIG day. Finally, hehe sume dah arranged and InsyaAllah if everything is going fine, I will tell you later. Wink wink wink..
Sunday 12 December 2004
Nothing interesting happened. Just get excited with the date. :p
Monday 13 December 2004
Posting panjang sangat, I dah malas .. Thanks for reading..
Sunday, December 12, 2004
The longest silence from the blogging world so far, really want to update but I just didn't have the chance of doing so although blogging is part of my hobbies. Actually, I updated one post last Friday, a tribute to my arwah tok wan and pah. I remembered tears running down on my cheek when I was typing all the memories with them. But unfortunately, suddenly I coincidently exit the page and the long long post just gone. Just like that. It is kind of weird, whereby I didn't get mad or disappointed and I even more satisfied with what I did. May be next time.
Friday, 3 December 2004
Seperti yang disedia maklum, sebelum posting ni, mira ade cakap kan si hana nak belanje kat dome as the celebration for her first salary. Haha, I know sharmeen will laugh at me, she said that I would be the last person to update about Dome, and it is proved. What to do Meen, sooo bz meh :p Ok, on that day, I finished my work at 5, luckily something happened at office so I had to go back quite late. I never felt happy to stay back in the office except for that day. You know, I had to wait for Hana to arrive home and it would such a waste of time to go back and drive again to meet them.
Met hana at her grandparent's house and this is the reason that inspired me to write a tribute to my grandparent's. Seeing her talking with her grandparent's, of course I missed them too, but Allah love them more. Luckily, on that day, Hana's grandma just came back after minor operation, both of them still remember me and I felt uncomfortable to change my name from Mira to Wan. Haha. When someone called me Wan, it indicates that they know me since primary school.
Ok, our dinner, holaaa best of the best. We managed to eat ALL meals; even the waiter kept smiling to see us eating. Hehe, of course a long the way, we would updated each of us, and Hana was our aimed. Since bunga-bunga cinta sakura hendak berputik, so mane tau jumaat tu mulut masin. Kuang kuang Kuang. I love it, some people may follow the protocol eating in the exclusive restaurant but for us, we still maintain our Malay value. Nak melantak jangan malu-malu. Hahah.
Saturday, 4 December 2004
Woke up early in the morning after received a call from Hana. Kuang kuang kuang, berkat Jumaat, Hana officially was taken by Acap, congratulation to both of them after 7 years waiting. In simpe words, hana deserved to have Acap and I do hope Acap will make my bestest friend happier than before. Just now, I chatted with Hana, and somehow she is very happy with her decision and couldn’t wait for her next vacation. Haha. Anyway, I am happy for you too.
That day, I had to attend my college annual dinner. It was quite a rush, since I had to attend my auntie's open house in Klang. Damn heavy traffic, took nearly two hours to Klang and I nearly canceled my planned to attend my college grand dinner. Luckily, my colleague was willing waited for me.
The grand dinner held in Dewan Merdeka, PWTC, sounds grand huh. Opss, I couldn't upload any of the pictures because my college name is everywhere. Note: I never revealed what is my college's name in this blog. Actually, I couldn't upload, because I didn't use the digital camera and furthermore I don’t have scanner.
Anyway, the dinner was a very simple dinner, a normal speech given by the CEO followed by the performance from each of the branch all over Malaysia. Actually, it was a competition among them, but I just couldn't understand why ALL of the students focusing just on dance. Anyway, that's not the story, the best part was, students fighting sampai ade yang baju terkoyak. Luckily, they fought behind the stage and security didn't realize.
Then, we (colleagues and me) decided to have a supper at Ampang Jaya, and while we was there, we met Sofia Jane and her husband. This is the first time in my life, I was interested to attract celebs attention and she was so humble. Note: Melawati has many celebs, even this evening, there was a shooting in front of my house, Hehe, bukan berlagak, but that's the fact.
Sunday 5 December 2004
Received a call from Hanis, it has been a long long long time we didn't contact each other, not even through ym. So, for 3 hours we shared our story, and thanks Hanis for being a good listener. From love, we moved to work, study, ambition and future life. And not to forget, gossiping, hahaha. Sorry hana, I revealed your top story to her. Ok, part 2, I shall continue tomorrow. Nak tengok the Apprentice.
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Well, well like Sharmeen said, "Mira u always be the last person updating the blog", which i do agreed. Since im working and at the momment, the external modem is not that function (rase2 sebab short circuit), no chance to sit around to glue my eyes in front of the computer. IF only and i wish, they equip me a computer with the internet connection, im sure i will really be a knowledgable staff. haha.
Theres more good news happening for the past week. Starting from the DOME. As promised, hana, sharmeen and I went to the DOME. Definitely, eating session was awesome. even the waiter quite surprised to see us eating like there is no tomorrow. During that time, surely we would update each other and hana was our aimed. Tak sangka dok usik die ngan mat Jepun tu, masin pulak, agaknye malam Jumaat kot.
But one thing, before we went to klcc, i visited her grandma and grandpa at ampang jaya. Dah lame tak jumpe, her grandma had just undergo an operation and luckily when i came, her opah baru balik. Looking at both of them, i really missed my arwah tokwan, pah gerik and pah taiping. Arwah shidee (my father's dad); i didnt had a chance to know arwah better. ok, back to the story, i missed arwah tokwan for his kindness. I had never seen arwah tokwan marah-marah. Even until the end of his life, he was still driving, hantar pergi sekolah, mengaji. The day before Hari Raya, he would in charge of kebersihan and arrangement.
Arwah pah taiping, i missed her laksa, that was the last meal she cooked for us. After that she paralyzed. Last time, she always brought me to her school. I would sit on the chair staring at her teaching while her students couldnt keep an eye on me. hahah, ape nak buat comel :p. Last time, everytime there was a school holidays, i would spent my holidays with both of them rather than following my parents.
They would never missed to drive us (me and saffuan) to Penang. Sebab naik ferry and everytime i see that ferry, my mind will automatically refreshing the memories with them.
Letak je kerete dalam ferry, saff n mira memang tak sabar-sabar nak turun nak duduk dekat ferry sebab nak tengok air. Kalau dulu sebab pendek lagi tak sampai nak tengok air, tokwan akan dukung so that we can see the crystal clear water. So, kire filem titanic punye scene tu derang tiru laa :D. Lepas tu pulak, saffuan jenis yang tak boleh duduk diam, suke naik atas feri sebab nak tengok ape ade dekat atas and tokwan akan ikut je cakap cucu die.
Hmm, i missed them. Duit kiterang tak pernah putus, pah and tokwan mesti bagi duit kat cucu-cucu die. Back to kampung in Taiping, tokwan and pah brought us to their dusun in Batu Kurau. Tokwan memang tak bagi cucu die turun sangat dekat dusun, so setiap kali datang, kiterang setakat duduk dalam dangau je. Musim buah, memang kiterang tak pernah miss. Sekarang, dusun tu terbiar..
At least, i have something to show to them, tokwan sempat tengok result UPSR mira and pah sempat tengok mira masuk U. Alhamdulillah, thats make them smile.
p/s.. Ade orang panggil i, kalau tak lagi panjang nak cerite...
Semoga mereka berbahagia di alam sana. Alfatihah to arwah Abu Hassan Bin Mat Saman, arwah Hasnah Bt Abd Hamid, arwah Wan Ahmad bin Wan Mahiran and arwah Wan Aisyah Bt Wan Din
Friday, December 03, 2004
Opps opss, finally my dream to eat at this exclusive restaurant may comes true. Someone will spend some of HER first salary for me and Sharmeen. Who else, Hana. Harap-harap jadi. But despite that, some other thing that really make me feel guilty, i cancelled the plan with my old friend. Hmm..
Came to work with thousands of questions messing around in my head. My colleague needs to get the exam question paper from HQ in PJ by today because starting this Monday, final examination is held.
I really want to have one-to-one and heart-to-heart discussion with the Human Resaource General Manager to discuss some increment in my salary. You know, i do think i received the lowest paid ever for a full time lecturer. I just couldnt understand the situation, when the first time i joined this college, they gave me the reason that i was still new and only has a degree qualification. I accepted the offer since i felt that education is closed to my heart. But later on, i found out that, different staff had different salary although having the same qualification. There is a BIG different of salary between mine and other staff with the same qualification.
