Monday, December 19, 2011

Emir and his game

Being as the only child, I understand that sometimes (ok most of the time, he is lonely).. ye lah tak de orang nak main dengan dia kan.. but this only happened usually during the weekend when we just lazying at home. So, most of the time, when he asked me to play  with him, I would usually say YES.. kesian tau.. but he knows, kalau main dengan mak dia, main simple2 je.. tak denyer mak dia nak main tembak sane tembak sini..

So this was one of the game that he created.. He prepared a set of questions and I had to answer those questions...

One thing about Emir, he loves to write.. and his teacher also agreed. Emir seorang budak yang dengar, lihat, tulis, dengar, lihat, tulis.. For example, currently he is craving for seafood especially sotong (macam mak dia)..  kalau dia boring-boring tak tau ape nak buat.. macam ni lah hasilnya..

In case you dont understand 
pron = prawn -- 
sheshell = seashell
underwate = underwater

squid tu betul pulak tu hehe

Banyak lagi hasil keje Emir. Selalu balik sekolah adee je bende yang dia tulis.. lagu-lagu yang dia hafal dari cartoon kat Disney Junior tu and macam-macam lagi..

Ok, bawah ni session tengok I jawab betul ke salah..jadi teacher lah konon-kononnya.. :)

Inilah cerite Emir, anakku sorang.. dia lah intan dialah permata.. :)


  1. anak kecil memang patut di rangsang dengan bermacam perkara.semuga emir menjadi anak yang membanggakan kedua ibubapanya

  2. bagusla emir nak dia buat balik apa yg belajar kat skul.. ada setengah budak kat sekolah je nak buat.. good boy emir

  3. emir dah besar..!
    lain sgt2 muke die dah.. ;)

  4. Pandailah dia. Berapa umur ni? Nanti ada adik, confirm
    boleh jadi cikgu yg bagus ni.

  5. hehe..good la emir.
    uji ibu dgn math ye..

    ibu dapat brape star tu =p

  6. bagusnya dak emir ni.. good boy sangat..


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