Saturday, October 22, 2011

Random pictures...

Yeay.. finally I'm back home.. but... just for another less than 10 hours before Im heading back to Per*ma*ta... and so.. I didn't win any of UO lucky draw prizes which I have been nagging both my husband and my father to attend the event at Chow Kit. Pity them especially my father, they had to stand for two hours waiting for the announcement.. pulak tu tak menang.. ape nak buat, rezeki di tangan Tuhan..

Of cos I do have a lot of stories to share with the rest of the family .. hehe .. biase lah.. being a kakak kepoh.. kalau boleh semua nak cerita... 

but anyway, im leaving you with some of my random pictures that i have taken (itupun tige saje.. ) for your view and definitely for my own safekeeping.. 

They are my roommates for two weeks :) So one fine day, we didnt have any night class, so ape lagi... zoom lah tempat terdekat sekali dengan bangi... ---> Alamanda .. 

Yes, we do have a lot of team building activities, and "constructing" Twin Towers with some terms and conditions regulated by our facilitators was one of the activities that I like most.. It was not easy you all.!! We have to divide ourselves into two groups and each group is only required to develop one tower and both teams were not allowed to discuss except the leaders from each group. So orang kate, bile time nak joint the bridge tu kire our historic moment -lah and yes, of course lah we did it!! ape gune nyer banyak engineers dalam tu kan.. 

Well, ini semua happy moments kan.. u think semua happy??? hehehehe.. :)

ok, I have another 8 days to go!!!


  1. oh kt bangi ke,hehehe,smpt ke nk jmpe?(sebok je i nk jmpe org tgh kursus ;p)

  2. ko tau, aku punye la merengek2 ngan farid ajak die pegi UO chow kit tu.. kalu aku tau ko pegi, aku join ko.. =p


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