Thursday, December 29, 2011

When somebody so familiar is on paper.. :)

Seronok tak bila tengok kawan-kawan yang you rapat menang contest?

Seronok tak bile kite menang something that related with parenthood?

Lagi seronok bile derang masuk paper.. :)

My dear friend, Ezna won the first prize of Dutch Lady contest - kene bercerite your experienced during your child's first day at school.. Ni dalam The Star, bile belek The Star, Ezna ni macam conquer all the stories je hahaah.. siap name headline pun start dengan name Ezna..

Tahniah Ezna and little Dania. I am happy for you!! They will both appear in TV9 (kalau tak silap) real soon :)

Rasa macam dalam iklan Dugro tu pulak, bile i tengok iklan Dugro *yang full version, memang rasa sedih / terharu bile tengok anak kite dah kene masuk sekolah.. Time flies..


  1. I masuk contest tp x pernah menang.. cemana tu?

  2. Is that me?....ha ha lagi mau tanya. I think they alls tersilap tau...ada 3 pemenang semuanya tapi maybe lebey pulak kat me....untung...hehehe....

    Oh Mira dearie...ada entry pasal i pulak....ewwwww **blushing**. THANKS BEB!!!

  3. wahhh hebat kawan kita tu mira lepa sni kena panggil ezna celeb heheheh


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