Ok, i should thankful at least i got the job, but as you know, salary plays an important role in determining our satisfaction, loyalty and commitment. Furthermore, not only my teaching workload exceed 20 hours per week (except for december), i also had to do the head of department (we called it LIC) which is tedious and A LOT since there is no LIC for my school. Even my colleague also called me as acting LIC.
But today, as i walked into the office, i cancelled the plan to meet with the GM due to several reasons. I hate to explain to my boss about my purpose of going to PJ, and the second reason, i do have in mind that i want to resign maybe sooner or later. Right now, i just waiting for the offer, dunno whether can get it or not. To this, i need to meet the GM again because it against my contract. I dont want to create that impression over and over again like i did before i signed the contract.
So now, im alone in the office, two of them already went to PJ, others are having a class and the rest were on leave. Luckily, there is one student from Sudan, cooked her traditional nasi beriyani and its sooo delicious!!! hehe, tu laa berkat orang tak ramai, dapat makan free :p
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
A reply message to
emmachan: Nevermind emmachan, nanti tahun depan leh raye kat malaysia, just dun forget to meet me, really wants to know u better :D
sharmeen: lendu erk, sedap laa, kat kl mane nak beli erk? aku dah abis buat ielts, just waiting for the result, but i dint do that well :(
nad: hehe, tak pe, tahun depan ade lagi, mase nak kenekan ko :D kene tunggu tarikh yang best je..
It shows that i was quite bz with my activities lately, cant even has a time to reply messages at my tagboard. Actually, its quite difficult for me to online these few days, just online to check my email. Mama is busy doing her homework, so cannot borrow her laptop, saffuan has used the external modem, i dont like to use his pc and im too lazy to plug out because not even a few hours, the modem will be back to his place.
A lot of "tragic" stories happened in my office these few days which may be interesting story in my human resource class. You know, when you teach, the students can understand better if we relate to the real working environment. But of course, i dint mention any names or any organization, i frequently used company A, company B, Mr A or Mr B.
Guess what, i just realized that i never give any gifts to my Dearie this year (excluding cards).. hehe sooo teruk!! On the other hands, i think i received at least one gift per month from Dearie, tu tak masuk elaun lagi :p but i dont receive duit raya yet :p -> specially highlight to Dearie. Opss, opss, opss, opss.. Ok, our annual dinner is getting nearer, any suggestion what is the best present for him? need ur suggestion.. Thanks!!!
p/s Meen, what's up dear?
Monday, November 29, 2004
I really, really missed blogging but i was too bz with my raya thingy and my workloads, so dint have much time for blogging. Im in office rite now, using my colleague's laptop.
Ok, i missed the fun to update my blog about
a)Jejak kasih with Aimy Izyanty, Nurul Firdaus,Aziah and Faridah
Huhu, actually its quite outdated to share this story with you. It has been nearly 10 years i never seen these three girls except for sharmeen and hana. Well, same cases, although our age getting older but the attitudes and the burst of laughter are still the same.
Aimi still called me kak wan, fir with the same voice that she has and faridah still acting as our class vice president. hehe. i went to two houses, sharmeen's and faridah's house and of course all of them met at my house except for faridah.
Meen, i really really love ur mum's laksa johor... marvellous!! and your keropok lekor, i think the tasted is better than losong. Those who are the keropok lekor lovers, im sure u know what losong is. But meen, keropok lekor tu datang pada mane ek?
Hana drived me back and all the way i LOVE to listen her "i-malu-tapi-i-nak-dia-nak-tapi-dia-tak-cakap' love story.. So cute, hana, i really want to know the end of the story.
b)Nadimah's birthday on 23 November
Not did i dont remember her birthday, i wished her one day before the day, the only thing is i promised to upload something on her birthday. At first, i wanted to copy our conversation and pasted it on the blog, but i accidentally ter-pangkah the ym. Hai, kalau tidak kan best.. sekali sekala buat jahat kat nad..
c)BBQ at Mantin
Had BBQ with Dearie's friends at Mantin. This is the first time i hang out with dearie's friend. It is so fun doing BBQ with them. Ok, i have a lot of fun there, seriously A LOT OF FUN. Sampai letih gile, dah la bangun 5.30 pagi hari tu, konon2 nak stady IELTS. Im afraid of my IELTS.
Ok laa need to finsih my work.. banyak keje, some more the director is here..
Friday, November 19, 2004
Raya yang penuh bermakna, bukan hanya pada mira sahaja tetapi pade seluruh umat Islam yang merayakannya. Raya adalah subjektif, terpulang kepada pemikiran masing-masing bagi mendefinasikan hari raya. Mungkin kite boleh petik dari bait-bait lagu yang saban hari diputarkan di corong-corong radio di sepanjang syawal ini. Ada yang kata
"Menjelang hari raya, berakhirnya puasa"
"Suatu hari di hari raya, ku lihat anak bersinar cita"
"Di hari raya, terkenang daku kepada si dia, kampungku jauh indah di sana"
"Lebaran terasa kesyahduan, lebaran takbir bersahutan"
Hari raya ini, eloklah kiranya kita dapat merapatkan silaturrahim sesame kita, kunjung mengunjungi adalah mulia terutamanya di kalangan sanak saudara. Buang yang keruh ambil yang jernih, itulah sebaik-baiknya.
Sehari sebelum raya, kami sekeluarga menerima berita sedih di mana sepupu baba mira meniggal dunia kerana mengidap barah pancreas. Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh Uncle Nazri.
Sebelum menziarahi upacara pengubumian, mama sempat pesan suruh mira menyediakan jaduah berbuka untuk sekeluarga. Mama dan baba tiba agak lewat ke rumah, jadi mira di incharge - kan untuk memasak rendang untuk hari raya keesokan harinya. Balik, mama sempat ajar masak daging masak hitam. Dapat lah tambah satu koleksi resipi untuk tahun depan :). Tahun ni, tak banyak juadah raya yang mama sediakan, tapi kira okla tu, rendang ade n lemang beli. Kalau tahun sebelum ni, mama ade jugak bakar lemang, and kami anyam ketupat tapi tahun ni tak sempat.
Kuih raya, hmm keluarga kami memang jarang sangat beli kuih raya, selalunya kami buat sendiri. Maklumlah kami datang dari keluarga yang agak besar, jadi masing-masing nak buat kuih raya, tak masuk lagi, kuih raya pemberian keluarga dan bakal menantu :D, Oh, Dearie buat empat jenis kuih raya, heheh.. Ika pun buat kuih raya. Lima hingga sepuluh jenis kuih - home made cookies memang sudah menjadi perkara biasa. Tapi sedap tak sedap itu lain cerita, janji kemeriahannya ada. Cuma tahun ni, mira agak sibuk sikit, jadi hanya dapat menyediakan satu jenis kuih raya, itupun kuih cornflakes coklat and tak cukup bahan. So bercerai berai la cornflakes tu, tapi jangan risau, rumah kami sedap tak sedap, kami boleh telan lagi.
Baju raya, alhamdulillah mira rasa rezeki mira murah sikit, mula-mula ingat tak ada baju raya sebab tak sempat hantar kedai, tapi entah macam mane, Mak Long mira belikan baju raya dan seminggu lepas tu, mama pulak belikan baju raya. Dapatlah dua baju raya tahun ni, Cuma kasut je mira tak sempat beli. Eh, bukan maksudnya mira nak semuanya baru, tapi kasut mira memang dah buruk habis dah, terkopak sane terkopak sini. Maklumlah kasut tu la bawak kerete, pergi kelas, jalan kaki.
Ok, hari raya pertama dimulai dengan mama ketuk pintu dari bilik ke bilik sembahyang subuh. Memang itu rutin mama setiap hari walaupun kami semua dah besar panjang. Tapi tak tahulah kenape tahun ni, semua adik-adik senang pulak nak kejut, kalau tak, mak aiii, sampai boleh bergaduh, sebab susah sangat nak kejut. Pagi-pagi lagi kami dah bising dah sebab berebut bilik air. Walaupun bilik air di rumah banyak, tapi kami ade bilik air favorite, nak masuk bilik air tu jugak walaupun bilik air lain available. So bising lah sebab tunggu turn lame sangat. Oh, kami beraya di rumah sahaja, hanya ade kami anak beranak dan moyang. Sudah menjadi tradisi sejak pemergian tok wan, shidee, pah gerik dan pah taiping, kami akan beraya di kemensah dahulu untuk beraya bersama-sama dengan moyang tersayang.
