Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Cut cut cut cut...

Cutting hair is a nightmare for Emir and bringing him to barber's shop is also a nightmare for us.. He refused to go to barber's shop and only opt to go to saloon.. (sape ajar tak tau).. until recently, he rejected everything, siap nangis guling-guling tanak masuk kedai gunting.. then i asked him

"then who want to cut your hair, nanti panjang orang ingat girl"
"ATOK can cut my hair"

waaa, immediately I called my dad and my mum answered the phone. Told my mum and my mum directly informed my dad and my mum said "tu, baba tengah senyum melerettttt"

So that weekend, I asked my dad to cut Emir's hair


Mase ni steady lagi anak jantan aku ni,

Mase ni pun ok lagi..

Sekarang dah tak boleh duduk diam...

 And tadaaa.

Emir geli okeh, geli geli, geliiii last last. LARIIIIIIII!!! so projek tak jalan!! rambut senget sebelah, but luckily not too obvious cos jusssssstt started

and until today, nothing change :)


  1. sabar jer la ur boy ni mir.. hehe..

  2. HIHIHI....anak saye takut potong rambut kalau guna mesin, kalau guna gunting abah diorang akan ugut nnt putus telinga :P

  3. Naz: yeah,, suke bagi alasan lately

    sitisifir: tapi at least takut jugak kat bapak dia.. si emir ni bertuah :d


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