Thursday, December 01, 2011

Jake and The Neverland Pirates Party

Whenever I received any email from Sophia, obviously my eyes would be wide open as the invitations usually involve kids and the best part, always related to Disney's characters.

Anyway, I managed to secure my invitations for this party, as it is only limited for 15 families. Secara tak sengaja and kebetulan i check email. Emir pun tak sabar nak pergi Jake's party ni..

and you know, plus point for us, it will be held very near to our house - Publika, Solaris hehe.. so lagii best..

p/s hectic Saturday, thereafter I have to rush for prize giving ceremony at Mydin USJ. Takpe, bende-bende macam ni, hari hari pun tak penat hehe


  1. hehe.. benda2 mcm ne tak penat tapi teruja!!!

  2. Mydin USJ 3hb? wan pn dpt jemputan tp cnts syahirah. confirm xdpt join :(

  3. wahh..bestnye..
    katun feveret aleesya ni =p

    emir dress up cam pirates la ye?..mesti ensem..

  4. beb, join arrr Phines and ferb party heheh kat pj jer...tapi ken abuat slogan...dan me saturday my kids ada parti ben 10 :)


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