Interested in HRM?
Hari ni penat lecture, bulan lepas kelas tak banyak so tak banyak lecture, hari ni ade 5 hours lecture, culture shock sikit hehe.. so boleh tahan sakit tekak hari ni.. Pagi pagi lagi dah ade kelas, dah la mase datang kelas rushing. Sekolah dah start ni jalan jam balik, lagipun orang dah habis cuti hujung tahun. So jalan dah penuh balik. Terpakse la mira gune alternative lane sebab nak elak bukit :p.. tapi hari ni best, topik yang mira ajar sume yang best-best and the students ( i mean the part time students) they were very interactive, so the lesson becomes more interesting. hrm subjects, each of us, should know the employee right and this subjects helps you a lot before you involved in the employment world.
Most of them did not realize that as an employee we actually have the grievance procedure - action that can be taken from employee to employer. the most powerful method, is whereby we can use arbitration. But one big issue, are we brave enough to go through all this process?? Furthermore, we have to see the same faces for the next few years. Haha, you dont understand a thing right? masuk laa kelas i.. :p
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1 hour ago
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