Jam sudah pukul lapan, tapi kami masih di rumah, almaklum rumah dekat je dengan masjid, jadi bile orang nak start baru terkocoh-kocoh nak pergi berhari raya. Bile selesai sahaja sembahyang raya, kami semua cepat-cepat pulang ke rumah untuk bersalaman dulu kerana selalunya tak sampai beberape minit, sudah pasti ade tetamu. Jadi, kami mulakan dengan bersalaman bersama ahli keluarga, masing-masing dengan cara masing-masing. Baba pulak dengan caranya, anak-anak mesti menyebut lafaz minta maaf ketika bersalaman. Alhamdulillah, inilah dikatakan nikmat kekeluargaan. Selesai bersalaman, sesi bergambar. Hmm, jadi panjang pulak sesi bergambar, sebab mama ade dress code nya, so nak tunggu sorang-sorang siap dengan dress code mama, memang ambik mase. Kemudian kami makan bersama-sama dan baru bersalaman dengan nenek. Oh, nenek ambil masa yang lama untuk bersiap :).
Kemudian, satu demi satu keluarga yang menziarahi ke rumah, sehingga memenuhi rumah, mase inilah terase kemeriahan sebenar kerana kami sekeluarga saling bergurau senda dan beramah mesra. Bukan senang nak jumpe saudara mara (belah ibu). Tapi entah macam mane, petang raye, boleh pulak kami adik beradik terlelap, mungkin penat di pagi hari melayan tetamu.
Petang, kami menziarahi datok dan nenek saudara sebelah baba yang berhari raya di kuala Lumpur. Apa lagi, memang makan sakan la, setiap rumah menghidangkan hidangan wajib - rendang.
Hari Raya kedua, kami bertolak pulang ke Gerik, masing-masing dengan muka ceria kerana dapat jugak balik kampung. Setibenya di Gerik, mereka sedang sibuk menyembelih seekor kambing untuk diaqiqahkan. Happy sangat kerana semua ahli keluarga di sebelah ayah dapat berkumpul setelah pemergian arwah pah dua tahun yang lalu. Cuma seorrang pakcik dan keluarganya tidak dapat bersama kerana berada di Jepun.
Balik kampung lagi meriah, kerana ade sepupu-sepupu yang memeriah kan suasana terutamanya sepupu-sepupu yang masih kecil. Memang kebanyakan sepupu mira memang baru nak membesar, umur pun dari setahun sampai 8 tahun, so bayangkanlah, dengan menjerit, dengan menangis, dengan ketawa, dengan bergaduh.. gamat gerik dengan ahli keluarga kami. Satu rumah je dah bersila panjang makan bersam-sama, belum lagi nak buat kenduri, mane taknya mira punye family je dah sembilan beranak.
Masa nilah, bertukar-tukar cerita, dengan Ani pun mira lame tak jumpe, jadi banyak lah update cerite, hari raya ketiga, ade kenduri untuk seorang sepupu kami, (aqiqah).. Sedap nya dapat merasakan daging kambing dimasak bersama-sama umbut pisang. Mira memang tak boleh makan kambing banyak sangat, tapi disebabkan bukan senang nak jumpe umbut pisang, mira balun je umbut dengan kambing-kambing sekali. Itulah masakan orang kampung.
Itulah di kampung, cara mereka masakkan begitu ikhlas. maksudnya, kami (takpe erk gune kami walaupun bukan mira yang bayar :p) menggunakan khidmat katering, tetapi orang yang masak kannya begitu ikhlas, tidak berkira. Ditambahnya, lauk pauk yang lain secara percuma. Dan masakannya, sedappppp!!! Bilelah lagi nak makan umbut erk.. Lepas tu pulak, rezeki raya, ehem-ehem makcik mira bagi daging rusa, so balun laa pulak daging rusa.. hehe. Gemuk -heheh itu belakang kira. :p
Hari raya keempat, mira sekeluarga bertolak ke taiping untuk menziarahi pula keluarga sebelah mama. Sayang rumah di taiping, ini semua gara-gara kite semua berpusat di kl, sampai ramai yang berhijrah ke bandar. kampung kami di taiping yang dahulunya gamat dengan hilai tawa tokwan, pah dan nenek, lenyap. hmm, sebelum ke taiping kami memang singgah banyak tempat. Dari nibong tebal ke bukit merah kemuadian ke kamunting, kemudian ke taiping dan ke kuala kangsar sebelum pulang semula ke kuala lumpur keesokkan harinya.
Hari ni kerje, memang liat, sebab semalam pun tiba di kl dalam pukul 12 tengah malam, letih memang letih tapi seronok kerana dapat jumpe keluarga. Bukan hanya keluarga terdekat malah keluarga jauh pun dapat berjumpe. Sitting around with families is the best thing. Tapi tak tahan cuma satu, hehe setiap kali bersalaman dengan ahli keluarga, satu soalan yang tak kan lepas di tanya
"Bila nak kawin ni mira?"
dan jawapannya tentulah.. "Entahlaa, kalau ade rezeki mungkin cepat, kalau tak mungkin lambat sikit".. :) Doa-doakanlah kiterang cepat erk.. heheh
Uitt panjang kan, ok, tak tau la sape yang sanggup bace posting ni, kalau sesiape yang sampai ke hujung noktah posting ni, ribuan terima kasih diucapkan. Itu adelah serbe sedikit kemeriahan beraya mira. :)
Saturday, November 13, 2004
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir Batin kepada seluruh ahli keluarga, sahabat handai dan semua pembaca Semoga Aidilfirtri ini dapat lah kita sama-sama mengeratkan silaturrahim
Ikhlas Dari,
Emran & Wan Faziatul Amira
Happy Birthday Ain. si ain ni tadi mira bagi la die sms Selamat Hari Raya, lepas tu die reply, "Selamat Hari Raya, ingat tak hari ni hari ape!!!" and i know it.. Mira terlupe.. So kepada semua housemate-housemate ku yang terlupe hari ni Birthday Ain, baik cepat, nanti minah ni merajuk lak.
Ok, Ain ni mira punye roomate mase mule-mule masuk utp dulu. dulu kiterang satu bilik ade empat orang, mira, ifa, najah and ain. Kalau compare dengan kiterang bertige, ain ni la yang paling senyap sekali. Dulu,kalau nak tau, cakap pun slow habis, pulak tu pemalu die, mak aii.. sampai kan kalau pi kopetro tu, nak tanye barang pun mintak tolong kiterang tanyakan. tulah nak tunjuk betape pemalu nyer makcik ni.
Tapi lame kelamaan, dah hilang dah die nyer pemalu. first time bile kiterang semua dengar die cakap "aku sepak kang" semua orang macam tak percaye, betul ke dari mulut makcik ni.. sikit demi sikit, baru laa die dah tak macam ain kiterang kenal mase januari 2000 tu dah, dah makin advance minah ni.
Anyway, im glad to have u as my friend. Still remember mase mira sakit kaki yang teruk tu, ain la tolong teman kan pi hospital ipoh. Tapi sakit2 mira tu, ingat tak kite due sempat lagi pi tengok wayang dulu sebelum balik utp. hehe.
Actually, kalau nak tau, ain ni adik angkat em, die jadik adik angkat dulu, before mira jumpe em :).. oklaa ain, all the best, any update about u and Cicak or ape2 :D jangan lupe habaq mai noo..
Ni je hadiah leh kasik :p
SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI MAAF ZAHIR BATIN.. Esok raye first sure banyak lagi update :D
Friday, November 12, 2004
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir Batin kepada seluruh ahli keluarga, sahabat handai dan semua pembaca Semoga Aidilfirtri ini dapat lah kita sama-sama mengeratkan silaturrahim
Ikhlas Dari,
Emran & Wan Faziatul Amira
Start dari semalam, setiap hari mira nak posting mira sekali dengan kad raya. Rasa bersalah lak tahun ni, tak bagi-bagi lagi kad raya, i will i will, insyaAllah on the way. I try my best.
Hari ni pi ofis, mm bosring habis, betul la kate hana, jasad je kat ofis, tapi fikiran dah ke tempat lain, dah la hari ni ramai yang cuti + curi tulang. i tak join laa sebab pagi tadi pun i lambat datang office, tau-tau je jam dah tunjuk pukul 8.55am. Apalagi kelam kabut la siap datang ofis, nasib baik hari ni jalan clear-seclearnyer. Vivian pulakkate first time, jalan tun razak and jalan ampang tak jam langsung. Datang dari rumah mak die dari jalan loke yew cume 10 minutes je dah sampai ampang. Amazing!!
