Monday, October 07, 2013

Emir's 7th Birthday - the day when it is called a Birthday Party

Promise this will be my last entry on Emir's birthday. I have a lot more pictures inside my mobile phone that need to be cleared for more live update. ni kepam 2 - 3 bulan cerita pun dah basi daa.. First of all, after looking for all pictures captured by Mr. Photographer, i conclude that in next session, we should have group photo, macam class picture for all kids who attended the birthday party. We missed this. and i realized, gambar dengan kengkawan i pun tak dak ..

me busy with the cake cutting. The cake is quite keras. and it is not fluffy. Learnt from my teacher, she said, fondant cake must be quite keras, takut nanti fondant tak boleh duduk diam-diam. So, if you realized, most of the wedding fondant cakes adalah fruit cake.. tapi i nak belajar cake tu fluffy jugak, barulah sedap kan

Emir , masa tengah makan.. tapi nampak lebih kepada main.. :d

Adult guests, yang berdiri tu abang Emran, Dr. Azmi :) sapa-sapa tengah belajar medic kat UKM, perhaps he is your lecturer :D ataupun sapa-sapa yang suka berbasikal and marathon.. mungkin kenal jugak. Both husband and wife memang sports person..

Adik i. mimi.. sapa nak jual rumah, boleh jumpe dia... :) she can act as your property agent

My another sister who is currently in Unimap, Perlis. Very independent and loves whatever activities organized by the university. Kalau cuti, jarang benor nak duduk rumah lama-lama.. ada jeeee aktiviti yang dia involved. She is with my niece, Alya.. (anak abang Emran)

One of Emir's good friend - Qais.

not many pictures of Emir without Boboi Boy's cap. and this is one of it. peluh sangat dah tu

again!! Mimi with my brother. Belakang tu, my BIL, Akhir.. i kan 7 beradik.. tak payah jemput orang lain pun dah penuh dah rumah :)

in Jungle Gym's playzone..

With some of the prezzies.. sampai sekarang banyak lagi yang Emir tak main-main lagi. mostly are science experiment tools.. :)

with part of my family, from left, yours truly, Mama, Baba, Mimi, Ainun (Cik Yah), Jiji, Akhir dan adik bongsu I, Ika.. depan pulak, Shahiran and anak sedara i (anak Jiji), zubair.. Emir masa ni dah tak cooperative sangat dah.. My other brother, Saffuan and his wife Syazreen, tak dapat nak datang.. 

Ini anak kawan baik I, Dania (anak Ezna).. :) Dania ni cakap lah nak tudung color ape, semua ada.. cantik-cantik pulak tu..

And at least, Emir agreed to be in this picture, but not all of us were here..sebelah Emir, is my neighbor's son, Danny. Dari kecik sampai besar, sama-sama..

with my in-laws familly. My first brother in law, Abang Azmi and Kak Yasmeen, dah balik, lupa pulak nak ambik gambar.. this is husband's second brother, Abang Aril and his wife Kak Ros together with his only sister, Kak Yah.

Angah (Kak Yah) hadiahkan Emir the whole set of Boboi Boy dari Topi sampailah ke segala mala patung BoboiBoy tu..seronok betul Emir, sampai nak main masa tu jugak.. masa ni mostly orang dah balik

and the "best" picture of my small family.. Emir? tok sah cakaplah.. itupun mujur dia nak tengok kamera walaupun muka tak nak.. dah penat sangat main tu.. :)

Next year.. ? kene tengok budget :p buat kat rumah lagi best kot, boleh panggil orang without limit :)

1 comment:

  1. heehh sama plak nama ur BIL dgn nama my elder bro ie Dr Azmi, but my bro is a dentist, grad UM :)


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