Short update
Happy 26th Birthday
A year older than last year. The husband surprisingly wished me at 12 am sharp. Mase tu dah nak tido dah suddenly bawak kek masuk balik. And yeah, the gift :) The most expensive gift that I received from him. Nyeh nyeh.. Tapi dah terkantoi cos i read his SMS. Hubby asked his friend to buy that gift for me.
But definitely, getting older, we are getting wiser, learning more about life. The fact of reality, the meaning of hardwork, the value of money and the more you loved your family.
Thank you for all the wishes. Ramai jugak orang yang ingat 14 March even though 2 of them have accidentally wished me earlier. Yeah, at least ingat kan.. :) But anyway, the perfect gift for me is.. doakan kebahagiaan dan kesejahteraan saya sekeluarga.. Sekian terima kasih..
On Emir
1. He loves to shout. Kalau dalam kerete bising giler!!
2. He loves to slap me straight on my face especially when i closed my eyes
3. He can pronounce Ibu, three days before my birthday, thats mean on 11 March 2008. But Ka-dang ka-dang
4. He loves to play with the blocks.
5. He loves to see our house in a mess. Tak kasik tu nak kemas rumah.
6. He loves kuew tiow.
7. He loves to play with his peers. kesian die tak de kawan. Maybe after my peak period, i will send him to one hour playschool ke. Do you know anywhere around my area besides LornaWhiston? LW ni mahai sikit
8. He loves to block my view while im watching the TV. Dengki.
9. He loves to eat sweet foods. Not good not good.
10. And yes, he is still breastfeeding.. Aiyoo..
On Work
Ok. Keje banyak, balik lambat - tak kisah sebab dah biase. Tapi orang yang sikit dan pelik2 - pening kepala saya - itu tak biase. Full stop.
Anyway, since Im in Tax - Submission date for your individual tax return and tax payment (if any)is 30 April 2008. Penalties will be imposed for late payment and submission .. haha :)
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