Hari ni, duduk ofis pun tak de mood nak buat keje, banyak mase borak-borak and on the net. sorry meen, separuh jalan je aku cakap ngan ko sebab ade orang gune komputer tu berjam-jam.
Mira amik cuti sampai next kamis, rasenye tahun ni balik kampung dekat perak, ade aqiqah cousin yang kecik. Tapi still tak sure raye ke berape, tapi i think for sure raye pertama im home,so sesape yang nak datang rumah, silakan untuk hari raya pertama. Tapi as usual, sape yang kenal mira, derang dah tau dah, rumah mira mane ade open house sebab tetiap hari memang dah open house.
Tetamu memang tak putus-putus datang, alhamdulillah orang kate kalau banyak tetamu datang berkat tuan rumah. Amin.. Rumah mira ade moyang tinggal sekali, banyak la saudara mara jauh dekat, sepupu, tiga empat pupu datang nak tengok moyang. Mira panggil moyang, nenek.
Mama pulak jenis yang tak kisah tetamu datang, lagi die suke adalah. Kadang-kadang orang balik pukul 2 pagi, esok keje, tapi mama relaks je. Kalau mira, perghh penat woo esok nye. Satu lagi salute dengan mama, setiap kali orang datang, die takkan jamu kuih raye je, mesti ade heavy food. Kiterang tak penah biarkan orang balik dari rumah kiterang dengan perut kosong unless anak die kene entertain :D.
Mira banyak belajar dari situla, kalau kite suke layan tetamu, tetamu pun suke datang rumah kite. Penat tapi berkat, penat tapi pahala dapat. Kadang-kadang tu bukan kate ape la, kite datang rumah orang, derang macam nak tak nak layan je, ishh kite pun jadik uncomfortable.
So, kesimpulannya, sape-sape yang nak datang rumah mira, silakan, tak payah tunggu open house baru nak datang sebab mira memang tak buat open house pun. Tapi kene inform dulu laa, takut mira tak de ke ape. Kepada kawan-kawan yang dekat oversea tu, especially dedicated to Shaf, Yan, Hanis, Emmachan, Teh Zawani, nadimah (Maaf kalau ade name yang tertinggal) Derang ni semua, mira nyer regular reader :) thanks girls.. take care and have a nice hari raya. Sorry tak leh nak bungkuskan lemang, rendang, ketupat, sate, kuih raya (ehehe-terliur tak??)
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir Batin kepada seluruh ahli keluarga, sahabat handai dan semua pembaca Semoga Aidilfirtri ini dapat lah kita sama-sama mengeratkan silaturrahim
Ikhlas Dari,
Emran & Wan F*azia*tul A*mira
Hari ni bangun pagi, sekali lagi terima message dari cik abang sorang, pagi2 lagi die dah message kate nak datang rumah, nak hantar lauk. Adat orang Melaka, kalau nak raye, orang laki kene hantar lauk dekat rumah orang perempuan, mira lak amik kesempatan nak hantar kuih raye kat Melaka. Nasib baik mase die message tu mira dah bangun tapi tak mandi lagi laa.
Sekejap je die datang, nak kene cepat, die takut jam sebab kerete not in a good condition. So sebelum balik tu sempat laa, mintak maaf :D.. Rasa kelakar kan bang mase tu :p Last raye jadik tunang orang ni... InsyaAllah..
Then, lepas Dearie balik, ape lagi mira bangun tido, so bile bangun je, makcik kat rumah dah sepuluh kali dah mintak beli kasut raye die, terpakselah bawak die pi Giant cari kasut raye. Ramai sangat orang kat Giant, nak jalan pun tak leh, nasib baik dapat parking best, betul-betul depan entrance Giant. Mira sempatlaa capai beli seluar, then pergi beli barang-barang nak buat kuih raya.
Cuti macam ni je laa sempat buat kuih raya, bile balik je dari Giant, terus mira buat kuih raye. Dapat la dalam due bekas. Kira ok laa, tak tau lagi bile nak buat kuih raye no 2. Tak sabar laa nak raye. So sebab mood raye ni, rase tiap-tiap hari sampai raye first mira nak buat post raye je.. Ok..Nanti sambung kemudian..
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
It seems so quite today, not only the students dont attend the class, but the staffs also are already on leave. The good news is, my boss is not around. Coming to the office quite late today.
Early in the morning, em called me to remind me about uitm form which is due today. Since it was 7am in the morning, i pulled my comforter and continue sleeping. huhu, although he told me he would come over to my office to collect the form.
When i woke up, i realized that, it was already 8.15 am, i was quite panicked, yelaa i dint fill up the form yet.. So, secepat mungkin i mandi n mengadap borang. Of course em called me, and when he knows that im still at my house, so he changed his planned. Datang umah.. mak aii
When he arrived at my house, i was bz completing the form, so no time to entertain him. Actually, i wanted to avoid seeing him without the "uncomplete" work, but huhu terpakse.. because i was confused to choose my course. i guess you can assume how he reacts :D..
ok, em hantar i pi office, and then he submitted the form by hand. Arrived in the office around 9.40am. actually i have two classes today, but no students come. So sitting around, marking papers, doing some admin works.
Only stopped when receiving the special guests, my colleague's niece. had to babysit her while her grandma went for a hari Raya shopping. heheh, at least ade bende laa nak buat..
ok, now its already 3.45pm, nak packing, baba amik hari ni, oh, one of our staff resign today, so berkurang laa sorang staff kat sini.. hmmm when is my turn?????????
p/s thanks bang, heheh ampun!!! last minute work :p
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Semalam punyer cerite, banyak betul nak cerite.. Semalam mira ade kelas malam, pukul 6- 9, so sementara nak tunggu kelas tu start, sempat la blog dulu, panjang gile blog mira, sekali tetibe je, komputer windows 98 kat ofis tu (haha: saje je nak highlight windows 98 :p), menghilangkan page yang mira tengah pulun tulis, hai, dah tu bile refresh, tak de pun bende mira tulis.. bengang gile..
Semalam mira buat laa update dari hari jumaat sampai laa semalam, so hari ni summary je laa, malas nak tulis pepanjang, jumaat pi utp, jumpe dr. abas, bincang and discuss dengan die, actually nak mintak die jadik referee, lame gile borak dengan dr abas. seronok sebab die share some of his experience and give some suggestion to enhance my career perspective. totally agreed with him, abang.. i may ammend my career plan :)
then ade borak dengan pn hasiah, my supervisor, lamejugak, so sehari pi utp, lebih banyak duduk dalam lecturer punyer ofis dari lepak ngan naja and aiza.. mmm miss them.. sorry gals, i had to go back, sebab esok keje, nak sangat bukak puase kat utp tu..
ok, semalam punyer cerite lagi best.. semalam mira masuk ofis lambat, dalam kul 1, so sebab dah sampai awal, mira pun pi laa ampang point, note:tak kuasa aah nak duk ofis lelame :) so, tetibe teringat pulak nak renew license, actually license dah 4 days expired :D tapi bile tengok duit dalam purse, hehe tinggal bape je, so pi laa draw duit kat bcb which is situated outside the ampang point. so, it means i had to walk there..
so, bile keluar je dari ampang point, mira dengar ade perempuan menjerit and marah-marah, so mira ingat it could be accident, snatch thief. tapi bile datang je dekat situ, the cars were still in good conditions, pelik jugak, mane tak nyer, crowd gile aaa.. tapi tengok orang keliling, ade yang senyum-senyum, ade yang tengah bergosip.. so mase tu mira tak draw duit, so pergilaa draw duit dulu.. tapi sambil lalu kat situ, terdengar la one lady said "mak ko, kakak ko, adik ko semua nak rampas harte aku".. i know it sounds interesting to listen, but i need to settle my things first..
