Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Tudung / scarf

Obviously i know, wearing hijab is compulsory. The purpose of wearing hijab must be achieved, which is not merely covering your head with scarf but also it comes with good attitude. 

I remember those days where there is no definition of hijabista. At that time, tudung is only the 4 rectangle fabric, then fold it to triangle, used your brooch and thats it. 

But since Wardina introduced the new style of wearing hijab back in 2002/03, slowly the headscarf has hit the mainstream.

As the normal Malaysian citizen, we could see many of Malaysian celebrities decided to cover their head and thereafter venturing into scarf business. 

Personally, i dont mind, in fact i welcomed them to attract more and more women to cover their head. I have nothing against them should the hijab wearing is not syariah compliance, at least their first effort towards becoming a better Muslim is progressing. However, I am more disturbed by the people who keep bashing the "newcomers".

Let's not talk about this pathetic group. Not in my blog. Actually my main point here is to talk about my new obsession lol. 

Don't get me wrong, but I do understand for some fashionable women, it is hard being a Muslim where there is a need to wear conservatively but have a desire to be fashionable.

But again, now this kind of thinking is no longer valid as many fashion designers has been triggered to concentrate on this big market.

Ok, i am nowhere near a fashionista. I dont dress up and hardly wearing make-up. And i am proud of it..

But there is only one particular section where i love to pump my money in -- my tudung collection. 

Honestly, i used to be Fareeda's fan. I know the price sounds unreasonable but the quality is undeniable. Well, i dont have that much money per say, but i have this courage to put aside part of my salary for Fareeda.

But my love for Fareeda scrapped off after the video went viral. I, too, was surprised how the social media could influence my thinking. I just couldnt accept how the owners standing in front of the crazy crowd and still smiling and err proud of the situation. To me, the real owner of Fareeda's scarf would not be that desperate swimming, struggling and pushing in the crowd just for --- a scarf. Later, not sure whether its true or not, i found out that it was part of their marketing strategy, not only for the scarf but also any range of their businesses. Customers' q-ing, customers' pushing and what not. Thats how my love ended.

Of cos in between, i did not limit myself to Fareeda (boleh bankrup), i have few of Bokitta, Naelofar and my daily tudung is actually from byMarleia, my friend's own label. Easy to wear, pinless, instant and the most important is, ironless hehe.

And now, i am officially a Duckie. My gosh, dont ask me why and how it started but i think this is all because of the box. Have you seen how beautiful the box is?

However, i am only the Limited Edition collector, i still feel buying the plain headscarf at the price of RM120 is overprice. 

Well, some may said i am just wasting my money, but to be honest, this is the only reward i awarded to myself. Read the word "only" and i only limit myself one item per Limited Collection. So yeah, kasik can la yer

                My very first Duck

The most expensive tudung i have -- tolong la Duck jangan buat macam ni lagi hehe. This is Duck Bowerhouse.

And my latest Duck...

I told you right, only one collection per Limited Collection. Do trust my words hehe

Till then, 
Looking forward for more Ducks in my collection.


  1. tudung duCk tu best tak? nak pakai senang ke susah?..harganya dlm range brp ya cantek pulak u pakai

  2. Cantik... Teringin nk pelbagai gaya fesyen bertudung, tp sungguh la tak pandai dan sll bila pakai jd makin selebet huhu


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