Monday, April 29, 2013

Recycling Day at Emir's school

Seriously, having Emir to be in this school , I have to prepare myself to be actively involves in schoo's  activities. I mean, like SERIOUSLY. I remembered one of my friend told me, you could never catch up with other SK*B*D parents if you are a working mum..

and honestly, I agreed.

but again , Alhamdulillah hubby is there to replace my "position"... at least tak dak lah ketinggalan zaman.

you see, this coming sports day, each class has its own theme to work on for marching competition.. and probably Emir's class parents have agreed to go for hornbill theme or panda theme (updated: they have just agreed via whatsapp: hornbill team).. and we (i mean the parents) have to come out with all face painting lah, costume lah, mascot lah.. gosh.. dulu mak ayah i pergi sports day, just a matter of another school event saje..

well, its good.. *gulp

ok, just put aside that story, anyway, each month, his school has this Recycling Day, where the most class with the most contribution has a chance to grab some prizes from the school.

and yes, memang mak ayah memang sangat support this campaign.. u see-lah all the contribution items from the parents..

and last month, Emir's class was the winner and being kiasu kiasu mummies.. we are targetting for the highest contributor this month..

and i think we did it :p because we managed to contribute a total of 400+- kg haha..

kiasu tak :D


  1. emir & his friends sure rase bangge neh!! c u on 11/5 mira!!! weeeeeee

  2. Hi,
    Love your blog. come and visit my blog Mak in Progress
    i already added yours to my list :)

  3. bagusssnyaa sekola emir, kecik2 dah terap recycle! :)


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