Thursday, July 04, 2013

The search to become a homebaker (note: untuk makan sendiri) begins..

I always love baking, baking is part of me for quite sometimes. But due to certain constraints, I stopped baking for a while mainly because the word L.A.Z.Y kicks in especially thinking that I have to be the one who cleaned up all the mess after few hours baking process..

Let's see what I have updated in this blog on my baking journey..

It was all started with this :p

gelak laa.. gelak laa hahaha -- ni orang nak makan pun tak lalu

i really bad with the presentation :) takpe ni untuk makan sendiri jer.. :D, sebenarnyer during this period, boleh katekan selalu sangatttt buat cupcakes..

lame-lame i developed my specialty :p -Blueberry cupcakes - .. walaupun rupe buruk tapi rasa sedap :p

Ini untuk makan2 dekat tadika Emir.. I baked the cupcakes, and bawak isi2 decoration untuk didecorate by the kids..

I juga ada masuk kelas.. just to learn at least the basic thing about baking..

kek ni dijadikan mother's day cake tahun 2008 and i baked together with these cupcakes

Walaupun tak cantik and tak berapa pandai, i cuba beranikan diri buat birthday cake untuk Emir..

Birthday Emir yang pertama pun i sibuk nak beranikan diri buat cake, padahal masa tu bukan pandai pun.. I think it is more satisfying and more meaningful..

Ini buat masa Emir's first birthday party lagi.. tak tau la menarik ke tak, harap-harap Emir besar nanti Emir akan appreciate..

walaupun tak cantik , tapi i tak serik haha

Masa ni i buat untuk birthday Emir yang ketiga di sekolah Emir..

Untuk cake.. i masuk juga fondant class.. and this is my first fondant

Lepas tu dengan beraninya i buatlah my first Fondant cake all on my own, termasuk Fondant tu pun buat sendiri.. and this was how it turned out to be..

then , lepas tu i decided nak buat birthday cake lagi, tapi tak tau kenape fondant tak jadi.. sedih sungguh masa tu..


sebab frust sangat i terus kepamkan my fondant.. until lah recently memberanikan diri balik..

Ini buat masa Emir's first birthday party lagi.. tak tau la menarik ke tak, harap-harap Emir besar nanti Emir akan appreciate..

Baru-baru ni, baking tu datang la menyinggah kejap.. so dapatlah dua cake ini

Ini i cuma nak test whether i punye fondant skill ade lagi ke tak.. ok lah.. at least covering the cake was smooth.. I buat cake ni sebab anak sedara I masuk hospital.. and this cake beratnyer adalah dalam kurang 2.5 kg..

and this was my latest project for Emir's 7th birthday. A swimming pool cake huhu.. walaupun Emir tak berapa berkenan because he thought i baked Iron man cake.. tapi oklahh.. rasa lagi puas hati bila buat sendiri.. kalau order mahu nyer RM180 kot? Rm180 pun 1kg kan.. ni 2.5kg.. berat sungguh..

InsyaAllah more to come sementara tengah rajin ni.. :p


  1. mira..skills tu blh develop most importantly ..u baked with loves...huhu..well done

  2. kagum weh....nak nanges I..I mmg tak mampu tapi suka tengok hard untuk memberikan sesuatu yang istimewa buat Emir


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