Nowadays, my weekend will be pretty busy, especially when i have to take over my parents house and being a real big sisters to my two sisters. Sometimes it looks fine especially when your parents appreciate it and giving you 100% trust to do whatever i think best for them at the moment.
But of cos, at some point, im just tired, tired to lead the way and tired for the expectation. And yes, is nothing to do with my parents. It just me being nagging and nagging, the worst part, I have to worry for everything that relates to my parents properties. be it with cars and what so ever. ye la barang sendiri pun tak pandai jage, how how?
anyway, my wekeend started as early as Friday night, receievd call from my customer and she wanted the purple blouse as urgent as possible - nak pakai gi kenduri gitu and we voluteered to send her baju to her house somewhere in Jalan Kuchai Lama. Before we went there, I was definitely sure that I had nicely packed the baju inside the plastic bag.
But things didnt go as planned. During our meeting, I couldnt find the baju, I was searching high and lo yet the baju was nowhere to be found. Aku dah menggelabah dahj kan, ye laa hubby muke dah lain and i was lucky that customer was so damn understanding and calm. hehehe,
again i was lucky cos I did brought along other baju and again rezeki di hari Jumaat, she didnt mind to buy other baju. yeah lucky me. so along the way, i kept saying that I memang letak baju tu elok2 and at the same time takut pun ade, ye laa takut toyol mane amik kan. hahaha..
when we arrived home, i was still looking for the baju but again, it was not on the bed, not even on the sofa and not inside emir's car (mane tau kot2 dia nyorok kan) but i failed. i just stopped when hubby said "dah tak de rezeki tu".
The next day, I had to fetch my other sister in UTM and ta daa, the baju was there, i mean there there there, inside the car, behind the driver seat, i was quite puzzled cos i know i dah cari2 kat situ for the 100th time yesterday but yeah.. i mean tak de rezeki orang tu jugak..
I woke up quite late on Saturday morning but masih sempat cooked for lunch, yeah just a simple lunch. Anyway, now I slowly try to reduce as many stuffs as i can inside the house. Honestly, Mr. Husband's barangan adalah 100x banyaknyer dari barangan saya and he is the one who LOVE to keep all his stuff sampai hilang. I dunno la kan. but i think my house is already dah sarat sangat dah.
So now im thinking to sell off anything that i bought with my own pocket money so Mr. Husband shouldnt stop me to sell. And maybe I will start selling off my Anggun kerusi, harga tak tau laa berape depreciation ni, I will upload the pictures later. Tak pe lah biar lah tak de barang i pun.. at least bile jual barang sendiri tak de sape nak marah kan(biar bunyi macam kesian sikit haha) Ye saya sudah teringin untuk menghias rumah saya. I want it as simple as it can be. Kalau boleh saya nak satu part je rumah saye dikaler kaler kan.. bile lah Encik Hubby nak bagi consent ni..
Oh back to the story, on Saturday night, Che Yah (my sis) was a drama queen, kejap nak ikut balik kejap tak nak, rupenyer nak pergi Pasar Malam with geng-geng baru i mean ade lah beberape putera putera mengikut... oooo tak kisah laa.. at last, dia ikut jugak balik , itu pun jumpe kat pasar malam..
And on Sunday, I have to go back to my mum's house for
1. kait rambutan, rambutan kali ni merah merah. its kinda weird cos no monkeys are interested with our bright red color sweet rambutan unlike the year before, macam kire berebut dengan monyet gitu. but this time around, i think the monkeys tak thrill kalau tak fight kan.. haha, but i heard the monkeys go to the neighbour's house. heheh..
2. Che yah wanted to pick up some books for her revision. banyak betul and mr husband also found his book which will really help with his teaching. and yes, saya sangat teringin melihat laki saya ajar anak orang.. macam mane laa agak nyer..
3. to visit Kak Ainil (my next door neighbour ) new born baby. WAAA comel tau!! name pun kelas gitu Iris bt Muaz. Comel comel comel, when i cuddled Iris, it brings back my memories when I first hold my son cos she has about the same weight with Emir aroudn 2.6 kg.. I want baby i want baby i want baby i want baby.. and seriously I am.. upload gambar nnati, gi tengok Facebook saya ok (tak upload pun lagi)
and the best part, Iris is the first grandchild from the both side and during my visit, both neneks were there and it was so exciting to see them sooo happy having and sharing their first grand daughter together.. habis lah Iris kak ainil. manje over punyer hehe
and to that, i have one question and i really appreciate it if you could share with me,.
MANE NAK CARI ORANG YANG PANDAI MENGURUT, NGURUT ORANG LEPAS BERSALIN TU.. i prefer orang yang tua tua gitu.. please let me know ya.. tapi jangan lah bagi orang yang tinggal kat perak ke kat terengganu ke yer.. hehehe...
and Selamat Ulang tahun kepada
SHARMEEN RAOF.. aku tau 15hb :D ... Love you bebeh, moga cepat aku makan nasik minyak ko okeh..
Sekian terima kasih..
Officially Sign Off 🥰
2 hours ago
mira..eheh..jiran blkg umah saya mak cik mun mmg urut org bersalin... :)
ReplyDeletecall la dia..kot dia leh pegi ke sana..
kite pon penah jadi mcm tu..masa kite dok carik brg..haram tak nampak..pastu ada ada org sembunyi..hehe
err kat seremban ke? boleh lah, nanti bagi no phone erk.. just nak gather info dulu
ReplyDeleteMasa saya pantang, acik jiran kat rumah mak saya (Kg Sg Sering.. nearby ukay perdana)..tlg urutkan. Bayar pon dia kata bagi la berapa yg kita ikhlas. Acik ni baya2 mak kita gitu, tp nampak muda ngan sehat la.. sbb tu urut bertenaga hehe. Kalau nak, saya leh bagi no tepon.
ReplyDeleteBetul kak mira, saya mmg bengang bile carik barang tak jumpe..ayat saya slalu camni "Bile taknak pakai bersepah2 depan mata, bile nak pakai satu pon tak jumpe" hehe
oh lg satu.. saya sukaaaaaaa nama IRIS bt MUAZ tu.. pendek dan simple!
ReplyDeletemira, dulu i blk msia sekejap lps 3-4 bersalin, my MIL upah makcik sorang ni dtg rumah mengurut. Makcik ni tinggal Sg. Besi. If u r interested, i can ask Ridzuan her contact number.
ReplyDeletep.s. dah lama tak makan rambutan..huhu
relax mira.. you can be a very good big sister!
ReplyDeletehahahahahaha....besor2 punya wish...thank u,babe!!!!!!!!!!!!kita makan nasi minyak org lain dulu yek...hehe...
ReplyDeletethank u!!!!!!
noorina: kalau dekat2 ukay perdana lagi laa kak mira nak sebab dekaaat laaa sangat, boleh jer.. just gimme the phone no. ya, ur know my phone no. tak? or my email? nak erk ..
ReplyDeleteariffah: boleh jer, nanti i kumpul banyak2 mane2 ok nanti i pilih jer .. duduk kat mane, puncak jalik ke ?
Muumy Rizq: I am a good sis.. che waahh.. kalau depa kate i tak baguih.. kene laa hahaha
Sharmeen: hey lady!! have a nice surprise birthday partay
saya dah email nombo acik tu ke email EY akak also saya ada fwd ke
ReplyDeletemak oii, mira, i baca pun dah penat. what a weekend!
ReplyDeletebab yg cari baju tu.. ohmigoddd sungguh mentensionkan.