Skim Tenaga Pengajar Muda, UITM
It seems so quite today, not only the students dont attend the class, but the staffs also are already on leave. The good news is, my boss is not around. Coming to the office quite late today.
Early in the morning, em called me to remind me about uitm form which is due today. Since it was 7am in the morning, i pulled my comforter and continue sleeping. huhu, although he told me he would come over to my office to collect the form.
When i woke up, i realized that, it was already 8.15 am, i was quite panicked, yelaa i dint fill up the form yet.. So, secepat mungkin i mandi n mengadap borang. Of course em called me, and when he knows that im still at my house, so he changed his planned. Datang umah.. mak aii
When he arrived at my house, i was bz completing the form, so no time to entertain him. Actually, i wanted to avoid seeing him without the "uncomplete" work, but huhu terpakse.. because i was confused to choose my course. i guess you can assume how he reacts :D..
ok, em hantar i pi office, and then he submitted the form by hand. Arrived in the office around 9.40am. actually i have two classes today, but no students come. So sitting around, marking papers, doing some admin works.
Only stopped when receiving the special guests, my colleague's niece. had to babysit her while her grandma went for a hari Raya shopping. heheh, at least ade bende laa nak buat..
ok, now its already 3.45pm, nak packing, baba amik hari ni, oh, one of our staff resign today, so berkurang laa sorang staff kat sini.. hmmm when is my turn?????????
p/s thanks bang, heheh ampun!!! last minute work :p
Soft Launching Chef Kecik Boulangerie Tuah 1895
5 hours ago
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