boleh tahan laa nak beratur kat atm machine tu, nimesti semua orang nak keluar duit untuk raye, so mira keluar laa dalam rm400, alang2 dah beratur panjang, baik kuar banyak2 sikit, lagi pun duit tu pun nak gune especially for the car, tu pun tak cukup kot.. :( so keluar je dari bcb tu, tengok2 derang gaduh tak habis2 lagi, dah laa blok jalan. note: derang gaduh kat main road bukan dekat parking space
hahaha, so mira jadik laa bz body, join the crowd, sesambil tu, pasang telinge gak dengar orang cerite.. rupenyer, these two ladies ni madu.. cerite die, first wife terserempak laki die dengan perempuan lain, and this lady is the second wife.. tak tau laa terserempak ke, die dah spy ke, dah tau die tu second wife ke tak, wallahualam. so first wife ni die dah jadik hilang pedoman, menjerit-menjerit and tak hirau langsung orang keliling die, paling tak gune, laki depa tu tengok derang ni bertekak, lagi die lari!! tak gune nyer laki, cam tu ke derang nak buat laki, bukannyer nak tolong ke ape, die biar je depa ni bergaduh
from the expression, i might say that the second wife nampak malu gile dengan ape yang dah jadi, die tak banyak cakap pun, menangis je, cume yang mira dengar "saya tak salah, saya tak tau ape2" and menangis2. yang first wife ni pulak, ee menakutkan, siap tendang-tendang kete, and tangan die tunjuk2 kat pompuan tu, tak tau lak pompuan tu dah kene penangan die ke belum, tu mira tak sure..
so, lepas tu pulak ade laa 5 polis mpaj sampai, nak leraikan keadaan, ade jugak orang tolong tapi si first wife ni mengamuk cam orang kene polis ni datang nak saman derang due, sebab stop kete tengah jalan, and secondly, menganggu lalulintas la, sebab buat jam.. so polis2 ni suruh la derang beredar, tapi si first wife ni taknak, so one of the police, bawak second wife jauh sikit, tapi kan si first wife ni kejar, dah la depa lari towards me, mase tu perghhh takut laa jugak..
tapi of course orang pegang first wife and second wife ni, tapi sempat lak si first wife ni menjerit "tunggulaa kau lepas ni, aku bunuh kau, aku bunuh kau" banyak gile perempuan ni jerit2. so bile situation dah reda sikit, si first wife ni masuk dalam kerete, die pun nak pi, so kiterang ingat die nak blah laa, tapi tak, die masuk dalam kete, reverse and park behind the second wife car, so lagi laa jam, sebab tinggal satu lane je.. memang gile laa..
pompuan ni dah takut dah, so one of the police volunteered to drive the car, but, the first wife followed dari belakang.. hmm tak tau laa ape kesudahan die.. tapi tu laa memalukan, kalau yer pun nak gaduh, jangan aa depan orang, gaduh pulak pasal hal rumah tangge, habis semua cerite keluar, mira dari tak tau ape2 pun boleh tau, sebab first wife habis die cerite semua pasal rumah tangge die..
who we should blame?? ALL especially the HUSBAND.. allah tak marah pun nak poligami, tapi be fair laa, ni tak pasal2 pompuan gak jadik mangse.. ade ke patut tinggalkan bini-bini die bergaduh pasal die, die ntah ke mana.. yang first wife tu pun, hilang pedoman ke ape, ade ke patut cerite hal laki jerit2 bagi semua orang tau. tambah lak tak hormat bulan puase..
fuhh, terkejut gak, rase macam tengok dalam drama.. tapi tu laa, KL life.. macam-macam bende ade, ade yang baik, ade yang jahat, ade yang positif and ade yang negatif.. cume atas diri kite, mane satu kite nak ikut and mane satu kite nak jadikan pengajaran. hmm what a topful experience..
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Just came back from surau, totally and extremely tired today, having classes directly from 1.40pm till 9.15pm. Break only to perform pray, even i broke the fast with the students inside the class. I dint allow them to go to the nearest restaurant because they were having test, if i allow, i dont think they can finish the test on time. And i not that patient to drag the time. :) Crazy right??
Just now i had taken one action, called the authorized party to change someone's attitudes. But aarghh!! the bureaucracy was terrible, from one person to another and from place to another, but i finally i managed to lodge a report. Do take note, from bottom of my heart, i dont want to embarass them, but i just want to teach them to respect our fasting month.
Just now, the ceramah given by Ustaz Khazim and i had opportunity to listen for 30 minutes, (i arrived home quite late today). Ok, heres some of the highlights that we can share together.
1. Before we make any decision, we should berzikir and read surah Al-Iqra'
2. Dreaming is divided into 3 categories
i. From Allah (usually its from 3.30 am to 5+ am)
ii. From iblis
iii.Mengigau (dont know what we call in English)
Lets say if we dream someone who had already passed away, wearing a white jubah and bertelekung, InsyaAllah, they are save and happy in Alam Bazarkh, and let say if we see them, wearing all blacks and having the negative expression, bear in mind, maybe, they want us to help them or we owe something from them
3. We cant force a patient to eat medicine, or bring them to the doctor. Medicine is not the remedy to all the sufferings, is all on Allah's willing. In Islam, there is a way to "force" our children to eat ubat, Feed them with the medicine starting from either side of the face, regardless left or right.
Only 3 points there, but at least better than nothing. One sentence from Ustaz Khazim before he ends his ceramah "Jadikan bulan Ramadhan ini, Ramadhan yang terbaik dari sebelumnya".
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
You should learn about life from this girl. Although I do not know who she is and where she is, but I inspired her courage in fighting for her disease. From a happy-go-lucky young lady, she has been diagnosed leukemia and now she has been warded for more than a month.
Just put ourselves in her shoes, im sure it will turn out to be pretty heavy going and frightening. Emotional pain is far more injurious. We may lose our objectivity, but this adorable young lady, has it powerful spirit to stand out and strive for the best in facing the test from Allah.
Reading her blog, you will swim into her heart and you will understand "berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu yang memikul". To Nadia, remember, there is always sunshine after the rain. Positive attitudes leads to positive thinking, I certainly sure you are a strong person. Take this opportunity to bring you closer to Allah and your family, Allah is always beside us, when we need His help. InsyaAllah.
Marilah kite sama-sama mendoakan kesihatan Nadia, tiada apa yang dapat kita bantu melainkan berdoa.
Monday, November 01, 2004
Fuhh!! Today my money flows like water, but still haven't settled the necessary part yet. Had a Hari Raya shopping with Azyan and Mimi, but I just spent the money for Azyan. Promised her that I will buy her Hari Raya stuffs, kalau tak beli hari ni, alamat tetiap hari die tuntut, tak larat den nak dengar.
Of course, I would not let myself came back with empty hands, so I bought a pants and toiletries. Before we went back, stopped at Bazar ramadhan to buy otak-otak, peparu and onde-onde although it was heavily rain.
Calculated how much I spent today, and realized that there is only a portion of this months' budget. Here is some of the list..
Renew my license
Ketuk kerete (I bang the car last month :)
Pay my IELTS
Raya preparation
Pay my phone bills
Season parking
Etc.. etc.. etc..
Actually the salary that we earn, it's more to fulfill our necessity rather than our savings, and the older we are, the more money is required. Luckily, at the beginning of my career, I don't have to worry about the car, house and food.
The definition of money is subjective from one individual to another depending on their lifestyle. People in town has high cost of living compared to those who live in kampong. Besides family matter, they may need the money to buy a new car, new house, new plan vacation, new jewelries and perhaps new land. And that is why; orang kampong can perform hajj earlier than us, because they don't have to be anxious about it, contrast to us. Mm.. why cant we follow their steps? Save our money to fulfill our main obligation. Dearie once told me, at least from now, he asked me to save rm100 per month, so that another 10 years, i can perform my hajj. Doesnt mean to hurt anyone but just giving an opinion..
p/s Met farizahani for the first time after 5 years today. She told me, im SIHAT!! waa tak sonok nya... Hana, dia kirim salam.. she mentioned ur name because she thought i was u :)...
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Aha, tomorrow it's a public holiday for Selangor in conjunction of Nuzul Quran and of course I will really appreciate this coming public holiday after the tiring weekend. Started the weekend by making a phone called on Saturday to inform my Miss Manager that I took the Emergency Leave. Why? I cant mention here, bahaye!! :) Have to think about any possibility before construct any sentences.
Anyway, my Saturday packed with that matter, promised Ani to meet her at KLCC at 2.45pm but I arrived quite late. Sorry Ani, ampun ya, and we went straight to the destination and after everything had been settled down, my family and I together with Ani directly went to PJ and bukak pause together.
And today, nothing interesting happened; canceled the plan to buy baju raya for Ika, and cleaning up my messy room :). Now, its 12.51 am and all my siblings had gone to sleep even though tomorrow it's the public holiday. They had been taught by my parents to sleep earlier except for me and Saffuan.
