Saturday, December 03, 2011

Emir and his toys

obviously it is not the famous Lego, just an imitation of Lego but quite a good quality. Eventually, hubby bought all these legos to boost his interest in reading. So, what we did last time was, he could open one set of this lego if he able to finish one set of flash card. and yes, it really attracted his interest and guess what, with this kind of approach (altho it kinda  hurt hubby's pocket), anakku tidak buta huruf lagi.. :D

usually, i mean most of the time, we would help him to assemble the lego, and memang bukan senang pun, even i did few of the sets, and it took me at least an hour. kalau yang besar, lagi lame.. and the parts were tricky and needs a good eye.. kadang-kadang, i sendiri malas nak habiskan.. 

but one fine day, angin kus kus dia datang, plus angin kus kus mak pak nye yang malas nak tolong dia, Emir took his own initiative to assemble this lego.. and he chose quite difficult lego .

this is the manual.. nampak tak the level of difficulties for 5 years old kid?

Finally after good two days, mission accomplished!! He did this 100% own his own, no help at all!! ok fine, ade, BUT only nak cantumkan part yang susah nak tekan, nak lekatkan lego tu.. which was only 5% from the overall task.. sebab tu i want to record here in this cyber space.. 

 Emir sayang, I am so proud of you!!


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