Sunday, October 30, 2011

I'm back

and survived my two weeks training.. and definitely will miss all of 51 crazy people!! macam laa tak boleh jumpe kat KLCC kan.. but hmm it never never gonna be the same again...

akan rindu sama itu gelak dan ketawa, akan rindu sama itu bilik karaoke dengan mereka-mereka, akan rindu sama itu semua group work, akan rindu sama itu makan percuma 6 kali sehari dan sudah tentu akan rindu sama itu dobi percuma sekali dengan iron..

but the most important part, saya sudah kembali ke pangkuan suami dan anak tercinta... 

p/s insyaAllah will update this blog more often..


  1. owhh aku paham perasaan itieww... dulu time aku kursus induksi pun 2wks, full time kt sana, celah hutan lak tu.. but it was fun... =p

  2. welcome back!! and happy working kat tmpt baru!

  3. welcome back mira!!semoga bersemangat baru kt tmpt baru ;)

  4. cepatla update..nak baca citer2 baru .... hehe

  5. Hi Mira,

    welcome to the company! Hope u have a good career ahead..

    anyway, I dulu PIPE V - 2 months, ok! gila kan, such a waste, but we had a lot of fun though! sgt2 best and until now still close with all pipe frens..


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