For the time being they are on and off going to school, and my mum allowed that since they have nothing to do there. Exam is over and the teacher does not conduct any activities. So, instead of they are wasting their time sitting around and doing nothing, might as well they stay at home. My sister said her teacher also did not warn or scold them if the students going back earlier and another sister of mine told me that her teacher even advised them not to attend the school.
In this case, I did not blame any of the parents, students or teachers but the system. The exam is done at least one month earlier before the school holiday. As the student before, I understand why the ponteng sekolah becomes widely practice by the students. My mum and my aunty once said our school system is different from their time. Last time, students enjoyed going to school, and this because of several reasons. First, they are no entertainment at their house and second, the teachers carried out extra activities for the students.
Last time, the teacher will teach them how to sew; cook, gardening, grooming and etc and even they were willing to pay for watching any videos. They can used any of the school facilities without any limitation. But since we are getting too modern, those things had been ignored. This is what happened today,
"Tak tau jahit, hantar kedai je"
"Tak tau masak, beli je"
School only focuses on theoretical elements and more concentrating in producing an intelligent student rather than shaping the attitudes and maturity of the students. When the exam is over, it means that the system has successfully finished at one stage. The students mind has been set that study is to pass the exam but not to gain more knowledge. School has become the place for conducting the structured plan rather than the place to incorporate strategic planning and the tactical planning.
p/s im talking about myself also. Announcement: who knows Nadia new blog address? Ani, kenape bile mira masuk je blog ani, mesti kene jangkit virus?
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Have to do cross teaching today at another branch of my college somewhere in PuduRaya. Luckily i need to teach the subject which im more expert. Anyway, receiving the new working atmosphere here, back in Ampang, we are more kepochi but here they are more serious. No jokes around, no burst of laughter. But, the staffs are very cooperative and supportive. On and on, they will ask me whether im facing any difficulties.
Have been assigned to teach part time student and one of it is a foreigner. The first foreigner in my class ever. The class is more presentable and in a very conducive environment, i might say. But no Muslims around :(. For the first time ever, i broke the fast alone, bought a curly fries from A&W and ate in the surau, what a tragic story!. I dont mind to eat alone, but dont have the desire to eat. Mm.. this is what im going to face for another one month. Luckily, i have one student who accompany me to star, im not that brave to walk alone at night in PuduRaya area although there are many passerby.
Actually, im quite exhausted, but to think this is a halal rezeki, i am happy. Some more, the students tak putus-putus puji i. Sejuk hati :) and i am seriously enjoyed teaching there except for i dont like the idea that i have to go to Pudu area and comes late at night.
p/s glad that Dearie tak putus-putus hantar msg and called jsut to make sure im OK :)
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Me and ethics
During my university year, it is essential to take Business Ethics subject in order to fulfill the requirement for minor course. That time, I do admit, not that knowledge that I wanted to gain, but an A grade. I usually skipped my class because the subject is quite tedious although the lecturer is damn fun. Dunno la, at that moment it was difficult in relating the real working environment with the theoretical part.
Ok, that's the story for a year back. You can conclude me as shallow, naive, and sometimes uncompassionate youngster. But as the time goes by, I started to think how important the ethic is especially with the title as a lecturer and as an employee. To me ethical is a serious issue that one might put you into troublesome. It determines your level of commitment and shows how honest you with your position and how is your relationship with your upper management.
But somehow, I strongly say that our working environment helps a lot in defining our work and ethics. If you satisfied with your job, than your ethics will be OK but let say if it is in other way round? Then you start blabbing, gossiping and telling everyone about your unsatisfactory.
Ok, enough say..
p/s - Mira stay focus and apply ETHIC!! But can i after all the obstacles that i have to go through?
Saturday, October 23, 2004
Minggu pertama puasa yang banyak dugaan..
Dari hari pertama sehinggalah hari ni..
Nafsu makan..
Bila ke pasar juadah, kalau boleh semua bende yang ade kat pasar ramadhan tu nak beli.. tapi yang teringin nak makan semua dah sebat.. tinggal nak cari ikan pari bakar je hehehe
Bende yang paling membebankan sepanjang minggu ni. Satu-satu keje yang tak diundang datang, sehinggalah mira ambil keputusan nak teruskan the next step. Tapi kalau ade rezeki, kalau boleh memang nak sangat dapat keje lain but still related to education laa, dah jatuh cinta dah ngan education line. Bukan setakat kerje, sesuke hati je derang amik keputusan without asking my opinion. They said that "Mira, you have no right, the timetable is already arranged for you". And buat pertama kali nyer, aku mengamuk kat kolej tu depan semua orang. Politik ofis.. Bosan laa.. yang buatkan mira suke kat situ, is the academic staffs are very supportive and student pun ok walaupun attitude derang tu boleh peningkan kepala. SAtu bende yang boleh puji, although derang ni banyak anak orang kaye, but they are not rude. Those who wants to apply working here, fikirlah dua kali..
Tak berape sihat lately especially today, sampaikan aktiviti harian tak smooth. Tapi alhamdulillah dapat jugak habiskan puase walaupun tak larat..
Sambung belajar..
Antara kemahuan dan fikiran...antara impian atau pengorbanan
Tak de dugaan pun.. hehe :p Cume bulan ni tak dapat nafkah.. heheheh :D
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
I ve seen my Dearie updated his posts. Maybe his kinds of missing me since we dint contact each other for a few days :). Open this blog to see any changes in me.. i guess.. :) My few days of fasting was quite tiring and it is difference compared to previous years. i had a feeling, next year will be much much much differ.. hehe..
Anyway, congratulations and Good luck to Hana for her first time job at VADS and Ani, for accepting the offer for a conversion program at KPMG. Keep up a good work!!
Ok, here are the replies from the tagboarc:
Shaf: Selamat berpuasa jugak, memang first day, rase nak pengsan, kalau jadik student, mesti segala aktiviti hari sabtu tu nak ponteng, tak larat dah!!
Emmachan: Tu laa nak kene prektis buat bm skema2.. tengah planning nak sambung buat novel yang tergendala tu..
Sharmeen: Selamat berpuase, aku dah lame tak bukak blog, letih aku bace ko nyer post, baru berape hari, panjang gile post ko!!
Zaid: eh, hi Zaid, welcome. dah lame tak borak, sorry.. mira dah tukar email address, no more yang dulu, sebab kene hack. tapi mira taknak reveal my new email add kat sini. mintak lah kat sape2 erk
First day puasa..
Went to office as usual, actually not that usual, woke up quite late that morning and realize i was too late for the 8.30am class. arrived at college around 9am, and already acted like nothing happened, plus, this class they always came late to the class. BUT, guess what, around 9am, my students standing in front of the college and "Hai miss mira, we are having class right?" oh no, i was in big trouble, not even i entered the college, i already received one signed. Masuk je dalam college, nak punch in, the boss quickly asking me "eh, mira, u have 8.30am class right?" and someone continues the momment "ha lambat lambat".. and on the first day puasa, pahala dah kurang dah!! i lied.. "terlupe lak hari ni ade 8.30am class, jadual baru"
Luckily, that day was the first class with these students on friday, so i can save the day. Hate to be a hypocrite and hate the fact that i have to lie especially during the fasting month. But, i just did. You know, my friends in UTP kept calling me gembala kambing since i love to cheat, (i mean a stupid joke) but thats only for a few minutes, then i would correct the statement. But this time, hmm..
Then, after the class, i reeived a special announcement whereby all the muslims can go back at 4pm during the fasting month. What a good news ehehe.. and of course i love to make the non-muslims envied!! hehe, so, at 4pm sharp, memang terus i balik with the biggest smile i had. Plus, on that day, my Dearie will bukak puasa with my whole family. Note: In malacca, if we get engaged, man has to bring the raw foods to the lady and of course we have to cook :)
BUT, when i got into the car, suddenly, the alarm could not stop ringing. DAMN! dahla pagi tu, my dad refused to let me using the car, but i insisted. and inilah pembalasan sebab menipu, degil and berlagak balik kul 4.. haha dah lame sangat bising, so one pakcik, came towards me and helped. but still it didnt work. called my dad, and of course he was getting mad.. opss opss. actually im quite afraid to see that pakcik doing some wiring. waiting for my Ina and Vivian to come, but as they arrived, still nothing changes. They trying to help but it didnt work at all. We waited for dad to arrive, and that time its already 5+. if Selvi know what happened, im sure she would laughed at me. hehe
Suggested to my father to call one mechanic around that area but the idea was rejected. baba nak gune mechanic yang same. he asked to go home and fetched my sister from school while he waited for the mechanic. Called em and he still stuck at Pandan Indah for nearly 30 minutes. And me, stuck at Flamingo for nearly 30 minutes. gile punye jam tambah2 hujan lebat giel, but finally i managed to reach at Ika's school on time. Ika demanded for her food and i just stopped at the shop nearby. Tambah lak, her first day puasa, so kasik can..
