Thursday, March 04, 2010

Still on my story last Sunday

Yes it is. I am still on Sunday. Last Sunday was interesting day for me. Being a supermom on Sunday morning was fantastic. But my happy mode did not end there, that night I had attended wedding invitation from Nik Munirah and Alif. Nik was my ex-room mate in Jasin while Alif was my Form 5 ex classmate. Both of them were Form Four ex classmate. 

The best part, they rarely spoke to each other before. Alif, I might say one of a good guy in Jasin even though he came from St John. Ok ok, what I mean is, I bet it is quite hard to find someone from St John who is religious and Islamic. Do you agree? If you do have time, read his note here.. tak pernah orang buat invitation lagu tu..

So the couple has increased the statistic of "kawin same batch". Prior to this we have Malinda and Faizul, Hana and Acap, Hanifah and Mukhzeer and now Nik and Alif. Again, due to my tiredness, I came with a heavy heart. heheh :p but NOT until I met sooo many familiar faces. I think this is the first time I went to seated wedding where I could find too many familiar faces. Oh saya tidak bawak Emir.. :)

BUT, as usual Mr. Husband did not bring his camera. seperti biase lah ini aktiviti saya, tak denyer nak bawak kamera :p

Ok I missed this session..

Hana, pinjam gambar

Let me show you some of the pictures that I have


Liza: Satu homeroom, apakah homeroom, err one homeroom will be taking care by one teacher. One homeroom consist approximately around 12-14 students. Never met her before, tapi tidak lah putus kasih terus sebab she has a blog. Have you heard Berrylicious? Haa she is the owner-lah. Ada dua anak sudah.. Sempat lagi usik "aku rasa ko kene kurus sikit ni".. Haha, well macam mane lah aku nak kurus, tak cukup iman tengok makanan..

Farah Azima: Ini putus kasih!! She is my room mate, I have nt heard about her since we left Jasin, even Nik was too excited when Farah replied her email for the invitation. The first thing I asked her "eh bila kawin ni", tau tau je dah ade anak sorang, boleh jalan dah pun. Time flies. Ok, closer picture of us

Imelda: Tidak la rapat tapi selalu jumpe. Most of the time  is during kenduris. I think we have the same time frame kot.. sure bertembung punyer. and now, she is considered our neighbour as she lives in the same neighbourhood as mine. 

Tuty: Just got engaged. kurus ko sekarang. Pakai kebaya lagi, orang lain makin kurus, mira jugak la yang makin kembang.. :) Seri orang nak kawin kot.. I think
Hana: My best friend, errr tak yah cerite lah :p she always here, but her daughter must call me Ibu okeh :)

Banyak lagi, tapi tak de gambar so tak best nak cerite.. Tassha, Mag, Azhar and Noorina, Malindawati and Faizul, then Suhana, Shazni, Hanifah and Mukhzeer.. Yani, aku jumpe Yaya jugak..

BUT the best part, we dont have Nik and Alif (aka pengantin) at ALL :p Okeh tamat laa cerita hari Ahad.. hehehe


1 comment:

  1. heheh.. Yaya baru citer kt aku ko jmper die kt sana.... ruper nyer suami die member ngan pengantin ekk...


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