Tuesday, April 05, 2011

I won .... and of course, something for you as well :)

Note:  sebelum tu nak mintak tolong...



Carefree hamper from NTV7 The Breakfast Show an Johnson & Johnson from this picture forwarded to them via Facebook...

So, here I was, driving all the way in between "working" to Primeworks at Sri Pentas Bandar Utama to collect my prize.. ALONE...

tak dapek ler nak posing kat mane2.. nak suruh sape amik pulak kan... 

So, balik rumah, I suruh la jejaka I posing since dia la yang memenangkan i kan.. err and he doesnt know what is inside pun hehehe.. bile ko besar esok Emir, malu kot :D

ok ok, when you received Carefree hamper, did you have the same thought like mine??

"Banyaknyer... tak leh ngandung la cam ni"


But fret not, bile diamati dan didekati....


So as usual, EVERY TIME I won something that can be shared, I would always loves to share this rezeki with my readers.. walaupun hanyalah panty liners... 

So now, just leave your comment here.. and you are in the running to win one of the two sets of panty liners!!!

and WAIT...

just let me know ok.. so instead of 1 vote, now you have two votes :)

InsyaAllah kalau menang contest MAS ni, insyaAllah I will share as well..

This mini contest ends Thursday, 7 April 2011...


  1. Owh... plan nak berikan sesuatu kat mira pn blm tercapai lagi. bnyk benda nak diuruskn dlm mngu ni. persiapan majlis 5in1 kat kg. sudahnya hari2 plan lain jadinya lain. Tahniah Mira. Memang selesa produk carefree ni. Emir, kalau pakai headband pn org boleh keliru kata dia girl sbb muka emir comel! sweet sngt ^^

  2. congrats mira :) sharing is caring

    i doakan ur cepat2 dpt lil bb in ur tummy tau hehhehe

    i pun harap one or BOTH of us will win the MAS tu..tp rasa mcm slim chances gak ni..more entries pouring..lmbt lg due date kan..now dh 500 kot entries, maunya akan lebih 1k entries tu :) anyway, believe in rezeki and qada qadar kan..menang kalah adat bertanding :) me tak berharap pun..me join sbb u inspire me to join, and sbb eyriqazz beria2 suruh me join :p my entry pun mcm lame gak :p

  3. wan: emir macam girl huhu, akan mira make sure dia tak dijambukan hehehe, ala wan tak yah susah2 bagi ape2, friendship that matters..

    suzz: doakan ok, i memang mengharap, tapi try not to be stressed, takut nanti rezeki anak makin jauh pulak..

    and yes, tak pe janji kite dah hantar entries, kadang2 entry tak disangke boleh menang kan.. so let the judges decide.. i pun tak de la nak harap2 sangat sebab banyak giler entries!!!

  4. congrats kak mira~
    banyak tu..hehe
    emir pulak terpaksa berposing dgn hadiah, heheh...dh besar sure die malu =p

    p/s : dh like kak mira @ FB :)

  5. whoa...tahniah2

    dah like jugak

  6. tahniah! tahniah!
    banyak btul pantyliner tu. hehe..

  7. Mira...gratias suke tengok muka emir bebedak :)...anyway i teruja sgt tgk posting u, suzz and devi...i mmg tak terror bab2 kreatif ni...good luck beb,,,just tekan butang like jer kan...i dah vote utk u all bertiga...klu mng la yer...ai nak ole2 dari NZ...hahahahahah....

  8. wahhh, byk btol PL carefree tu,hahaha
    insyaAllah,kami readers setia u doa kot2 sangkut mng MAS tu,sgt2 tough rasenye that contest tp i percaye dgn usehe u & mz =)

  9. plus, i dh like, sgt2 suke dgn faces of mabul ;)

  10. hehe.syioknye..kalu kita dapat tu,jimat tuk berbulan2 kan..congrats..

    btw,mira..sori..kita nak vote td,tp kena melalui akaun fb kan..kita takder akaun fb la plak..huhu..ada cara lain,dear?

    owh ye..hehe.apa la agaknya mira nak crita tu..lambat la pulak tunggu entry akhir thn 2011.hehe

  11. tahniah kak!!!!
    memang rezeki akak murah!!

  12. Thanks thanks everyone... sorry la cume panty liners.. sebab hadiah pun panty liners jer

  13. cikpuanMira, byknyaaaaa supply utk panty liners. but... but... org peknen pun still can use it kan? hehehehe... and murah sguh rezeki cikpuanMira ni, everytime masuk contest, mesti tak pulang tgn kosong... [fuh... fuh... hope will get mine one day!]... btw, i dah vote/like ur MASTRAVEL entry...[eh, betul ke kena like jek?]

  14. dh vote...wah byk pack pink tu..hehehe

  15. dah vote dah hari tu.. goodluck kak mira..

  16. wah.. ibu emir ni selalu ada LUCK la...

    nak pantyliner......
    sapa kata ibu ngandung tak leh pakai?? hahaha

    nanti sumi tolong vote bila kat umah yek.. kat opis x leh.. kene block...

    b4 this dh tolong tuk kengkawan lain gak mcm kak ina, eyriqazz, sawanila...hehehe


  17. Ladies, thank you for ur participation yer.. sorry lambat umum result.. ok result is out.. check it out ya. :D


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