Arrived home at 6.30pm and rushed for Asr prayer. Nearly at 7pm, two important men in my life, still not here yet. i called both of them. Baba still there, waiting. bersalah gile, dah la baba, balik seminggu sekali je, first day puasa, terpakse bukak puase kat carpark. Em, traffic jam. Hmm..
baba arrived home at 7.40pm, waaa kesian die,its all because of me. Em a bit earlier. Mama asked him to perform solat terawikh in front of the house while she cooked some lauk for him. Me, hehe, supposed to help mama, but i went for solat terawikh. huhu.
Dearie went back around 10.30 pm after having a sweet talked with my great grandma, hehe. Nenek took out her books and asked Dearie to understand it. Banyak lesson die dapat and im sure nenek was happy that day.
Elok je Dearie balik, my cousin came with her family and its already 11pm. Waa i was damn sleepy after long tiring day plus the next day im working and has to wake up for sahur. But, as u know im a good host, so i wont mind. shared a lot of stories with Intan and of course some gosipping heheh. They went back around 1am, and of course after that.. terus.. REBAH..tak larat dah mase tu, baju pun tak tukar..
2nd Day - 5th day, to be continued...
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
banyak gak suke duka sepanjang 6 bulan nie.. nielah kerja tetap paling lama penah stay.. ye lah.. sblm nie.. mane sempat keje... lepas degree pun keje exactly 3 bulan jek ngan PPK technology...
being a lecturer.. kejap jek roda berputar.. seketika lalu kita adalah pelajar... sekarang kite adalah pensyarah... ingat lagi 1st day masuk kelas.. the feeling of getting the respect as a lecturer... the worst? of course the opposite... menghadapi student that failed to respect their lecturer... talking bout that... few days ago ade termelenting ngan student.. mane taknya.. dahlaa kelas datang sentiasa lewat sejam.. then ade hati nak meminta minta tambah markah carry mark.. 1st time naik angin since 19 April.. why? ever had the feeling had to wait for our student for hours just to know that they are absent at the end of the class? ... or wait them to enter the class after an hour has passed? such attitude for the whole semester boleh buat sakit jantung (we cant leave the class bcoz if HEA check the class is empty during our period then we'll be in trouble..)cakap pasal sakit jantung.. smlm ade lecturer fainted.. siap ade ambulan datang amik.. dengar ceritanya sbb sblmnya die marah ngan student... i can understand that.. :) ..
but that just a few... others are ok and motivated to study.. bukannya ape.. kesian kat diorang nie.. bayar memahal.. tapi tak gunakan peluang yg ade utk mengubah their future... but else.. being lecturer best gak.. walaupun kekadang tue boring.. hehhe...
initially masuk sinie.. tak sangka pun akan dok selama nie... ye laa.. masa tu ingatkan dpt uitm... sepatutnyanya mmg dah dpt pun.. dikhabarkan nama dah siap umum dlm mesyuarat jabatan... namun Allah maha mengetahui... suddenly takleh masuk sbb suddenly keluar polisi baru hanya phd holder akan diambil as pensyarah baru @ uitm... tape.. adalah hikmahnya tue... kasik kite merantau dulu mencari pengalaman... a word from my fren.. Allah takkan memberi sesuatu sehinggalah kita bersedia untuknya... :)
actually best gak dok sinie.. ye laa.. dpt ngajar subjek yg diminati.. digital.. plc.. microprocessor.. kejuruteraan komputer... kok dok tempat lain belum tentu dpt subjek subjek nie.. cuma maybe certain more subjek takpat like network.. computer security .. ecommerce(bcoz i'm @ school of engineering) .. pk pk balik lawak gak.. dulu belajar gile terkontang kanting masa wat engineering.. la nie ngajar engineering plak.. hehhe
tapi tuelah.. kalau di tempat lain belum tentu lg dpt peluang nak ngajar engineering ngan cpa aku yg ntah hape hape.. hehhe... staff staff pun ok jerk sinie.... ukhwah yg dlm.. especially bab cover mengcover... hehhe... ye laa.. lupe plak.. jadik lec sinie bukan macam kat ipta.. they expect us to be in the office 8-5... for me the productivity of the lecturer is not at the best pun kalo kite sumbat diorang dlm office 8-5 kan.. kekadang perlu uruskan beberapa hal peribadi... kekadang takleh mai @ 8... kekadang kene balik awai.. :).. kok takleh uruskan hal hal tue lg ngajar ntah hape hape nanti kan sbb banyak urusan tak setel.. hati pun tara tenang... gano nak ngajar ngan semangat... tapi tuelah.. kekadang takleh salahkan management gak.. sbb ade lecturer yg amik kesempatan... pantang ade peluang terus 'ting'.. kechipsmoorean yg teramat sangat.. didnt they think tentang keberkatan rezeki mereka ekk? (ngingatkan diri sendiri gak)
hmmm.. i thinks thats for now... semi anniversary kat kolej legenda.. thank u all my family.. my love and my fren for supporting me all the way... thank u pak ali and pak ery for choosing me during the interview... if not tak dok sinielah den... :) .. syukur.. alhamdulillah... semoga rezeki kita semua akan lebih murah di masa akan datang
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Selamat menyambut bulan Ramadhan Al-Mubarak kepada seluruh umat Islam di Malaysia dan marilah kita bersama-sama mengambil manfaat dari bulan yang penuh keberkatan kepada kita semua terutama meramaikan rumah Allah
Esok, hari pertama berpuasa sambil bekerja. Bukan tak pernah berpuase, tapi suasana sudah pasti berbeza. Bangun bersahur, kemudian, sudah tentu menghabiskan masa berborak dengan keluarga sementara menanti subuh. Jika adik-adik mungkin tidur lepas subuh, mira mungkin bangun dan bersiap untuk bekerja.
Tadi, banyak menghabiskan masa dengan teman-teman sepejabat makan. Makan sakan. :). Bersarapan nasi lemak di kedai mamak bersama Ina, Sharon, Vivian dan pelajar-pelajar. Murah sungguh rezeki kerana Mr. Chong belanja. Bersama Karen dan Nadiah untuk makan nasi ayam di kedai yang paling sedap di kawasan Ampang. Kemudian makan petang pula, bersama-sama dengan para pelajar, Karen, nadiah, Ina, Vivian dan Selvi. Kemudian, perut teringin menikmati cendol, jadi mira ajak nadiah teman mira makan di Cendol Taman melawati.
Hehe, terukkan, memang rosak la diet selama ni. Tak pernah diet pun sebenarnya. Cuma itulah orang Malaysia, setiap masa pasti makan. habit yang teruk untuk kesihatan.
Macam mana pun selamat berpuasa.
p/s hows my bm? skema tak?
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Im in the office, class start at 7.30pm. I know its sound weird when class starts at 7.30pm but usually i will begin the lecture at 8pm so they have an ample time for Maghrib prayer.
hehe, just talked to one lecturer and he is willing to take over my class, so it means, next week, i dont have evening class on Tuesday.. Tadi saje suruh die guess berape umur i and he said im 26!! waaa tuanyer muke cik mira!! Oh tidak!! Anyway, Yahoo!! dapat laa nak terawikh ngan family. So it means, hari rabu je laa i miss terawikh.
To be honest, kadang2 tu jadik lecturer kat kolej ni rase bersalah jugak, mane tak nyer, class die main langgar je time sembahyang.. kalau lecturer bukan islam, memang die tak kisah la bile kelas tu, kite yang islam ni rase bersalah sebab student kadang2 tak solat. Kalau break 7.30 bukannyer derang cari surau, tapi cari kedai mamak depan kolej ni. Hmm.. tu yang sedih tu. nak tego, kadang-kadang tu i ade jugak la kekuatan nak cakap, tapi bukan setiap kali kelas la. Derang pun bukannyer lepas sekolah, sesetengah dah jadi mak orang.. Hmm, berdoa semoga mereka ubah care hidup. Bukannya ape, sembahyang tu tiang agama, yang membezakan kite dengan orang bukan islam ialah solat. Perkara pertama yang Allah tanya kite adalah solat. Kalau solat kite sempurna, insyaAllah kite ada harapan nak cium bau syurga.
