Monday, June 01, 2009

One thing good about me is that I love to cook and I simply love cooking and serve guests. But yeah, Im really bad in cleaning department and luckily this one guy who owned the messiest office (kehkehkeh) is very good in cleaning but (but again), to wait he says YES is the biggest challenge).

But i do agree that im not a good cook, the output will always come with the package of, tak cukup garam lah, tak de rase lah. Why? Im having this habit where I dont agree with the idea to taste the food while cooking.Heh. But (again,) Mr Husband rarely complaint and just eat whatever cooked by the good wifey.

Well, I hate the fact to hear Mr. Husband said "Eh makan dekat kedai ni best laa" and the list goes on. I believe air tangan isteri adalah penentu pade kekuatan rumahtangge kan and you know what you make it as ingredients. You have this one satisfaction that you could not describe elsewhere. You see, sometimes, telur goreng pun derang kenyang. As for me, I always avoid to add Ajinamoto. And yes, selalu jugak la makan kat luar kalau malas sangat, but as possible as it could be, Im trying my very best to cook during the weekdays.

And not like others, I love to eat my own cooking and everyday I will cook based on my own menu except lately my sister complained "Eh kak long, udah-udahla masak sup" kehkehkeh.

And to spoil my husband's diet, please feel free to see below pictures!! oh yes, I didnt cook it today or yesterday, it was one of the weekdays. Semalam dengan hari ni sibuk dengan kenduri kawin jiran sebelah rumah dan saya adalah budak penyibuk (well everyone knows I love anything about wedding preparation). and dinner, I went to my aunt's house (since dengan muke tak malu nyer "malam ni kiterang datang rumah mak anjang ok, nak datang makan heheh)..

Sotong goreng tepung

Oh, ini adalah sayur saya :D

Sweet n sour - Ikan siakap

Ade pizza lagi tu :p and of cos Emir's grapes

p/s ooh now u know why people always me..
........."badan dah naik ye mira"..........
and HAPPY BIRTHday MAMA!!! Love you to bits!!


  1. wow Mira.. looks delicious + yummy!

  2. mira...nnt nk gi umah mira..masak best2 yer..ehhehe

  3. yummy sedapnya!bagus encik hubby tak complaint unlike mine heh. nway mira thanks so much for helping us during the wedding!kalau ada apa2 kurang mintak maaf ye :)

  4. ... aku pun suka makan wei... rugi besar lah mereka mereka yang diet tu kan!!!

  5. kamcing sikit lagi!! itulah org kata "never trust a skinny chef"! org macam kita yg suka masak mesti suka makan jugak. heeheuheuehuehue.. kalau tak sesedap mana pun makanan tu, mesti wajib makan sayang coz taknak food go to waste. betol tak?

    mira, share la recipe sweet sour tu. i masak fish fail sikit.

  6. Mrs. Fred: yang paling i suke is sayur cina!! :D

    kirana: sile-sile, memang terbuka setiap mase, tapi nak makan best kene call dulu hehehe

    Mummy Rizq: yeah, tapi u dah kurus!!

    BabyBooned: yes, betul2, orang pun suke makan ngan i, sebab derang tak yah nak control2..

    the sweet sour, oi seriously no idea, tapi goreng ikan dulu,lumur sikit ngan jintan manis, and segala macam rempah ade kat rumah huhu.. then kuah dia, tuang tomato banyak2, campur air panas sikit and letakla bawang ke ape..garam sikit.and tadaa..:p

  7. kite pon ada habit yg sama dgn mira..tak suka rasa masakan masa masak. dan lps tu org komplen kite masak takde rasa. hehe

  8. betoi tu..air tangan isteriler yang dapat mengeratkan kasih sayang antara suami-isteri..Zaila pon suka masak ntok hubby..walaupon Zaila sendiri xpandai masak;p


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