Thursday, April 03, 2014

Where am I?

Alive n kicking.. :) 


Apart March is my born month, but it did not serve me that well.

So April, please be good to me. 

At least, I want to win something good.

Please, let my Mom First Step increases in sales. Alhamdulillah the first month not that bad. At least, orang Pos Malaysia dah kenal muka i. 

Please let Mr. Husband applies for a passport. I wont ask him anymore. Lagi tanya lagi sedih.

and please show some improvement on my dad's condition. 

Tolong ya Allah.



  1. moga segala urusan mira dan keluarga dipermudahkan hendakNya...

    moga ayah mira cepat sembuh

    take care mira!

  2. Semoga semua yg baik2 utk mira, april ni. Ameen. Juga mendoakan ur father (even xtau sbb apa). Ameen

  3. amin ya rabb..inshaAllah set pantang or etc akan order dgn u mira ;D


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