Memang la alim mira tak takat mane, tapi macam sedih la, bende berlaku depan mate kite. Surau dekat kolej ni memang sunyi sepi, boleh tau sape "regular customer". mane tak nyer, surau laki ngan perempuan campur. Tu pun antara bende yang mira terkejut mase first-first keje kat sini. No divider at all. tapi memang dah faham-faham sendiri, kalau perempuan masuk, laki akan tunggu sampai perempuan keluar.
Harap-harap ade jugak student mira yang browse website ni. To all my students, my responsibility is not only to give you a new knowlege but also to guide you to the right path. Hope you can understand what i mean. Takut nanti, mase akhirat esok, Allah tanye, what is your contribution to Islam and i could not answer that question. -Ms Amira- (they call me miss amira :D)
Sunday, October 10, 2004
Maybe i dont have any interesting topic to share with, so i come out with this thing. Ok, everytime i log in to the Internet, i will never miss to browse to this website
a) My blog -
b) my email address - yahoo and
c) Dearie's email :)
c) hana's blog -
d) sharmeen's blog -
e) nolee's blog -
f) ani's blog -
g) dod's blog -
h) aunty wynn's blog -
i) kak loly's blog -
j) shaf's blog -
k) searching for interesting articles and online contests
See, im addicted in blogging, not only to do some writing but also read it!! although some of them didnt realize that i was their regular reader. :)
Saturday, October 09, 2004
Tonight we are going to know for our very first Malaysian Idol. Yesterday, i was in Chicken Hartz again in Time Square ( what are co-incident, read Hana's blog just know, she was there with someone, hehe kalau tak ade chance nak kantoi kan die) but this time, with my colleague. Since, i always mentioned about "my trip" to Chicken Hartz, so decided to try it. But unfortunately, not all had desired to eat the food. The food were not their taste, emm, yerp, different people has different choice. Even, i also dint really enjoy my food.
When back as early as we could, as i couldnt stop forcing them to go back before the Malaysian Idol started, and we arrived at Ampang at 8.30. Hantar kawan i, but her parents were not at home, so i offered myself to wait for her. When back home, and it noticed that i missed two songs. Nevermind..
At least, i could see Jac's energy and how disappointing Dina was. She controlled the stage but as the result, she could not control her breath. Plus, pilih lagu pun tak best. Apart from that, i think she looks more feminine with her skirt. Jac - im totally sure that she is the winner. No doubt about that. We can see, how she can project her voice (remember Fantasia Berrino style?) Lagipun, at least we can be proud if she represents our country at the world idol.
Ok, anyway, nak dinner ni. tu tak leh nak komen panjang2, nak korek rahsie ngan hana pun tak sempat.. bye..
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
My question.. How many children that he has? How long is the longest marriage? Does anyone ready to break his record? :D..
I'm no playboy, says man who's a groom 53 times over
by: Sulaiman Jaafar
"I am not a playboy. I just love seeing beautiful women," said 72-year-old Kamarudin Mohammed, who tied the knot a record-blasting 53 times.
He made headlines on Sunday when he remarried his first ex-wife, Khadijah Udin, 74. They were married in 1957 and divorced a year later.
In between, the friendly and easy-going charmer married 51 other women, including an Englishwoman and two Thais.
"If I like a girl, I'll ask for her hand in marriage. I don't like flings. I also don't believe in marrying more than one woman at a time," he said in an interview at Khadijah's house in Kampung Pias, here today.
He completed his Junior Cambridge in 1951 at the Muar High School, and among his schoolmates were former Johor State Assembly speaker Datuk Yunus Sulaiman and former Muar MP Aziz Yassin.
His schoolmates in English College, Johor Baru, included Health Minister Datuk Chua Soi Lek.
Kamarudin joined the Police Field Force after school and left four years later. He then worked in various jobs.
"I just moved from one job to another if there were better offers. There have been so many jobs, maybe as many as my marriages," he joked.
Kamarudin has also worked as employee relations manager with Goodyear and Hume Industries, while his last post before retiring in 1992 was as employee liaison manager at Technic Far East.
Kamarudin said he was glad his latest marriage had made his eldest daughter, Rohana, 47, happy.
"She was right when she said I had never forgotten my first wife all these years. I am pleased to be united with Khadijah again," he said.
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Yesterday, I wanted to update my blog, but as I about to start, my mum told me that she needed to use this laptop to type the MOM. Actually, I wonder why she supposed to type the MOM, but I was too tired to talk.
4th October 2004
Nothing much happened to me in the morning, just realized that I had no more evening class and it means that I have to go to the office at 9am. Actually, it is better to finish work at 5pm but I hate to join the traffic jam especially because I am still diploma holder in driving a manual car. I am brave enough to do zig-zag :) but chicky when I have to play with clutch and first gear, kalau naik bukit dah start mengelabah, that’s why if the traffic is too heavy, I will use Jalan Jelatek to avoid the flight over.
Was about to go home already, promised with Nadia to punch out together but suddenly I received a call from Nurhana, asking me whether I was free or not. Of cosurse, I was glad to hear her voice, and really looking forward to hang out with her. She asked Shameen to join the date and Shameen agreed. Best - best. But the thing was, I had to wait for them. At 5.40 Shameen called me at informed Hana had just taken the shower. Dalam hati, mak aiii, ni tak masuk lagi minah ni nak make up ke ape. But luckily, my colleagues were ready for the tea time and I joined them for a while.
But all of them were having the class at 6pm and I decided to draw some money (just to kill the time) and then walked alone to the meeting point -Secret Recipe- Still have to wait for them.. (just emphasize on the statement) :p but finally, the times had come, these two VIP came towards me with a big smile. Hana was holding a big plastic bag that I was sure it was dedicated for me. Hehe so happy to see a hair straightened for my birthday present, thanks Hana. I love it, Mimi lagi suke, she already plan to use it for her dinner this weekend. Not only that, Hana also gave me "two chain" books, the wedding book. These wedding books, according to Hana and Shameen wajib pass kan when the times has come. So, definitely I have to start the cycle. The most interesting part, when three of us, eat likes what!! After having a heavy meal, then Shameen (why Shameen hahaha) ordered two slices of cakes. But both of us unfortunately could not afford to force Hana to eat the Blueberry Cheese Cakes.
Best part, we were chatted and chatted, talking and talking, gossiping and gossiping until I did not realize the time makes no different. I mean I should went back early but I went back at the same time if I have the evening class. But as long as to see these two faces, it is worth!! To Shameen: hope the D'Kayangan plan JADI!! Hana, if you want to join, JOM
Went back home, but as I arrived, my mum asked me to accompany her for the kenduri, Since she just wanted to walk with Ika, therefore I did not mind to follow. Plus, the house actually is my relative house and it was kenduri tahlil. Quite exhausted when I got into bed but I could not sleep, so many things to prepare for the next day. Missed my Dearie.
5th October 2004
My student called me as early as 9.30 am to inform the tuition class. Oh, they asked me to do tuition for them, although I was difficult for me to say NO, but I was not really ready to say YES. But they are too good in persuading me, and finally I agreed. Plus, all of them having a close relationship with me, so why not I help them especially when final exam is just around the corner. Was about to leave the house, but suddenly I hit the wall and the car emm boleh tahan kemek especially from the drive's seat. The reason is I do not know to play with gear 1 and actually so many things bothering me and I lost the concentration. I asked the helped from Auntie in the surau to adjust the car and alhamdulillah not that seriously damaged. Until I write this blog, I have not tell my mum yet. Hmm, habis laa duit gaji I bulan ni, pi ketuk kete :(..
During the class, a student asked me to try her kuih raya and I straightly ordered kuih makmur from her. (Baba favorite kuih raya). Finished the class at 7.30 pm but had to wait for Ina, so I used the time to prepare the test questions for my students tomorrow. Arrived home safely, alhamdulillah. Having my dinner, while waiting for my mum to come back from surau, received a call from Baba. Told him half of the accident story. Dunno what to do, I spend my time blogging, and after this, Good Luck Mira.. it's show time.