Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sports Day preparation - the excited parents

Emir's Sports Day is just around the corner. Initially, the event is scheduled somewhere in June, but due to bad haze, the school's sports day is postponed to next week.

Well, to be honest i was quite relief. Im not sure about other schools, in fact, as far as i could remember, neither of my siblings' sports day, my parents have to be actively involved in the preparation. yang tau masa tu, datang dan lihat saje.

but not for Emir's school. each class must have its own theme for marching, yes not to forget, all students must participate. so this year, the school has fixed Endangered Species as the main theme for all Standard 1 students and each class must represent one of any endangered species.. and as "excited" as other parents, kelas anak I, depa pi pilih hornbill aka burung enggang.

yes, it is not an easy task. and my husband and I doesn't mind to help other parents. semua orang dapat share masing-masing. ye lah, ada winning team dan hadiah ok. tu yang mak pak semangat over lebih sikit.

so my husband and i are just the executors, the ideas came from other parents during the discussion. betui kreatif mak pak semua..

and to be creative we have to be rajin.. :)

tak pe demi anak ku sorang.. 

and we have been assigned to make the wings.. (untuk 6 orang budak je)

one parent berbesar hati untuk jahit semua baju.. (salute whoever you are)

and another mummy whatsapp on step by step process to make the wings.. ini baru 2 part je, banyak part ni..

baju dekat atas ni semua dah siap ukur ikut badan budak-budak. dah siap ada nama lagi.

so one fine day, i invited my family to come over to my house for lunch.. ape lagi dalam kepala memang dah set (adik-adik boleh tolong ni).. 

so after feeding them with good food (haha), i then presented them with scissors, tape, and garbage bags.. nak tak nak terpaksalah depa tolong kan

this is the 6 wings, hubby was the mastermind, actually he is good in crafting, bukan macam i yang tangan kayu.. so he gave the instruction, kiterang ikut je.. 

the garbage bag? its for the wings! we have to cut it like the below picture, and stick it on the kain. and tell you, the process nak potong segitga ni, nak tampaiii satu-satu atas kain ni memang ambikk masa.. dah lah kain depan belakang kan. nasib baik adik-adik dapat tolong at least 4 bahagian dari 12 bahagian..

at first it was fun, but when it comes to bulk memang rasa nak cepat habis je. hubby tukang potong, i tukang tampal..

on that day i memang rasa nak pengsan, dah la pagi tu i pulun masak untuk family, kemas apa bagai, malam bersilat buat wings ni.. and i slept at 3 am.. masa tu tinggal satu part je lagi... dah tak larat sangat dah. nak nak the next day is working day!! 

apapun bila dah siap, rasa puas pulak..

now, nak tengok macam mana lah rupenyer costume ni bila anak-anak pakai

cant wait for the Sports day

with this effort, of cos lah mak ayah nak menang jugak 



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