Friday, October 19, 2012

My HRC magnet collection..

My SIL is HRC t-shirt collector, so kalau pergi mana-mana, she will buy a nice HRC tshirt not only for her but for the rest of the family as well..

But, on the other hand, i suke magnet saje.. boleh gantung-gantung dekat fridge.. but my fave magnet is always be HRC classic magnet, so bile letak dekat fridge nampak same jer.. :)

actually magnet-magnet dah penuh satu fridge, tapi my HRC collection banyak ni jer.. :) takpe, sure makin banyak punye from time to time :p


  1. hard rocknye FM mahal gilos...kita ada hard rock bandung & penang org bg hard rock tk pernah bli tp FIL yg p overseas yg slalu bg ole2:)

  2. Oo lain2 tmpt..baru igt nk mintk 1, kekkekekeke.n

  3. wahhhhh penuh peti ais u dengan FM HR....

  4. me letak kat board khas tak letak kat fridge hehehhe

  5. mmg far blm ade coll FM HR lg, tshirt adelah selai 2,hehe

  6. comei.. saya pon suka.. cuma saya suka collect pin HR.. dan mmg sengaja cari yg unik mcm kalau g bangkok, mmg cari pin yg ada ciri-ciri bangkok.. ciri2 tempat yg kita pergi tu..

    FM ada satu je penang maii.. nanti melaka nak ada HRC so boleh tambah collection.

  7. Sy collector FM HRC. Kalau nk jual, bg tau sy ye. Coz awak ada yg sy xde. Sy nk yg hollywood tu. Hehehe..


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