Monday, September 06, 2010


 I never knew that at The Curve has Daiso store. When I entered that shop, it reminds my trip of my Japan in last November (nearly a year already kan).. Even Emir until now, keeps talking about his trip to Japan. Me too, Japan is such a nice, safe and clean country, tak rasa takut pun jalan-jalan kat sane..

Here at Daiso, you can feel Japan here, everything is nicely wrapped, and i bet some of you may fall in love with Japan's stuff, Mr. Husband punyer la lame belek barang itu dan ini.... at last, we only bought a belt for Emir.. hehe..

The best part, each item is RM5, of course, some item you  may know that it is cheap, but some items are expensive for RM5. but the decision is yours kan.. take it or leave it.. actually, while Mr. Husband tengah dok belek stoking tebal tebal (above picture), my eyes caught......................................................

adoiihai, tinggi benor dia letaknyer.. :) bukan ke kalau orang nak beli bende-bende macam ni, orang nak more privacy, rather than nak mintak orang tolong amik kan hahaha... some more, ni bukan lingerie area ke ape, ni public area... :D



  1. hehe.mira,kita pun pernah masuk kedai ni.haha..tatau pun,tetiba terjumpa dan termasuk.banyakkan brg die.rm 5 tapi agak bes la brg2 die compare kedai rm2 yang jual tah pape..

  2. ahahah..
    gile la kalu nk soh org kedai tu tlg amik kn bender yg kt atas tu...
    bapak tinggi..

  3. tak pernah tau plak psl kedai ni..
    bestnya u holiday kat japan yer last year :)

  4. nnt singgah the curve nk try tgkla kedai ni,hehe

  5. hisashiburi...moments in Japan..
    tapi kedai nih kna pndai crik brg gak...sbb sume rm5...cotton bud pun rm5 kire cm tak worth...kna crik brg yg agak lebih rm5 kt lua la..


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