Thursday, July 07, 2011

Ahoy to Neverland - Part 2... The Game

Ok, I am not sure how many entries would be on this Ahoy to Neverland. But those of you who has been reading my blog for quite sometime, if I am really into that activity, yes, I would tell you in details. I mean really details.. hehe 

not only for my own records but also as a childhood memory for Emir... 

Let's continue. The event started with an introduction by Zahid AF. He did attracted the parents' attention, at least for me la kan.. nak nak dia celebrity, but not bad ok.. he knows how to interact with the crowd...

So, when he said, "Let's get some fun NOW" we (Kak Didik and I, of cos with the kids) were one of the front line and we targetted Handy Manny dulu..

The theme was Teamwork, here, they had prepared three tasks but we only had to complete one task to get the stamp, so Emir and I chose this task - senang saje, kibarkan bendera..

But suddenly, something happened to me, I could not bend down and I was terribly in pain!!! Salah urat ke ape, tak sure, but it took me a while to calm down and I asked this young man to help Emir... and yes, since we were the first batch, muke pun segar bugar bole posing-posing dulu :)

Then, we went to Oso's games.. Special Oso is one of Emir's fave cartoon.. and semua bende Emir suruh mak nyer "3 special steps" .. At Oso's, the theme was Bravery

and this is Emir's speciality, shooting the bottles and yes, he did it!! 3 bottles at one go, tak sempat dia nak sibuk main air lagi, dah habis hehehe...

and Mickey Mouse is Emir's all time favorite cartoon..The theme was Memory.

So, they gave us this one map and asked us to collect all treasure hidden in the maze.

I biaselah nak buat lambat-lambat, suruh Emir ambik gambar BUT this little young man, sibuk macam dapat hadiah je, asyik asyik "Ibu, no time, no time"

 By the way, each completed task, the kids have been rewarded with small freebies and of cos it thus created a big smile to a child, on top of getting a stamp from the kakak-kakak or abang-abang. These 4 stamps were quite important in order for us to redeem our goodie bag..

Last but not least, WordWorld with the theme - Reading Clue. and most of the parents would spare this game as the final game and terpakselah kiterang beratur jugak huhu... 

Each team is required to find words based on the clue given, and tell ya, it was not that easy to search a pool of words.. (lupe pulak nak ambik gambar).. tak susah pun, tapi sebab mase tu dah panas terik nya, mase tu kaki i dah sakitnya..

It was a good activity for Emir since Emir baru je nak pandai bace. So here, he has been "forced" to apply his Letterland skills. :D yeah, walaupun clue depan mater je.. :p

Overall the games were well organized and suitable for the Disney Junior kids. Simple tapi fun and exciting kan.. kalau tak kerana dah start panas, I dont mind to do it again with Emir.. :)



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