Saturday, June 06, 2009

After buttercream class which I took last year, finally I have the chance to learn about fondant cake and deco. I quietly register for this class and only informed Mr. Husband once I have paid the deposit. hehe. But, Mr. Husband on the other hand has already planned to attend his cousin's kenduri at Muar on the same day.

So, being forced to drive was the least option that I wanted to do, but since I refused to use public transport during the weekend, I have no other reason not to use Google Map. err, ok actually Mr. Husband showed me the way and guess what since Im quite blur in Cheras area, I was not seriously looking at the map, and Mr Husband was quiet impatient to teach his blur wife. Aiyoo!!

And yes, I didnot look at the map at all. All I did was memorising the "kiri, kanan, lepas tu tepi sikit, bla bla bla" . Yes, yes, I had lost for 10 minutes, not only lost la, i just missed the junction and didnt know where to make the U turn, but still managed to arrive before the class started.

Kak Min is definitely one great person when we talk about baking. I always impressed with her ideas and creativity and Im lucky to be one of her students. Oh, you may always visit her website at

As expected, tangan ku sangat lah keras and slow. Every session, I was the last one who finished the task but Im Ok with my output. For the first timer, I think I did well. hehe. And yes, I will bake a cake for Emir's birthday party and most probably the theme is Pocoyo since everyday Emir will say "I want Pocoyo cake Ibu". Well i will try my best and hopefully jadi!! Small sugercraft cake will cost about RM250 and of course im not willing to spend on that ok..

Semua-semua orang punye kek, paling depan tu si penulis..

Haa, ni yang nampak pade dekat.. its not more on the deco, its more on the technique..

p/s Abang, belanje beli barang2 buat kek.. erk erk:p


  1. bagi saya tu kira cantik dah..saya sendiri rasanya lagi keras. nak jugak lah p baking class

  2. ala bestt nyer... nnt kalu ko nk p mana2 class memasak ajak aku ekk.. hehehhe

  3. pandainye akak buat kek!
    saya lg la keras.. :(
    Bday Fatin nnt mmg sure beli je la keknye

  4. interesting la hobby ko.. tp aku malas huhu.. nnt bleh order tak? hihi

  5. bes nyer mira! rase nak makan jek kek oren tuh!hehe...nnt ley order ke since jarijemari i ni lemah lembut la sgt nak wat camtu..akekeke

  6. bestnye miraaaa.........cantik betul tuhh... buleh le menempah nanti..hehehhe

  7. haaa kuar tv tadi!!

  8. ariffah: erk, keras jugak tu tangan, kene banyak buat exercise lagi

    iryani: hari tu merate jugak aku tanye kawan aku kot2 same nak teman aku, ok lepas ni aku ade geng!!

    noorina: ni pun tengah berkire2 nak buat ke nak tempah je.. sedap mesti tak punyer kalau buat sendiri

    Mummy Rizq: Thanks :D

    Ain: kasik aku can try sendiri dulu tanpe bantuan orang.. once cun, baru sedap sikit

    mummy nazeef: actually semua orang boleh buat, btw kek tu kek tipu je.. just belajar macam mane nak decorate and put fondant

    Kak umei: haha, bile nyer tu

    roda roda: heheh, how was it..?

  9. rajin nye mira...i wish i can do that i think..i ni pemalassssss....hihihi..


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