Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Me and ethics

During my university year, it is essential to take Business Ethics subject in order to fulfill the requirement for minor course. That time, I do admit, not that knowledge that I wanted to gain, but an A grade. I usually skipped my class because the subject is quite tedious although the lecturer is damn fun. Dunno la, at that moment it was difficult in relating the real working environment with the theoretical part.

Ok, that's the story for a year back. You can conclude me as shallow, naive, and sometimes uncompassionate youngster. But as the time goes by, I started to think how important the ethic is especially with the title as a lecturer and as an employee. To me ethical is a serious issue that one might put you into troublesome. It determines your level of commitment and shows how honest you with your position and how is your relationship with your upper management.

But somehow, I strongly say that our working environment helps a lot in defining our work and ethics. If you satisfied with your job, than your ethics will be OK but let say if it is in other way round? Then you start blabbing, gossiping and telling everyone about your unsatisfactory.

Ok, enough say..

p/s - Mira stay focus and apply ETHIC!! But can i after all the obstacles that i have to go through?

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