Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Winning entry: A Thermal Pot

Actually, most of the entries that I am going to update is an outdated entry.. err. blame the lazy hormone which has spread to most of the organs these days heheeh...

anyway, after one of the longest awaited prize arrived safely at my house.. Alkisahnyer, by right the prize should be a DVD player but the organizer called the winners and informed that due to Tsunami, they were unable to import the DVD and other appliances as well from Japan.. so they replaced our prize with this thermal pot and according to them it is much more expensive compared to the price of the DVD..

Seriously, as long as it it FOC and I do not have to involve with the troublesome, alaaa belasah je kan heheheh..

and so, this thermal pot arrived safely at Kemensah and one excited kanak-kanak riang volunteered to open the prize.. actually he was much more excited  holding the blade..heheh

tadaa... hasil menang slogan.. i still remember the contest ends at 12 midnight on that day and i submitted my entry around 11pm++ and I only created the slogan for less than 15 minutes.. hehe.. tulah orang kate rezeki tak ke mane kan..

Since I already have mine, yaaaaaaaa i received THREE thermal pot on my wedding day.. satu dah rosak, satu tengah gune satu lagi masih disimpan, now the extra.. simpan dekat kemensah hehe.. yes ladies, banyak lagi hadiah kawin i tak gune.. hehe and i already got married for 6 years dah...

actually I was one of the weekly winner during the contest month.. and one lucky fan will walk away with Toshiba Regza 42".. huwaaaaa gua nak weih!!! tapi tak pe rezeki masing-masing..

thank you TOSHIBA REGZA!!!!! Readers ade contest lagi going on at TOSHIBA REGZA, go grab it!! mane tau menang TV!!



  1. congratss bebehh..
    btw aku pon dpt thermal pot nie time kawen dulu =p..

  2. tu dpt hadiah besar.. :-)

  3. tu dpt hadiah besar.. :-)

  4. part2 menang hadiah yg suka baca ne hehe

  5. congrats babe!!! besh hadiah tu :)
    ooo ada contest ker..nanti me skodeng2 heheh

  6. sila jemput sy ke rumah anda untuk minum petang hasil dari air yang dimasakkan dalam thermal pot baru..hik hik

  7. thanks everyone!! hope u guys can win also (this message is not applicable to Suzie and Ayu) ahahaha...

    Ayu: i rase kepam laa thermal pot tu, mak i tak pakai punye


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