Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Macaroon and me

Baru je cerite pasal Gemok, dah keluar entry makan.. :p

I told you, i love food :) and I always enjoy my food .. so, kalau bawak i pi buffet memang tak rugi..

so, on my birthday, i was craving for macaroon, the day before tu i dah terhampir dah nak beli macaroons dekat Bangsar Shopping Centre, tapi memikirkan macaroon dia sebesar 20 sen je lepas tu kene beli 7 biji sekaligus dengan harge RM21, at last I decided -- tak payah beli, baik gune RM21 beli Gong Cha , dapat cover 4 hari :p

Then on the next day masa my birthday dinner dekat Halia.. first thing i jenguk - tempat dessert ... mane tau kot-kot angin kus kus Sime Darby nak jamu macaroons kan..

Sekali .. rezeki i, beratur tersusun macaroons tu, dapatlah sebesar 50 sen punye macaroons, mate terbeliak, terus tak ingat menu lain, i ambik macaroon 4 biji.. Halia pulak jamu sikit je, dalam 30 pieces je kot..

Suke ok.. :) Emir pun suke.. but not as bad as me, so for self satisfaction, i makan lah macaroons tu agak agak harga dia dalam RM21 hehehe.. :)

ok fine, dipendekkan cerite, i makan 6 macaroons in one sitting... :D dah lebih RM21 kan..

belum lagi kakak ipar i dengan Emir makan..

our table pun dah separuh kot macaroon tu kiterang balun ..

ni gambar i dengan anak teruna i yang as usual tak mahu nyer pandang kamera..


  1. pity me..i lom pernah mkn macaroon...tak tau apa rasa macaroon tu...

  2. Im yet to try any macaroons sbb my sis dok citer its too sweet sbb made of sugar n eggs only. Huhuhu... But it really looks very tempting. :)

  3. i can't eat macaroon coz manis sangat. menusuk terus ke gigi manisnya lah

  4. macaroon ni kat tengah tu manis nyer...

  5. u r into macaroon? didnt know that. nevertheless, lucky my wallet cos i dont fancy it at all. but tu la, ramai gak yg suka kan macaroon ni despite is is pricey..

  6. manis derrrr...makan satu pun rasa dah cukup huhu


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