Saturday, March 17, 2012

When Food Court becomes so Canggih..

i rasa canggih, sebab i tak pernah jumpe lagi..

One fine day, we went to Bangsar Shopping Centre for dinner. pergi pun sebab hujan turun, and i tak nak Emir kene hujan kalau nak pergi makan.. i know that BSc has recently opened their food court

BURP! namanya..

How canggih is canggih?

ok, to enter to the food court, each of you need to have this Passport.. so everytime you order the food, the counter will swipe the passport..


ada lagi yang canggih ni.. so i makan dekat Wok store.. I ordered sweet and sour fish rice. Lepas dia swipe, he gave me this..

and i pun tunggu lah.. dan tunggu lagi.. then the cook said..

"akak, akak duduk je, lepas dah siap bende ni akan vibrate"

*senyum kambing - nampak sangat belum luas pandangan lagi.. and yes, bile dah masak, nanti nombor 2 tukar jadi "CALLING" and vibrate at the same time..

dah habis makan, baru u bayar - just pass back the passport before you exit.. :)

harge food court ni = sama harge dengan food court klcc.. ok lah, kira affordable lagi.. kalau tak, dulu BSC ni mane ade kedai makan bawah sepuluh ringgit satu meal. ramai pun orang kat food court ni.. ;)


  1. canggihnye..klau yg ada kad tu, dah biasa jgk siap ada bnda alah vibrate tu lg..canggih tol..

  2. kalo kat termina bas selatan food court pakai sistem token.. x pakai duit. mcm tah.. i rs hassle je.. sebab i bukan regular kat situ.

    taklah secanggih burp ni.. siap ada donut eletronik!

  3. wawawa..canggiohnya...bila la nak jumpa sumer ni...

  4. amendenye alarm tu ada kat snowflake jugak kan? i punye la perak dok tanya org tu byk byk soalan hehehe

  5. pehh,,klu i igt bende bulat tu dah mcm vakum robot tu ha..

  6. Oh canggih gitu asal memudahkan urusan beli makan minum and bayar. Asal halalan thoiyiban...

  7. wahhh dasyat..
    aku pon 1st time tau pasal bender nih


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