Saturday, April 16, 2011

Ezna's Videoshoot

Walaupun Ezna i kenal via blog je, but since we read and write the blog frequently, rasa macam dah kenal lame.. ok, it happens to other bloggers as well kan.. so for Ezna, dia pun hantu contest jugak, and banyak kali juga menang contest.. and the best part, anak Ezna telah di-train and ade self confident bile depan dengan orang ramai sebab contest.. ye la kan selalu masuk contest, lepas tu pulak kene jalan on stage...

and to others, jangan ingat walaupun contest ni bukan business, tapi cabaran pun hebat juga.. ye la one of it, contest yang ade LIKE LIKE ni.. bile kite undi dah banyak, other contestants thought that we cheat, and my goodness, kadang-kadang dengki tu lain macam.. ade yang post dekat their own blog kate tak puas hati, padahal she herself used the same method.. the worst part, ade yang report dekat organizer kate kite tipu, and kite pun di-banned from the competition.. kalau organizer yang ok, dia dengar la juga cakap kite, tapi organizer yang selagi boleh dia nak ramai orang LIKE page dia, jangan harap dia nak dengar apetah lagi nak investigate kan.. sebab tu i palingla tak suke contest yang kene raih undi..

and another thing, contestant yang tiru idea kite, ni geram ni :).. tiru idea but improvised, i tak kisah, tapi ni dengan cara-cara kite menulis pun dia nak tirunyer.. aiyoo.. nasib dia tak menang, kalau tak lagi meroyan aku hahaaha..

anyway, back to the story..i memang ajak kawan-kawan comper i masuk MAS Traveller contest sebab hadiah sangat best.. kalau menang rezeki kan, kalau tak menang, sekurang-kurangnya kite dah mencuba..

antara orang yang i ajak masuk is Ezna.. and one of the optional requirement is to post a video about yourself. and even though Im not that good in making a video, but with my err 3% knowledge boleh la kan setakat nak post kat youtube tu..

and Ezna asked me to help her.. err.. malu ok.. when other people put a trust on you, dah la masih lagi amateur, but anyway, im happy to share watever knowledge i  have pun.. and

we set an appointment at my crib last Monday.. and since I already posted a video of mine in my house, so i decided to shoot at the swimming pool area.. tapi sebab hari tengah hari yang sangat cerah dan menyebabkan gambar jadi gelap gelita, so we changed the position, tak nampak la swimming pool nyer..

since I director, i mane boleh amik gambar satu tempat jer :D mesti nak tukar-tukar.. so i bawak Ezna pergi dekat indoor playground area..

couldn't remember why we didn't include any shoot here, then, pergi gym area pulak.. and finally i cakap Ezna, posing kat tangga, thank God, Ezna pun tak de lah letak high expectation, kalau dia letak i tak tau. hehe..

 again, i tak de software yang boleh convert, so terpakse la gune software yang free download, tapi itulah, tinggal watermark pulak..

anyway, on that day mak Ezna operation brain surgery, up until now, i pun tak berape sure what's the progress. yeah my bad, i know its a phone call away.. ape pun, mari kite doa, semoga nyer selamat dan dipermudahkan..

ended this entry with Ezna's video.. siap menari lagi ok.. :) sorry Ezna.. its a simple video jer.. tak perasan hari ni dah 16 April, tak boleh nak suruh vote, sebab contest dah ended semalam huhu



  1. bagus saling tolong menolong ni...suke ai tgk u berdua...:)

  2. wahh so sweet,saling help each other

  3. and im more than happy tengok kawan2 sendiri menang competition :)

  4. tu la kalo contest undi2 ni tk best kn...padahal rmi je guna cr tk btul tp bole plak ngadu2 kt organizer ek...

    wah bervideo shooting korang...

  5. dear..tengok playground tu macam kenal je. ni kat ARmani Kondo ke?

  6. mama tisya: ha ah memang tak best pun.. tension betul kalau undi2 ni..

    mummysyafie: bukan armanee condo :d tu sure lagi high standard kan..

  7. dear amira dearie....haaa??? i tak tau u ada kuar entry ni...lama giler i tak blogwalking. he he he...ayoyoyo....i memang mintak tolong kat u and u ni pulak siap bake muffin, shoot video, upload video...alehai sangat la MEMBANTU i...THANKS MIRA...i really appreciate that....:-)

    <3 hug mira!!!!

  8. wah best2 good luck untuk u all berdua k...


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