Friday, January 20, 2012

My husband's 32nd birthday celebration

18 January 2012 was my husband's birthday but i memang tak sempat nak upload ape dalam blog ni untuk rekod.. but doesnt mean we cant backdate kan hehe.. no lah, this week i am super duper busy.. busy like a bee.. but Alhamdulillah, the stress was not like I was with the D*el*oi*tte.!! so im fine

So walau macam mane busy pun, I memang bulat hati tekad ape semua, tinggalkan segala keje, balik pukul 5.30 sharp on 18 Jan and zoom to ......... (next entry, I cerite kat mane , ke ade orang dah boleh teka based on the picture..

nak beli hadiah, tak tau la laki i nak ape.. baik belanje makan, i pun boleh enjoy sekali.. :D, Emir as usual, walaupun buffet ke ape, dia akan start with buah-buahan dulu..

I ajak adik I to join the crowd...

and untuk 18 January memang unik lah dalam family i sebab ramai betul birthday hari yang sama. my sister in law -- (my husband's sister) pun tarikh yang sama, so senang, celebrate sekali jer.. i wonder macam mane lah my MIL plan hehehe..

Emir as usual, boring-boring tengok kiterang lame sangat makan.. main lah tab.. nasib baik ade bende ni sebab budak ni cepat restless..

me with my sister..

with the birthday's boy and girl.. :D

Soalannya: ada orang rase-rase boleh teka kiterang makan kat mane ???


  1. salam Emmira..HAPPY BIRTHDAY TUK EMMIRA,semoga pjg usia & berjaya dalam kerjayanya.Aminnnn

  2. dah 32 ???????
    hhihiii jgn mara emran!
    happy bday

  3. Hotel Istana..(Nini belasah ajer)

    24hb ni besday incik doktor yg ke 34 :)
    tapi mengaku diri dia 17tahun

  4. hepi besday to ur hubby.
    moga bahagia selalu ya! =)

  5. semoga hidup dalam kemakmuran dan bahagia. amin :D

  6. epi besday to ur hubby :)
    u mkn kat hotel ker tu heheh

  7. happy birthday hubby mira.....

    erm, tunggu entry lepas ni lah, x tahu nak teka kat ner... hehe

  8. happy belated besday emran.. ala tak tau kat mane huhu will wait 4 next entry heh

  9. happy belated birthday to ur hubby.. same age with me.. hihi

  10. sebenarnya...elok tau makan dimulai dengan buah buahan. Pandai Emir!!! Tempat Halia ni nampak best. Ada x signature dish dari Halia?


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