Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I know some of you may marah me when I say.....

.................. it sucks to know the Premium Beautiful that I bought at RM2,400++ is actually cost at RM80-RM120!!!

Sape tak sayang duit.. I really really sayang my duit.. I bought that corset becos I thought I am going to wear it, but hell no, honestly I just wore the full set for less than a week before I nicely placed that corset somewhere hidden in the Toyogo Box.. 

Absoloutely it is my fault la kan for not wearing it.. but the issue here.. mahalnyeeee depa markup!!!! I understand the profit and the costing of to sell an item but when the price is way higherrrr that the cost price, hmmm... hmmm... im talking about not 5, not 6 not even 10 but 20 kali ganda here.. manyak takk...

No further comment.. :) but the worst response that I received was... AN EVIL LAUGH from my husband!!! menciiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

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  1. me hampir2 terbeli tp my instict kept telling me, corset tu sama jer mcm corset2 yg lain--fungsinya sama--yg penting kena rajin pakai, tak kisahlah harga berapa pun :)

  2. itu le..mahai bebenor!! tak baik buat camtuh kan?? kalau naikkan rege sket2 ok lee..inii..sampai 20x gandaaaa

  3. baru plan nak beli for my confinement soon. dah baca ur entry ni, terus terbatal niat..

    Jemput-jemput: Saat Aku Kau Pilih
    Cari hadiah best untuk yang tersayang?

  4. kalau betul nak beli yg mahal2 beli yg triump set tue.. baru 1k++ nak compare dgn premium tue

  5. a bit too late to introduce you to this website, but hopefully not to the others

  6. my hubby pnah bgtau... the cost price sgttttttt murah compared to sale price. masa tu mmg tergedik2 sguh nk beli sb nk kurus punya pasal. tp bila dpt tau cost pricenya murah ya amat terus cxl niat.

  7. emm..what to do..
    mira jgn pk sgt,nanti lagi rasa tak puas hati..

    btw,hehe...mmg mahal =p

  8. sama lah perasan mira ngan aisha..me siap komen kat blog dr tu lagik, tanya mcm2 pasal korset ni..alih2 dia ckp "call me" huhu..

  9. mind u , i da beli pon... tapi bole nyer koyak baru 2 3 bulan pakai !! .. sakit hati i ... da la i beli cash dari buat ansuran . kalau pay sikit2 bole pulangkan je ...

    erk... link my blog ade kat blog aidid ? scarynyerrr.. hehe

    n .. no , u not my stalker , u are my blog friend :)

  10. mama zharfan: yes agree with u, all corsets function dia tetap same, and to me there is nothing wrong with PB, sape yang pakai, memang ade keberkesanannya untuk shapekan body tuan punye corset.. trust me any corset will do the same, hatta even bengkung yang zaman mak kite pakai dulu-dulu..

    but things that people argue is the way those sellers market this corset with misleading information. some of it i found it too much..

    read this: Penawar kanser telah di temui, ramai yang belum tahu. Premium Beautiful ini sesuai untuk semua jenis pesakit kanser, samaada kanser payudara (breast cancer), pangkal rahim (cervix cancer), kolon (colon cancer), prostat (prostate cancer), paru-paru (lung cancer), rektum (rectum cancer), dan hati (liver cancer).

    i rase kalau those sellers jual corset tanpa libatkan something fishy like this, things will not turn ugly like this... tapi itulah, sorang dua buat macam ni, habis satu kampung kene tempias..

    Mama Rifqy: entah laa yet, they are questioning about dollars and cents.. but let say untuk mira that corset cost about RM1000 and sells at rm2000, i still seeing it as reasonable.. ok laa kalau kate RM500 above pun mira ok la jugak.. but this.. it costs below rm100.. robek hatiku ..

    Jijy: no laa, i punye entry ni more to show my frustration towards my purchase.. again, im stressing out here, there is nothing wrong with the corset, ok, ramai yang dah gune can shape out ur body.. anyway, kene ade this word in our mind .. execise huhu

    Mama Amana: waaa too late.. actually kalau beli rm200 pun belum tentu mira pakai betul2..

    azhar: i memang bace pun that website for quite some time.. :)

    chentahati: wahh macam mane husband u tau.?? and is it true is that price?

    Ashra: huhu..am trying.. :)

    Adyshariz: Aisha............. did u bought the corset from the doctor? or is it u know that doc personally? kan aisha.. rasa sedih pulak bile tau duit kite melayang for things that actually cost at less than hundreds

    fida: erk..i thought ade life time warranty, tak pi hantar ke? link ur blog bukan dekat one of aidid's writing but one of the commentator yang link kan u punye blog.. and err got stalker aa.. tak syioknyer...

  11. betul weii.. smlm farid baca w/site tu gak.. tak sangka harga die mcm harga corset2 yg biasa je... ampeh betul... nasib baik la aku dpt free corset tu.. ngeheheheh....

  12. mira,
    heheh dah lama kite nk review corset ni ..saya beli corset shj..rm300 dari org yg nk lelong dari org yg buat biz PB yg loan 21k kot ..terdesak nk pakai duit katanya

    mula2 pakai..2 minggu pertama jer rasa ok..mmg dia limit kan kite tak bg makan byk...lepas tu saya dah boleh makan mcm biasa...bila pakai mmg ramping..lepas bukak menggelebeh..saya pakai dari pagi smpai petang masa kat opis

    kesimpulan :cara nak kurus ...kena jaga makan ..corset ni just tolong sikit jer..kalau pakai corset..tapi makan byk pon tak jalan jugak

    huhu rm300 tu pon consider mahal gak la bg saya utk selai corset tu..sblm ni pakai cosway punya rm60 saja

  13. aduhai..over sgt amik untung more than 300%!!

  14. mira - my hubby dulu used to be buying manager kat one company. penah lah deal dgn company china nak beli brg for his company. and ada jgk dia usha2 brg2 mcm PB ni dgn bio aura tu. masa ai tergedik2 nak beli PB, terus dia kata BIG NO sebab mahal ya amatttttt! mmg dia tak bagi beli terus. dia boleh dptkan dgn harga yg u cakap tu lah... ai terus patah hati, terus tak beli. tapi bila pk semula mmg tak berbaloi nak beli kan? buat secara manual lah... exercise, control makan...

  15. bio auranya pun begitu jugak.. walau i pun ada pakai bio aura tu..
    mana taknya, nak bayar bonus ahli2 yg join tu lah...

  16. ru kidding me???!!!!! ohmigosh punyalah overcharge. ksian u!

  17. then.. still mereka masih bergiat cergas mencari downline.. business is gud, but plz make sure u r in the correct business....

  18. tapi kalo dengar dari dealer dia duk backing, fuhh..macam inilah raja korset. naik menyampah pun ada :p
    eh, panty liner dh sampai.thanks dear :)


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