Mari menjenguk semula
Eloo, im back.. although this blog is belong to me and em but it seems like its mine.. cik abang bz sangat, susah nak update.. lame betul tak blog, tangan memang gian nak blog tapi internet line tak dak pulak, ingat kan ape die laa sekali salah setting, buat malu budak IT kat budak engineering jer.. salah port pun boleh tak perasan.. heh..
Demam Euro ni kan, buat mira punyer table untuk tido kelam kabut, tetambah lak makcik balik indon, so i have to replace her job in my house. ngantuk tu tok sah cakap laa.. mate hitam dah makin nampak.. mane tak nyer tido kul 5, bangun dalam kul 6.45 huh, sume demam euro..
Actually, im not really football fan, tapi kalau bog event memang mira tak lepas tengok,setakat ni tak penah lagi miss tengok.. BUTTTTTTTT my fave team dah kalahh... waa sedih sedih... Apolaa england, main defensive sangat.. tapi kalau nak ikut kan memang portugal deserved to win sebab derang lagi banyak pegang bola compared to england..
tu laa yang mira nampak, england selalu buat first goal, tapi lepas je derang scored goal, terus my defend,one think i dont understand, kenape dan mengape coach die ericksson keluarkan scholes n gerrald (macam mane eje aa - orang kate eje cam tu salah -- sebat je laa kan ) their team needs them. midfield tak berape nak hidup, kalau dapat bola setakat separuh padang je lepas tu dapat kat portugal balik..
beckham tok sah cakap laa, dulu mase tak dapat scored penalty goal dengan france, he said it would depressed him, but i think after he failed to score for the second time, i think this is the time where it will decrease his market value.
plus, pity them, rooney kene keluar mase minit ke 20+ sebab injured.. aiyaa rooney, why why why, tapi nak buat macam mane, injured is unpredictable..
to portugal, they have done a great job.. ronaldo - emm im sure lepas ni die laku.. memang bagus juarkan figo, honestly i tak berape gemor tengok die main, sebab die main for individual bukan ade team spirit.
paling best.. FRANCE KALAH ... best best.. mira sokong greece.. bagus pun, the second best team in the world boleh main macam greece.. tu laa game tu agak bosan.. im not agree if people said, that greece qualified to semi final because of luck. They played well and it is proved when they beat portugal and draw with spain. Although theres a lot of room can be improved but when it comes to this level it is the history for their country. Derang banyak hantar bola sesuke hati and quite slow but one think, derang nyer defendd.... BEST zidane pun susah nak dapat bola.. huhu panjang nyer.. ok laa malam ni tak leh tengok sweeden main *sigh.. sebab ade one of BIG event esok :D... but anyway sweeden menang!!! oklaa i better stop now..
Main snow @Mount Titlis
1 hour ago
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