Sunday, September 29, 2013

Emir and his First Interview

After the announcement as one of Tiger Biskuat's winners, the organizer (i.e. the event management) has arranged one interview session with Emir. Basically, it was a get-to-know session.  The person in charge has e-mailed me much earlier with a set of questions where Emir is required to answer during the interview session. 

Ada 10 soalan, and all of the questions were pretty much on how determined Emir towards the dream of becoming a dolphin trainer. Bukan saje Emir, I pun kene jawab soalan on how I inspired Emir to become a dolphin trainer.

As a note, Emir adalah sangat refused when it comes to me teaching him. At his age, he always think my method of teaching is wrong and he easily become impatient when I started to explain. So, dengan nak setkan mind dia untuk jawab - phew.. memang mencabar..

To be honest, he was quite mentally prepared, I mean he knew that he had to meet someone, and that someone would ask him few questions. Tho the answers tu asyik memanjang je lupe.

and on 17 Aug 2013, itulah harinya he had his first interview.

The discussion was held at Zenith Media, Bangsar. and the PIC told me that Emir is the youngest contest winner. well, he was calm and not sure whether he understand the definition of nervous. Mak dia pulak yang nervous sampai terlupe nak snap more pictures ataupun ambik video.

Mula-mula nampak macam kaku. baru nak panaskan badan, tapi lama-lama he looked very comfortable and later showing off his true color. When one them informed that he gonna meet pink dolphin instead bottlenose dolphin  yang dia tau, he constantly said to them

"where got pink dolphin"
"i dont trust you"

hehehe, that's my boy :p.. i senyap je, let him handled the session on his own

the session only took about 15-20 minutes. sedihnya Emir tak mau langsung nak ambil gambar - memang tak mau langsung..terpaksa redha lagipun i was very happy that the discussion went smoothly. He answered naturally and spontaneously

whatever it is, to date we have yet to receive the itinerary. Based on my write-up which was submitted, I suggested few places - Australia, New Zealand and Bali to meet the dolphin and some of the places I guess still within RM10K.. 

but the organizer, instead has arranged Emir for meet the dolphin session at Underwaterworld Singapore. Honestly i tak kisah, janji the amount of RM10K is reasonably utilised. Ya i know, ramai orang termasuk saya sendiri dok terfikir, pergi Singapore sampai 10 ribu ke..? that's the reason i am looking forward to see the itinerary. 

Apa pun sekarang ni, im still waiting.. The result was announced in June 2013, the followed up call also was done in June, the interview session  was done in August 2013, and 4 months after  the result announcement - Im still at waiting stage :) kadang-kadang agak penat juga nak asyik follow up je..  

ok, wont talk that much, alang-alang dah tunggu, let me just wait.. lagipun, setakat Emir and I je yang pergi, tak ada nak involve planning orang lain, sapalah nak ikut i kan ... 


  1. Tahniah Emir and Mira. Err. Mmg dolphine ada warna pink ek? ;p I never know as well.

  2. Ala.. Papa emir masih takmo ikut ka? :)

  3. RM10k for singapore trip..emm...u must stay at luxury hotel and all meal expenses fully covered :)

  4. btol tu mira..10k dok spore..puaskan makan & hotel yg sgt bestlah..hehehe, nk itot blh? ;p


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