Thursday, July 21, 2011

Winnine entry: Creative Home Magazine Father's Day Contest

First of all, I apologize as currently I am in the mood of taking part in any contest on this earth... :d So of cos lah, in 10 contests that I participated, at least 1 lah tersangkut kan.. :p so got lahh something to share in this space.. Well, apart from this contest, just wanna let u know, that Alhamdulillah I am currently moving into new phase in life which I am not ready to announce it here... Kalau tanye i personally ok lah... 

No no no, please please please, Emir is still my only son, so if you are thinking i am err 1 month pregnant, 2 months pregnant, so please erase your question ok... And i know i surely gonna feel exhaused this coming raya to answer "bile Emir nak dapat adik".. belum ade rezeki, and yes, i do sometimes feel annoyed when someone asked me this question.

Back to the story, I won a consolation prize from Creative Magazine Facebook for Father's Day contest. To that I won two cushion pads worth RM39.90 per set from Jean Perry.

Funny story happened. At first, Mr Husband agreed to collect this prize on my behalf at Creative Magazine's office at SS2. But as usual, at the very last minute and dah few times, Mr. husband told me that he couldnt make it. So, nak tak nak, terpakselah membawa kerete meredah SS2 which as usual I am not familiar with..

So, I found SS2, but I couldnt find the street. At the same time, I berSMS with Suzi and tried to call Ayu asking her to show me the way to get there.. since she was one of the winner too.. Tapi nasib tak baik, she didn't answer the call.. Tak pe lah kan, i pun pusing-pusing lah cari SS2/75, and lerr, it is located at the main road laaa... ape daa...

When I reached at Creative Home Office, AYu replied my SMS 

"Mira kenape you call, Bateri I kong" --- cam cam gitulah.. tak pe lah, i pun dah sampai kan..

anyway, guess whom I met there.. Scroll down ya...

Ya man.... boleh pulak terjumpe Ayu kat sini :p and lucky me, she belanjaa me McD... heheh Thanks Ayu. Sumber gambar adalah dari Ayu

. Ade hikmah nya husband I tak dapat ambik hadiah untuk I :D


  1. wahhhh berjumapa akhirnya..congrats both of u

  2. congrats babe!!! angin bercontest tgh kencang tu hehehe

  3. congr8s mira..wonder apekah new phase tu yer..watever it is,zt doakan yg baik2 utk mira & family

  4. Thanks yer everyone..

    abazilah, i dah vote u okeh :), good luck

  5. sesama geng jumpa kat tempat amik sweet...


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