Saturday, September 28, 2013

Emir's 7th birthday - The Preparation - Behind the scene

A different perspective on Emir's 7th Birthday, which was first updated by me via this link

and this time, the pictures below are mostly from the official photographer Aime, he is my sister's friend. As a disclaimer, all pictures are UNEDITED :) the edited version has been printed out in the photobook.

So, the moment I decided to throw Emir's birthday party at Jungle Gym, I told Emir that he by any chance has to be part of the organizer, eventho i am able to handle this all on my own. I just want to give him a taste of being a birthday planner, ye lah, Emir kan tak de adik, so he has to experience this one step at a time.

For a start, I asked Emir to invite all of his friends based on the list that I have earlier prepared. It was not an easy job either. ikut hati nak ajak semua orang, but of cos the limitation of having a party at so call limited area, I need to somehow limit the guests and I have decided that Emir should have most of his familiar faces besides him during the party.

and so, we invited all of his classmates n tempat mengaji together with few of our closed relatives and friends. The main reason why we chose Jungle Gym Bangsar Shopping Centre as the birthday venue sebabnya..

1. Ample parking space
2. No rush to get there
3. Most of Emir's friends live nearby
4. Jungle Gym is located exactly next to the nicest public surau in Malaysia. Trust me, BSC Surau should be awarded as the best public surau in Malaysia
5. Jungle Gym offers unlimited playtime.

Above picture: The day when Emir distributed the card, was the day when the school had parents teachers meeting. 

While I was terribly busy completing my amateur birthday cake for Emir, Papa on the other hand was responsible to sort out all the goodies bag.  Yes, being us, everything was done at the very last minute, pagi tu baru nak tengok cukup ke tak :p

Atas adalah meja budak-budak. I decided budak-budak semua duduk satu meja, let them enjoyed the day among themselves. kang kalau mak pak duduk sebelah, dah ada gap pulak kan.

Another plus point about Jungle Gym is that, they allowed you to bring your own food. Depending on the amount of food served, adalah sikit kene bayar, but it was very minimal. On that day, I ordered the food from a good friend of mine, Suhana Zam, she just run a catering business in Kota Damansara. Nama kedai dia Ini Keluarga Sup, Alhamdulillah semua orang suka dengan makanan yang disediakan. simple but nice.

About the cake, should I elaborate more.. :p buruk buruk pun, yang penting kek tu buat sendiri. dan yang penting juga, lepas habis Emir punya birthday party, sampai la ni i tak sentuh lagi Fondant :p Macam mana nak terror kan hehe

 and the Birthday boy. He was born on 29 June 2006 at 2.34pm via c-sect. Alhamdulillah, he is such an angel, my pride and my joy. My dad always told me "you are really proud of your son" and mak mana yang tak kan? nak nak he is my only son. dah anak bujang dah. his character now is so much different as compared to his kindie time.

Honestly, the cake didnt turn out as he expected, but anyway, he just forgot about it the moment when he was surrounded by his friends. Amani sebelah tu comei betuii! Macam ada rupe Emir pulak kalau sekali tengok :p

At 7 years old, he develops his interest more towards the gadget especially playing games via iPad. As a parent, I do put some restriction on game time, but maybe not as strict as other parents. So long i can see him doing his work, in between reading the books, playtime with his friends, and topmost - solat and boleh mengaji alQuran (Alhamdulillah, he is now in juzuk 13), I want to raise him as a child who could remember and enjoy his childhood.

para tetamu yang hadir.. belah kiri, meja budak, belah kanan meja mak bapak budak.. :)

and my lovely father, belakang tu kakak ipar I, Kak Rose, owner of Tadika Krista in Bandar Bukit Puchong 2.

yours truly yang make sure anak dia mesti kene hensem sepanjang hari tu hahaha.. biar berpeluh tapi mesti kene maintain ensem :p

Emir's father.. current look of Mr. Emran. 

adalah sikit2 buat games, tapi tau lah kan, ade budak nak join, ada budak lagi relaaa main kat dalam tu.. so, ini je lah yang berminat nak main game :)

introducing, this is Aleesya Farhana, my best friend's daughter (Hana).. ini pun gambar melting like M&M picture.. comel!! btw, kecik-kecik cili api pun, she won the game :D

Emir with my sisters, Ainun (cik yah), Mimi and Jiji.

and to me, this is the cutest picture of the day! Emir and Zubair.. geram geram.. 

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