Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My problem...

is.. I dunno how to multitask.. and can easily lost my interest in a split second, lepas tu in a split second also, i boleh balik minat that interest...

so what happen...?

errr.. u know i have three main hobbies, main contest, blogging and travelling.. and so ..

right now, i ade satu cabang bende-bende online ni.. which is, most of you know that i am currently building up my business... so most of the time, i need to spend most of the hours to search for the opportunities, grab the opportunities and utilise the opportunities..

and so.. all of these opportunities come with a big price.. i terpakse lupakan sekejap mase i untuk main contest, and nak tak nak mase i untuk blogging pun kurang jugak.. yes, actually tepuk dada tanye selera la kan..

and so... i consider myself as "tak pandai nak multitask"... kalau i concentrate satu, tu je laa i concentrate, ya lain adoii terpakselah..

sayang jugak my MALAYSIA Giveaway punye Nuffnang dah tak sehebat dulu.. tengok laa i dah tak update more than a month, kalau I banyak duit nak je i upah orang..

yang blog ni pun suam suam kuku... tapi those of you who are in my Facebook, sejak dua menjak ni bukan main laa aku aktif kan.. dulu tengok FB pun seminggu berape kali jer.. :p

but whatever it is, the business is doing well.. alhamdullillah.. not great but alhamdulillah.. at least i make sure that this month is better than last month..  telling u the truth not even touch ribu-ribu pun, but im working hard to achieve there... orang jual kedai runcit (yes, im consider myself bukak kedai runcit...) untung dia is depanding on the volume kan.. 

ape-ape pun.. buat mase sekarang ni.. ape-ape yang I buat, kene buat dengan sungguh-sungguh dan ikhlas..dan i nak mintak maaf sebab in this period, mungkin i tak sempat nak balas komen, nak singgah blog kengkawan as always.. 

and... huk huk.. ok.. sekarang ni i tak dak phone.. iphone kesayanganku rosak!! dead!! emir ter-wiwi on my phone.. kes mak dia tido letak henpon kat sebelah, emir terlepas wiwi mase tengah tido.. and my phone bawah bam bam dia.. sedih!!! so cabaran jugak ni.. belum sempat nak pi beli phone baru... kalau ape2 nak message i, i always on facebook yer..

p/s Ashra dan Elissme tak nak bagi alamat ke? i nak hantar hadiah ni.. :)



  1. same problem..
    how arr? aku pun masalah multi tasking ni.. nak berbisnis kek lagi la kene concentrate mase buat tu kan? so byk bende lain terabai huhu.. how arr?..

  2. alahai..kesiannya..boleh beli hp baru lah..
    hadiah?? eh,yer ker..tak perasan pulak ada hadiah..nanti kita email yer..

  3. asalkan mira happy dgn apa yg mira buat...huhuhu
    kami ni tak tau la ...bekerja tak sepenuh jiwa

    mira...nk tergelak pon ada pasal emir kencing atas iphone tu ..jgn mara naa...

  4. hehe.samalah kita..kalu leh nak jadi multitasking tapi tak berapa nak pandai..hehe

    tapi mira ok lagi la..sbb mira kerja lagi.kira byk la improvement dgn apa mira buat tu..

    btw,hahaha,so sorry.serius terlepas entry itu.terkejut baca entry ni,tetiba ada pesanan plak kat bawah.keke

    thanks mira! really appreciate it.nanti kita email ya..

  5. alahai hp dh kena wiwi emir..ehhehe..tkpe bisnes good leh dpt hp br


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