Monday, August 22, 2011

"Trip" to Creative Magazine's office

Creative Magazine office is located at SS2/75 PJ, wah guess what, while I am typing this, I clearly remember their address? Why, cos I have a very hard time to find SS2/75 hehehe.. 

actually this was my second visit there, my first visit was very funny where I accidentally met Ayu there... and this time around, still I lost of direction but luckily I was not alone.. my sister agreed to accompany me :D and it was not as bad as the first time.. 

While waiting for my prize... mari kite posing dulu.... 

Chit chatted with the staff and the staff admitted that contest is one way to boost the sales of the magazine.. and tak habis-habis dia promote suruh masuk contest bulan ni sebab hadiah dia kat depan mate...

This hamper is worth RM800.. jangan tertipu, that is not cat's food, itu adalah bantal :d and inside the hamper barang2 hiasan rumah...

So, get your Creative Magazine NOW!!!


  1. beshnya hadiah tu...nak kena cari magz ni lah..tak pernah tau kewujudan magz ni heheh

    bila nak reveal ur BIG winning tu? :)

  2. hehe.cute2nya hadiah..
    suka segala bagai bentuk kucing asalkan tak bela kucing sbb kita malas jaga.hehe

  3. i jst cant wait la mira..hadiah GP tuuu..heheheh

  4. wooo kiut betul bantal tu.. dpt kt sopia, habis die gomol2 nyer.. heheh..

    Pst: anak aku suke kucing weiii... abes smer kucing2 kt jln die nk tegur... =p


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