Tuesday, July 26, 2011

and so, what is you kid's habit...??

Anyway, even though kids are small and err fragile, but they are still a normal human being where they have their own attitude, throwing their expression and not to forget - having their very own habit.. Many says that their habit is actually comes from their own parents or even worst the combination of their parents' habit. Habit basically refers to pattern of behaviour that is repeated over and over again without you realize it.. 

So, most common habit, be it children or adults, the common habits are nail biting and sucking your finger (kid la kan) and we as a parent, even though habit rarely leads to any medical disease,  but we do have to monitor them especially usually this habit relates to their hygiene.. 

and so, my Emir, i mean this 5 years old boy has developed this habit from few years back and I definitely know where this "genetic" came from ... yes my beloved husband.. My husband loves to  "kopek" ok (what do we call in English) any "new things" on his face -- err the pimples, or on his body -- like err wound ke and yes, geli kan or sakit kan, but yes, not for him..

but, man... i tell you....... Emir is even even even worst in this kopek - mengopek. sometimes when the house was so quite, usually I would check on his whereabout and sometimes, he could just sit at the corner of the room, doing this habit.... and... it can be anything!!! and usually his nails!!

he is smiling not because for this camera, but he knows i always say "eeeeee, tak sakit ke buat macam tu" "tak de bende lain ke nak buat" and you know what he is doing? kopek kulit yang sikit je terkeluar tu, sampai dah jadi besar!!! scary right, but Emir always says "besttt"!!! and this is one of the thing that he will do before he sleeps..

and that is the reason why his nails especially the thumb and toe adalah tidak even!! senget benget, he loves this sesi kopek mengopek...

and so, do share you kid's habit pulak, wanna hear from you...



  1. habit CikMat yang memang Nini tak boleh terima adalah mengorek hidung guna jari telunjuk..

    sebijik cam bapak dia!!!!

  2. hisap jari..arief akan sorok kat sudut2 bilik & hisap jari..kekadang dia rapat2 dgn ila ..ingtakan apa ..rupanya nak berlindung utk hisap jari..kronik sungguh

  3. mira!
    sama! aleesua pun suka bebenor kopek kuku ibu jari kaki.keke

  4. asrar suka bite nails tapi no idea dapat dari sape hehe, but i tak suka. so hari2 larang dia buat, so now dah slowly down.

    picking nose tu tak kerap but dia tak segan buat depan org. still gak kena marah :P bila kantoi dgn mamanya yg garang ni, terus dia cakap dirty sambil sengih2

  5. anak i suka cabut apa saja.. pembalut krayon, kotak, sticker, tisu paper.. toys.. asalkan dah terkopek sikit hujung sticker.. siapla mesti bertaburan kat lantai

  6. zharfan suka gigit baju..time dia nervous :p heheh

  7. I have seen some kids that act like Emir, likes to kopek, hehe.

    LAtely I found out my daughter likes to bring some of her hair into the mouth and start licking them.. is this a bad habit.

  8. maryam - isap jari

    umar - xde specific habit,tp die blh develop habit baru once in a blue moon, skg ni suke nari tegedik2 goyang bon-bon die, xphm t_t

  9. suka pegang i punya siku banyak kali dan cakap siku ummi lembut esp masa dia mengantuk...Kalau dania pegang2 waktu nak tidur, boleh sampai tertidur dibuatnya


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