Friday, October 07, 2011

Steve Jobs and his presentation skills.

A leader must have a charismatic personality, not only the way he directs the company / department / your organization, his charismatic persona can be seen on the way he talks and presenting his idea or speech. As you have known, Steve Jobs died yesterday after suffering from cancer. 

And today, he left us with his Apple for us to continue his legacy.. By the way, one thing that I adore about him is his presentation skills. It is totally different from the traditional approach - i mean with the rostrum and the presenter just standing still, but Steve Jobs made some revolution in presentation skills. 

Watch his video and you will find out why...

By the way, recently I found another person who I think actually imitate Steve Job's presentation skills and seriously the charismatic can be truly seen by just one presentation that inspire the rest of the hall. He is just appointed as a new Group CEO of G*reat E*aste*rn - Mr. Chris Wei 

and it was his first speech to us.. You can ask any GE's staffs, it was really electrifying when you witness this kind of speech (but of course, it must come with a good presenter as well)

so have you seen any??

1 comment:

  1. my colleague pun memang sgt talented and gifted with this charismatic presentation skills--she's a professor :)


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