Friday, December 04, 2009

Japan Trip - Day 6 - Yoyogi Park - Flea Market and Harajuku

I bet some of you are bored with non stoppable entry on Japan, sorry guys, blogging is some sort of my diary. Even sometimes, I loves to read my old entries just to flashback who am I for the last five years.

Anyway, from December, more wedding invitations are coming, and this time around -- banyak.. Wa boleh makan puas puas itu nasik minyak .. Ok ok, bile nak diet, belakang kire kejap.. Hope I can make it to attend all wedding invitations and Mr. Husband can accompany me.

Back to Japan trip, on the sixth day, SIL asked whether we wanted to go to the Flea Market at Yoyogi Park since here most of the items were clothes. Hubby agreed as he wanted to increase his collections of Cosplay show.

Mr. Husband was kind enough to take care of Emir while both SIL and I were shopping. As usual, I didnt really shop :), lebih baik i gune duit tu, tawaf tawaf sikit kat Japan kan..
And Alhamdulillah, during our trip to Japan, Emir was one happier toddler. Guess he knew that he was on holiday vacation. Tak kire lah dari pagi sampai malam keluar, not even once he cried or shows his tantrum.
But to compensate with this, of course at times he will ask something in return, like can drinks from vendor machine which cost nearly RM4 for one press or chocs from vendor machine. For chocs or toys usually my SIL would kindly pay for it since we refused to donate one after another sekali-tekan RM4 to Japanese hehehe..

And finally Emir found his Japanese friend, same case - mak shopping, bapak jagak anak. :).. it was so funny to see this boy talking in japanese while my son in English.. hehhehe

We asked his permission to take some pictures with Emir, so when we said arigato huzaimas, this boy replied "Its nothing" --> in Japanese, my SIL translatekan..


Me trying Sotong Ball, name orang panggil dalam Jepun tak tau.. tapi Sotong Goreng Tepung still no 1 hehehe

Then, we walked down to the street to see ape laa yang dijualnyer. and only we found out, it was another market which sells only organic vegetables. We bought some veggies, and yes, bile masak, serious rase organic :) even the carrot itself still with sand..

Me without food is definitely not me.. and this time, Emir dah selamat tidor.. It was a loooonggg queue to buy this ikan buntal (macam bahulu) with red bean filling.. Sedapp cos still hot. The seller only allowed us to buy the maximum of three of this ikan buntal sob sob sob..

Above is one of the Cosplay costumes. Nak tau ape lagi baju bajan derang pakai, kindly visit Mr. Husband's flickr ya..


  1. Chomel nyer nengok gambar Cosplay costume kaler pink tu =p..

  2. hahaha, banyak pakai lagi pelik pade tu pun ade..


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