Friday, September 27, 2013

BIG Winning: Leibniz Biscuits Zoo Contest

Alhamdulillah, nampak gayanya rezeki besar tahun ni banyak dengan Biskut. Rasa terharu pun ada juga, maklumlah tahun ni amat kurang ya Ampun  nak masuk contest. 

PIC called semalam (agaknya berkat orang tak sihat, saya MC semalam), Alhamdulillah. Memang seronok betul, sebab lepas saya hantar contest ini di akhir July 2013, I no longer sending any offline contest form. Therefore, when Emir's name has been announced as the sole winner (hadiah satu je rasanya), sungguh seronok, sebab tak letak harapan yang tinggi pun. Print gambar pun masa tu cuma guna printer dekat rumah yang dah semput-semput habis color.

Percayalah, the only time you like your name to be called is when you win a contest :p

Inilah biskutnya. Butter biscuits

kalau ikutkan dekat atas tu, Emir akan menang RM1,000 shopping voucher and he should be featured in any Leibniz printed materials. But the person who called me informed that recently our Ministry is no longer allowed kids to work (i pun tak berapa sure, tapi lebih kurang gitulah).. and they decided to replace this prize with one family photoshoot worth RM380.

I ok je, lagi suke photoshoot kot, sebab kalau jadi, inilah first time family kecik kami akan ada photoshoot dengan orang lain. Selalunya posing sendiri je

gambar atas inilah satu-satunya gambar yang i pertaruhkan untuk contest ini. Alhamdulillah mengene juga. Gambar yang diambil masa cuti dekat Jepun dulu. 

Tapi ini pulak gambar sekarang. Photoshoot tu i nak tunggu rambut Emir tumbuh dulu hehehe.. Takde gambar Emir makan, dia tak bagi sebab sekarang ni gigi dia kat depan tu semua patah.. :p Tahu pulak nak hensem dalam gambar kan 

just sharing, actually sometimes i can go crazy when it comes to cute stuff. i bought this biscuit much earlier because of its shape.. konon-konon masa tu tengah fikir nak buat animal theme party masa birthday Emir.. 

tengok lah, in one pack, you can have a lot of different shapes

so perhaps, if any of you wanna do an animal theme birthday party, you can consider this biscuits as one of candy buffet menu / party pack perhaps 


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