Friday, March 05, 2010

Gelak Jumaat

Just a short entry as I am currently at Mr. Husband's office to kill some time. Promised with someone to meet her at 11 am, ok straight to the point, saya menang a ticket to watch Alice in Wonderland. Huhu.Sometimes, I feel like a small kid who loves gift and present. Be it small or big, I do appreciate gift and that is the reason why I love to participate in a contest. 

Ok, kembali kepada asal.. mari kite bercerita.

Cerita pertama

Kejadian di antara Ibu dan Emir

"Emir, I love you, you are my son" sambil cium cium pipi dia
Automatic Emir pun balas
"Ibu, I love you, you are my son too"

Err... confirm Emir tak paham konsept son tu ape hehehehe

Cerita Kedua
Kejadian di antara anak sedara saya- 5 years old kid (Alia) ngan kakak ipar saya (Ibu Alia) dekat kedai

Alia: Ibu, nak beli shampoo
Ibu Alia: Eh bukan ke baru beli shampoo, tak baik tau membazir, membazir tu kawan syaitan
Alia: Oo ok... Tapi ibu, kenape syaitan tu, syampoo dia tak habis, dia nak beli syampoo baru..

Ibu Alia tanye kiterang.. "haa macam tu nak jawab"


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