I know i've been telling you that Im gonna change Emir's school to Islamic kindergarten school. Yes, it is my wish that Emir will soon be a good Muslim and not just learn about Islam but do practise it. Ibu mana yang tak happy tengok anak yang pandai agama kan.
Yes, I did informed his school teachers that Emir would not continue his 6 years old at the kindergarten and even, I did not pay the final two months (deposit), so it was "confirmed" that Emir memories at his kindie will end there.
There goes my hunting for an Islamic school. As I mentioned earlier, my preference of course would be English medium Islamic school. Bukan ape, Emir has difficulties to converse in Bahasa, I tak nak nanti kawan-kawan dia later susah nak berkawan dengan dia. And being Emir, as the only son, he is soft and gentle and manja. Selalu bila balik rumah, Emir akan cerita what happened at his school. and of course, some of the news buat kita rasa macam sedih.. macam ... "today, i have no friend, nobody wants to friend with me" then, when i asked why, he said "because friend a, friend b and friend c gang up with friend d and left me alone".. he is the only son, not only the only son but the only child, some of sibling sharing "skill" or easily make friends dia tak berape tau..
When we went for a holiday at Istana Hotel, that was the triggering point that I should finalised my decision. yes, I received several calls from Emir's teachers. not only from the same teachers, but few of them. At first I admit that i have been skeptical whether this is the marketing strategy that they have planned, but thinking about it again, the teachers are not in the managerial position, they are just Emir's teachers who have been teaching Emir since Emir was 1.5 years. And of course, the relationship is there.
Let me remind you, I started sending Emir to this school when he could barely talk, anti socialised and perhaps traumatized because of my maid wrongdoing - Nauzubillah. He had bruises on his feet, which at that time I was blind by my maid's good behavior, I thought it was mosquitoes bite, but not until the teachers informed me that made me to think twice. And now after 4 years, Emir is a happy young boy who can now asked me innocently "Ibu, why girl has two mountains?" hahaha.. gosh!! i mean seriously he asked me that question!!
Back to the Hotel Istana, one of his teacher called Emir during our holiday and talked to Emir. Mase tulah i rasa, why as a mother i have to stop this relationship when I dont have to. Emir was so comfortable talking to this teacher. cerita tu, cerita ni..
My husband then told me on the last day of his school, all the teachers hugged and kissed a good bye to him and even two of the teachers who already resigned from the school called me and one of them even made an effort to come over to school just to see Emir.
Yes, of course I am in dilemma. On the right hand, I want him to be like this and this, and on my left hand, I want everything to remain unchanged.
Only there I have this serious discussion with my mother and my husband.
Then we come to our conclusion, pendidikan agama Islam, on what ever method you used it must starts from home. Of course, sending your children to ISlamic Kindergarten is the easiest way to encourage the children but that does not mean as a parent we dont have any other alternatives.
Yes, I was this close to enroll Emir to CIC Bangsar.
So, I called up the teachers and asked again whether they can allocate kelas agama and Alhamdulillah, they managed to hire a ustazah. and at the same time, I am planning to send Emir to another kelas agama near to his school at Bangsar. I know at this juncture, I think Emir is too young to absorb this tight schedule, but as his mother, im doing all i think is best for him. and we as a parent, we just continue what we supposed to do at home..
and so, yeah, on the first day of school, kebanyakan teacher yang tak tau terkejut and happy to see Emir at school and Emir too is happy to be there together with his friends. Note that, actually 4 of them, the parents pun decided to change school, but tak jadi. 3 remains and and only one proceed for the decision.
and there goes another deposit to pay .. huhu.. sakit ulam jantung jugak bila tengok invoice tu yang err lebih kurang gaji i masa I first time naik Senior Executive kat EY dulu!! pengsan!!
but again, just sharing my thought, me as a mother.. :)
Suasana terawih di surau
50 minutes ago
Ibu, why girl has two mountains?"
ReplyDeletehaha.. naughty..naughty la emir.. susah mau jawab tu beb =p..
yup betul ckp ko, as a parents we will decide what we think is best for them.. its for their future jugak kn..
so emir kekallah dgn school lama jugakkan? mesti dia suka..
ReplyDeletewow suka soalan emir tu? Hahaha...funny tapi macamana nak jawab tu?...
ReplyDeleteI tahu mesti u nak yg terbaik buat Emir. I dulu masa sebesar Emir ni i masukkan ke Tadika Little Caliphs for her islamic education. Lepas tu masukkan ke Julia Gabriel Center untuk speech and drama class once a week untuk polish English Language. Lepas tu masuk E.nopi pulak untuk Maths. Kalau tengok memanglah cam kesian kecik2 banyak class. Tapi resultnya membanggakan tau!!!......
dun feel guilty k mira.semua ibu nakkan yang terbaik tuk anak2 meskipun tidaklah sama methodnya dari satu orang ke satu orang..
ReplyDeletebut its good enuf,u cari lain option,tuk anto ke kelas agama pada waktu lain.
yang penting,anak dapat blaja dari sekolah juga selain pendidikan agama dari rumah..
bukan mudah jadi ibu ni kan..
working mom and stay at home mom pun masing2 ada tanggungjawab yang berat. =)
yang penting,kita cuba yang terbaik kan...
semuga anak kamu menjadi apa yang kamu inginkan .setiap ibubapa memang hendakkan yang terbaik buat anak mereka.
ReplyDeletejika anak tidak di didik dengan pendidikan agama waktu kecil takut nanti kita akan menyesal di kemudian hari
Mira,u knw your child best n only u can make the best decision for him! Dont feel guilty or let other ppl make u feel guilty. Gibran pun isnt in an islamic kindy but we teach him at home,and he takes agama/iqra class in school. And so far alhmdulillh he can read alot of surahs n dah mula gi pray at the mosque! So i m a big believer of educating them at home..
ReplyDeleteme paham...sbb we wanna the best for our kids kan :)
ReplyDeleteteringat plak me masa mula2 zharfan schooling kat UK...dia citer dia tak de kwn sbb tak boleh communicate in english...memang sedey bab2 tu kan :(--kebetulan mcm cth yg u bagi dlm entry u tu :)
emir is a smart boy :)
salam, ibu emir. just landed here, after searching about cic bangsar. :). puan, kalau tak keberatan saya tanya, hampir tak jadi enroll cic bangsar atas sebab apa. if its personal, i understand. dalam masa terdekat saya akan buat lawatan muhibbah ke cic bangsar jadi, mungkin buat masa ini puan boleh berkongsi maklumat. terima kasih kerana meluangkan masa. hope to hear from you soon.
ReplyDeletedear maha, nothing personal, just that the former principal at cic bangsar was my son's ex school teacher. so when i wanted to enroll my son, only i realized that the principal has resigned. so, i cancelled my decision, and i enrolled him to another islamic kindie (also in bangsar) after few recommendations from my colleagues :)
ReplyDeletesalam... where is that another islamic kindy...Am looking for 1 also...also looking for an ustazah who can teach iqra' & quran at home... Any recommendation?
ReplyDeletedear shiela.. is your place near bangsar ? there are 2 islamic kindie there, one is cic bangsar and another is al hidayah bangsar